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Life Expectancy. Defined as… The average length of survival of a living thing Great Variations in Life Expectancy Many are caused by differences in Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Expectancy. Defined as… The average length of survival of a living thing Great Variations in Life Expectancy Many are caused by differences in Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Expectancy

2 Defined as… The average length of survival of a living thing Great Variations in Life Expectancy Many are caused by differences in Public Health, Medicine, and Nutrition

3 Who are some of the oldest? Cruz Hernandez March 1978-March 2007 – 128 years old, oldest recorded person in history Jeanne Calment- February 1875- August 1997 – 122 years old, from France In looking at this webpage, what do you see? – What countries are they from? – Are they male or female? _oldest_people _oldest_people

4 Women vs. Men With a partner, brainstorm reasons females have a higher life expectancy – Men consume more_________, alcohol, drugs, commit suicide, more ________(accidents), take more risks, war

5 #1 Cause of Death in USA Heart Disease now surpasses Cancer as #1 cause of death – New cancer drugs prolong life Rise of Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes & Heart Disease

6 Why do men get more heart attacks than women? Men store Fat in different areas – Men store fat closer to_________ Heart, stomach area Thus more Heart Attacks – Women store fat lower ______________________

7 Americans: when, how, what, & why of eating When: Traditions- we eat our main meal at dinner, vs. other countries, ______ main meal at lunch, vs. _________main meal at breakfast Food stored as fat, Americans dont exercises after dinner

8 What: Americans eat more processed and chemically altered foods Greater access to fast food establishments – Average American eats out at least __times a week How many times a week do you eat out? What is your favorite restaurant? – Sit down vs. fast food

9 How: We eat _____per sitting than anyone else in the world – Portion of food per meal is alarming – Ex. McDonalds- Biggie Size – A small U.S. drink = large drink in France

10 Why: our working hours do not compare to other countries We are more stressed = tend to eat more food per sitting Choice of food tends to be of little nutritional value

11 Factors that Contribute to LE Genetic: having a genetic predisposition to a disease or illness – Parents influence, Grandparents influence – True Story… Lifestyle: factors that can be controlled by you – ___________, alcohol consumption, drug use/abuse, eating habits,_____________, driving, stress, unprotected sex

12 Medical Care: Lack of health insurance = not getting regular checkups – Without health care/checkups= many cancers & health disease go undiagnosed. – Screening for cancers including- breast, skin, prostate cancers – Heart disease screening- EKG Environmental: exposure to air pollution, water quality, pesticides, preservatives, growth hormone, chemicals in food.

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