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I’m glad you are here!. Family Sports Tea chi ng Education Outdoors.

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Presentation on theme: "I’m glad you are here!. Family Sports Tea chi ng Education Outdoors."— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m glad you are here!

2 Family Sports Tea chi ng Education Outdoors

3  Knox Elementary School 151 River Bend Way Canton, GA 30114  770-345-4307  Email addresses: ◦ ◦

4  Go to  Click on schools.  Click on Knox.

5 1. Follow Directions Quickly 2. Raise Hand to Talk 3. Raise Hand to Leave Seat 4. Make Smart Choices 5. Respect Yourself, Others, and Your Environment

6 Discipline Procedures Daily Conduct S =Great Day S – = Name on teacher’s clipboard (warning) N= Name & check mark (silent lunch) U= Name circled (phone call home) *Please note that parent conferences and office referrals will be made when necessary.

7 Account Books  Record credits and debits Credits  Earn credit for super behavior and going “above and beyond”, according to teacher’s discretion Debits  Debits for not turning in homework, not following class rules, according to teacher’s discretion Class Store (Mrs. Staud)  End of each month  Students purchase items ◦ (Parent volunteers/donated items-no candy or food)  Students learn to make choices – spend/save

8  Parents need to read and sign their student’s agenda each night.  Please have your child to school on time.  Return Friday folders each Monday.  Please review graded work with your child which goes home on Tuesdays.  Please make sure your child is completing his/her homework each night.

9  Third grade students should bring home their agendas every day. Please review and sign your child’s agenda daily.  All transportation and excuse notes must be written on a separate sheet of paper, not in the agenda. We send these notes to the office each day.

10  As long as students are healthy, they need to be at school.  There is now a 5 day window to get excuses to the office.  After 5 or more unexcused absences, the school counselor will send home an attendance letter.  When you can, provide a doctor’s excuse.  If your child has 4 or more unexcused tardies per quarter, they will need to serve detention.

11  Students will be graded on their report cards in the following subject areas: reading, writing/language arts/spelling, math, social studies, and science.  Online Parent Portal ◦ Updated weekly  Our grading scale is as follows: ◦ A—90-100 ◦ B—80-89 ◦ C—71-79 ◦ D—70 ◦ F—69 and below

12  Daily Language Warm-Up  Cursive Letters  Graphic Organizers  DLI ( Daily Language Instruction )  Integration  Writing Process  6 - Traits  A variety of writing pieces throughout the year which include : ◦ Narrative, informational, and persuasive Homework  Language Arts practice sheet  Review Language Arts notes Assessments  Classwork  Tests  Quizzes  Activities  Writing papers

13  Each student will receive a spelling chart at the beginning of each unit. The chart will have their spelling words for the next five weeks.  Please keep the spelling chart in their spelling pouch.  There is no spelling homework unless a student fails a test. Then homework is given for the following week and will be turned in on the Friday of the test.  Tests are on Friday.

14  Small Groups  Differentiation  Integration  Graphic Organizers  Math Interactive Notebooks Topics  Rounding  Addition  Subtraction  Multiplication  Division  Geometry  Measurement  Fractions  Data analysis  Patterns Homework  Daily homework pages (see agenda) – due the following day  Study math facts  Study guides Assessments  Class Work  Projects  Quizzes ◦ Unannounced throughout each unit  Test ◦ Announced tests at end of each unit

15 Resources  IXL  Learnzillion n_plans/6876-solve- subtraction-problems-using- regrouping#fndtn-lesson  Mrs. Beavers’ Website http://mysite.cherokee.k12.g man/site/default.aspx

16  Magnets  Heat Energy  Rocks and Soils  Fossils  Habitats of Georgia  Interdependence of Man- Pollution/Conservation Homework Study guides Projects Assessments Class work Tests Quizzes Projects

17 7:20 – 8:05Morning Work/Announcements 8:05 – 9:15Math Group 1 9:15 – 9:50Science Group 1 9:50 – 10:40Specials M – PE, T – PE, W – Music, Th – Art, F - PE 10:40 – 11:12Language Arts 11:12 – 11:42Lunch 11:45 – 12:30Math Group 2 12:30 – 1:15Science Group 2 1:15 – 1:30Math Group 2 1:30 – 1:45Language Arts 1:45 – 2:00Recess 2:00 – 2:10Pack Up/Dismissal

18  ITBS – late Fall  Georgia Milestones - Spring

19  Ice Cream – Menchie’s will come to Knox.  Individual birthday snacks are welcome at lunch. (Please give advanced notice.)  Birthday invitations must be brought for the entire class or not at all.  Reminder: Students are no longer allowed to have a friend join the visitor table.  Please be mindful of allergies in the classroom.


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