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Welcome to AT Math! Colleen Stefani 493-8145

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1 Welcome to AT Math! Colleen Stefani 493-8145

2 Weekly- “Keeping In Touch”-should come home on Mondays Daily- Assignment Notebooks and Take Home Folders Miss Baumgartner and I sign the students out each day. Homework only should be listed. GREEN, YELLOW or RED marked daily in assignment notebook SOCS- online website- Show links to videos

3 I follow will give all of my students the common assessments that match the 4 th grade math common core standards, but I will try to enrich and accelerate along the way.

4 How will I do that? In Unit 1 one of the standards is: 4.NBT.3 Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place. I taught this concept by using decimals in addition to whole numbers. Here is the 5 th grade standard: 5.NBT.A.4 - Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place.


6 University of Chicago Everyday Mathematics will be used for most concepts Hands-On Common Core-5 th Grade Performance Tasks Games played to help practice skills and concepts Alternate resources will be used to teach some concepts (videos, common core resources, etc)

7 Consists of 5 competitions 1st one in November 6 questions in 30 minutes Focus on problem solving strategies Most days we will start with a sample problem to discuss Students share strategies they used to solve problems (not only one way to solve a problem!)

8 Problem Solving Simulation Teams work cooperatively to solve problems Variety of strategies covered Most Fridays

9 Place Value Example: Before:Number Scramble Task Directions: Cut out the number boxes at the bottom of the page by cutting the black lines. Use the numbers to complete each task. 1. Make the largest whole number possible using 9 different tiles. Write your answer as directed below. Standard Form __________________________ Expanded Form_______________________________________ 2. Make the smallest whole number possible using 9 different tiles. Write your answer as directed below. Standard Form __________________________ Expanded Form__________________________ 5. Look carefully at your answers to Questions 1 and 2. Find one digit that is in BOTH of your answers. Write it here. How does the value of this digit change from the way you used it in Question 1 to the way you used it in Question 2? On the back of this sheet, use complete sentences to explain how and why the value of the digit did or did not change between the two answers. Label the place values: ---,---,---,--- In the number 397,467,542 What number is in the hundreds place? What is the value of the 6?

10 Push for standardized tests (in math too) Students will score points for the correct answer as well as for their ability to explain how they came to the answer. This is something that is sometimes difficult for AT students- they simply know they are correct.

11 Encourage basic fact mastery 30 problems in 1½ minutes (2 seconds to retrieve the fact and 1 second to record it) Students take tests during station rotations Students move through tests at their own pace Mastery will help with longer computations!

12 Mrs. Hurt will push in to team teach every Tuesday to: Help with ongoing projects Team Teach She will also pull out qualifying students each Wednesday from 9:00-9:45

13 Math Stations Journaling iPad/Apps Hands-on Equations Basic Facts ixl other technology My favorite thing about stations…they are differentiated!

14 Homework every night except Friday 50 % of grade comes from homework assignments 50 % of grade comes from tests Mad Minutes and Continental Math results are considered for report card but not averaged into grade

15 Math Websites for Students Here are some math websites for students that you may want to use when reviewing different concepts throughout the year: -the login for this site is the same as their network login at school -this site could help prepare for timed tests -where you can find sample Continental Math problems -home page for Everyday Math If you find other good sites, let me know and I will add them to the list!

16 I appreciate the opportunity to share information about the 4 th grade AT math program, and I’m looking forward to a wonderful year with your children!.

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