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Steering Committee Meeting Sunflower Project Statewide Financial Management System Update March 12, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Steering Committee Meeting Sunflower Project Statewide Financial Management System Update March 12, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steering Committee Meeting Sunflower Project Statewide Financial Management System Update March 12, 2010

2 2 Today’s Topics Project status and activities – Kent Transition Organization – Kent Change control – Peggy Cutover Planning – Peggy Measuring Progress – Gary Data Warehouse and Agency Reporting Needs – Gary End User Testing and Operational Readiness Testing – Gary Agency Interactions, Agency Readiness and Up Coming Events – Connie UPK Demo – Connie

3 3 Project Timeline March April May June July End Interface Testing Testing Phase Complete System Testing End User Testing Cutover Phase Continuity of Operations Exercise Load SMART and SHARP with Production Values Go-live for SHARP II Agency Report Development End User Training Close STARS Operational Readiness Testing Load Budgets Data Conversion Go-live for SMART

4 4 Status of Testing System Testing continuing on schedule – approximately 75% complete All testing infrastructure (testing lab, scripts, defect tracking tool, processes) in place and functioning Cycle 1 – Simple end-to-end processing – completed on schedule Cycle 2 – Complex end-to-end processing – completed on schedule Cycle 3 – Simple end-to-end processing with converted data – completed on schedule Cycles 4 and 5 – Simple and Complex end-to-end processing with converted data – completed on schedule Cycle 6 – Security in progress – will complete 03/15 Cycle 7 – Reporting in progress

5 5 Status of Cycle 6 (Security) and Cycle 7 (Integration)

6 6 Status of Defects and Fixes As of 3/5

7 7 Feedback on Testing Comments from Accenture - Process & Solution Quality (PSQ) Review of System Test: This was one of the most structured and organized system test teams that I’ve ever observed. Overall, the system testers observed conducted their tests in a consistent and efficient manner. Desk Aids were very helpful to the testers in conducting their job. I did not see anyone with any other short cuts in that the aids were sufficient and actively being used. Everyone demonstrated a strong sense of the process, tools, and output documentation. Good communication of assignments and priorities on daily basis (morning-mail). Good organization of team work - both electronically in the test work plan tracking spreadsheet as well as in the folders in front of the team leads. Good support structure – always have a team lead or back up person at the front of the test center. Good e-mail communication of Phire defect status changes. Good work synergy with having all of the testers in the test center - this enabled them to collaborate with each other and their leads immediately when troubleshooting problems. This also seemed to remove the functional silos that can sometimes be present with system test activities. There did not seem to be any major interruptions or impacts to system test execution work due to code migrations.

8 8 System testing Planning and preparing for agency end user testing including modification of scripts Few functional designs for mods Few functional designs reports Dry run activities Supporting training – as needed Completing CAFR reports (KDOT, Lottery, KPERS, A&R) Data warehouse testing Help desk training Asset cleanup and data validation Reviewing updates to policies and procedures Collecting and loading revised config values from agencies Project Status & Activities – Finance Team

9 9 Compiled results of agency role mapping – used to define individuals’ security and training requirements Train-the-Trainer “teach backs” being held this week and web-based training for basic navigation, terminology has opened Continue developing help desk support processes and hiring help desk support staff Monthly Change Agent Network meetings (CAN #10 on 3/17/10, 9am @ Library) Publishing March monthly newsletter Meet with agencies on an as-requested basis Preparing for agency readiness assessments Project Status & Activities – Enterprise Readiness Team

10 10 Fixing defects and completing final mods All interfaces complete Completing remaining reports (13 remaining) Building and maintaining environments – build Production environment Loading Supply Chain Mgmt (Purchasing) data into data warehouse Continue planning for disaster recovery/continuity of operations exercise in April Transitioning additional DISC staff into project activities for knowledge transfer Project Status & Activities – Tech Team

11 11 A&R/DISC SHARP modifications complete full integration between SHARP and SMART being tested in Cycle 7 System Testing this month SHARP II Cycle 7 in progress (integration with SMART) Completed basic testing of Time and Labor (on-line time reporting and employee self-service in SHARP) Division of Budget working with IBARS vendor to complete modifications for IBARS and interfaces; will practice loading 2011 appropriation budgets into SMART from IBARS as part of Dry Run Project Status & Activities – Central Systems

12 12 Final monthly forums with agencies for interfaces and conversions Last month for agencies to submit project plans except for agencies granted extension beyond 03/15 deadline for interface testing Continue executing agency reporting strategy Enrolling agencies in the Shared Service Center Beginning knowledge transfer for A&R and DISC Beginning preliminary work on migration processes (with DISC) roles and responsibilities during transition Finalizing transition organization Project Status & Activities – Miscellaneous

13 13 SMART Post Go-live Support Structure

14 14 Five mods approved since last meeting Three of the larger mods: –CR-144 – Modify Interfund Customer and Vendor Search Prompts Modify the customer and vendor search prompts on the voucher and deposit pages to only display values equal to AR and AP business units respectively for interfund transactions $17K –CR-153 – Interfund Mass Approval Allows for the mass approval of uploaded/interfaced Interfund transactions for DISC and DoA $25K –CR-140 – Modify on-line expense reports Adds several fields (e.g. origin, destination, job title, official duty station) to on- line pages for Travel and Expense (i.e. travel authorization, cash advances and expense reports); needed for printouts for agency senior managers who will not log into SMART $29K Change Control Highlights

15 15 Two additional scope elements are being finalized: –Penetration Test Ensure SMART and SHARP are secure from unauthorized access by State employees, the public and hackers $ TBD (bids received 03/11) –Fax Server Enables automated faxing (POs, bid events, etc.) for Division of Purchases and agencies; two software products reviewed; selection based on cost, features, integration with PS and implementation effort/risk Implementation includes the software, hardware, vendor services and Accenture services $47K (only Accenture’s implementation costs (approx $8K) to be funded by the Project) Change Control Highlights

16 16 Change orders approved since last Steering Committee meeting Change Control

17 17 Change Control – Remaining Balance Balance of hours for customizations (including all customizations discussed today) Total Accenture hrs used = 18,484 (18,229 January) Total available contract hrs = 19,130 Remaining = 655 hours

18 18 Cutover Prep Activities – Planning and Practicing ActivityDescriptionStart/Finish Date Dry Run (in progress) Full sequence of cutover activities spanning 7 weeks compressed into 4 weeks (minimal agency involvement) 3/8 – 4/07 Dress Rehearsal Full sequence of cutover activities executed in the same time windows, i.e. 24x7 and weekends, in which cutover will actually take place (full agency involvement except on-line data entry) 4/08 – 5/07 Disaster Recovery Exercise to ensure backups of SMART and SHARP data and applications can be restored within designated time 4/05 – 4/07 Operational Readiness Test (ORT) Simulate operations in the production environment and day-to-day processing, including: help desk, batch scheduling, and interfaces 5/10 – 5/28

19 19 High-level Cutover Timeline May June JulyAugust Agency Data Conversion & Validation STARS Shutdown 06/29 Last day for Agencies to send interface transactions in STARS; 07/06 last day for direct entry (2010 transactions) into STARS SMART Go-live SHARP Cutover 06/23 Go-live for Time and Labor and SHARP II open to all users 07/01 Agencies enter 2011 Transactions in SMART Preparation & Administrative Activities Load Appropriation & Op Budgets into SMART SOKI Shutdown 07/06 Last day for Agencies to Enter Deposits in SOKI Load Purchase Orders/ Encumbrances into SMART

20 20 Measuring Progress All workstreams continue to trend positive Expect Reports Build and Modifications Build to be in “yellow” status until March Scope Element 02/08 Status 03/12 StatusDetailed Status/Corrective Actions Test Scripts – All Cycles Green System testing continues on-schedule. Functional Design Reports Green Nearly all functional designs for all approved reports are complete. Functional Design Modifications Green Only Req’d mods needed for go-live All functional designs for all approved mods are complete or in progress (for recently approved mods). Tech Design Modifications Green Tech Team is almost complete with technical designs for approved mods. Modifications Build Green Team is approximately 95% complete with builds for mods. Several mods not be ready at the beginning of the testing Cycle but will be ready prior to the end of the Cycle. Interface Build Green Several special interfaces for specific agencies are being completed. Minor changes to interfaces on as-needed basis. Data Conversion Green Data quality problems with some agency asset files. Reports Technical Design and Build Yellow Tech Team continues to work on reports; production reports from agency reporting needs analysis. Training Capacity N/AYellow Certain classes in certain locations filling up before all end users can register.

21 21 Test Sequence & Schedule Test StageStart Date Finish Date Jul 09 Aug 09 Sep 09 Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09 Jan 10 Feb 10 Mar 10 Apr 10 May 10 Jun 10 Unit Test7/1/0910/23/09 Assembly Test11/3/0911/30/09 Conversion Test10/30/094/16/10 System Test11/2/094/16/10 * Interface Test9/1/092/1/10 Performance Test 11/2/094/16/10 End User Test1/1/104/30/10 Disaster Recovery Test 2/1/104/16/10 Operational Readiness Test 4/1/106/11/10 Functional Team Dev. Team Interface Team Conversion Team Technical Team All Teams * Extensions granted to specific agencies beyond 3/15

22 22 End User Testing End User Testing begins April 5 th for SMART and SHARP Invitations sent out to agencies on February 26 th Invitation included a workplan showing which agencies will be testing which scripts; included estimated time to complete the script Agencies have until March 12 th to respond Kick-off event will be March 24 th So far two agencies have declined Some agencies have schedule conflicts between end user training and end user testing

23 23 Operational Readiness Testing Operational Readiness Testing (ORT) begins May 10 th for SMART and SHARP and will run for three weeks ORT will simulate operations in the production environment and day-to-day processing, including: help desk, batch scheduling, and select interfaces Changes in chartfield values between the interface testing environment and the final production environment has introduced risk that large agency interface files with hundreds of transactions per day could fail at “go-live” Mitigation plan is to include key interfaces in ORT to ensure transactions process Eight agencies have been identified to test interfaces in ORT (KDOR, SRS, KHPA, KDOT, KDHE, Aging, KUMC, KWP) Conference calls have been held with all eight agencies (why/what/how/who/when/where) Kick-off event will be held in mid-April with these eight agencies Agencies’ fiscal staff are discussing impacts from chartfield changes with IT staff After completion of Stage 6 interface testing, agencies will prepare ORT test files

24 24 Interface and Conversion Timelines Agency Conversion Data Cleansing Interface Testing Cycles Cutover Activities Extract & send final data files Mock 1 Conversion Testing Mock 1 Conversion Testing Mock 2 Conversion Testing Mock 2 Conversion Testing Mock 3 Conversion Testing Mock 3 Conversion Testing 2010

25 25 Interface Activities / Milestones Activity/MilestoneStart DateFinish Date Stage 1: SMART Outbound Configuration Interfaces – Agency receives outbound files09/01/0910/12/09 Stage 2: SMART Inbound Interfaces – Agency provides inbound files10/05/0901/15/10 Stage 3: SMART Outbound Interfaces (Return Processing) – Agency receives outbound files10/26/0901/15/10 Stage 4: Error Processing (Inbound) – Agency provides inbound files11/30/0901/15/10 Stage 5: Additional Inbound Interface Test – Agency provides inbound files11/30/0901/15/10 Stage 6: Agency-Use Interface Test using Agency conditions; spreadsheet upload testing; and regression testing (as needed) – Agency receives and provides files as needed 01/19/1003/15/10 Completion of Interface TestN/A03/15/10

26 26 Stage 6 Interface Testing Progress PSUKHPAKCISRSKWPKDORKPERS

27 27 Stage 6 Interface Testing Ends on Monday 3/15 unless the agency has been granted a time extension Only four agencies granted time extensions for specific interfaces Several agencies have not been granted time extensions and may not make the 3/15 deadline AgencyTesting ScopeStatus 385 – PSU5 interfacesGranted 2 week extension for 3 interfaces and 4 week extension for 2 interfaces; weekly status reports required 365 – KPERS2 interfacesGranted one-month time extension to continue testing weekly and monthly files for KPERS payments to retirees 629 – SRS10 interfacesGranted one month time extension (04/15) for 2 systems and 14-day time extension for 1 system 565 – KDOR6 interfacesGranted 14-day time extension for satellite warrant interfaces INF48 and INF06 (in coordination with DISC) Agencies that do not have time extensions interfaces that may not make 03/15 deadline 565 – KDOR6 interfacesMaking Progress 522 – KCI4 interfacesMaking Progress

28 28 Status of Data Warehouse and Data Validation Testing SHaRP data in data warehouse is underway Testing SMART data in data warehouse begins next week Data Warehouse Advisory Group to meet 03/19 to work on developing dashboard components for SHARP data Concerns about agencies’ Power Users acquiring sufficient knowledge of the data prior to “go-live”

29 29 Reporting Strategy & Approach Steps – Task ID 265 The Reporting Strategy and Approach is continuing Step 1 – Agencies identified critical reports, Task ID 265 distributed Step 2 – Agencies compared agency reports to the SMART report list and prioritize potential reporting gaps Step 3 –Sunflower Project Team is reviewing critical and high-priority potential reporting gaps and meeting with agencies to determine how to resolve gaps

30 30 SMART Help Desk Updates Help Desk Process and Procedure manual developed to insure prompt, professional support Configuration of the Help Desk software is complete and the Knowledge base is being populated with support articles SMART Help Desk Analysts are being trained on providing excellent Customer Service and the Processes and Procedures of the SMART Help Desk Help Desk processes and procedures will be piloted in April, May and June during End User Testing, Operational Readiness Testing and during cut over.

31 31 Help Desk Kickoff Meeting Help Desk Kickoff Meeting is April 1st –Topeka and Shawnee County Library, Marvin Auditorium 101ABC – 9 AM to Noon – Remote access will be available for participants outside of Topeka Invitations will be sent out soon to Help Desk Contacts and Liaisons designated by your agency Learn more about your agencies role in the Incident Resolution Process and how to log an incident with the SMART Help Desk

32 32 Readiness Assessment #4 Thank you for responding! 74 agencies responded to questions about readiness for SMART go-live Results help to: –Identify issues or risks across all agencies where additional attention is needed –Identify agencies requiring additional support Going forward… –Continue to respond honestly –This helps identify specific needs to address

33 33 Readiness Assessment #4 Results Question#Readiness Assessment #4 Question Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable RA2My agency understands the information and tasks provided by the Sunflower Project and how they impact my agency 9.46%81.08%8.11%0.00% RA3I meet regularly with others in my agency to discuss or coordinate Sunflower Project Activities 16.22%75.68%1.35%0.00%5.41% RA4After attending Sunflower Project events I communicate the information to staff at all levels in my agency 8.11%75.68%8.11%0.00%6.76% RA5I know how to identify and escalate my agency’s concerns and issues to the Sunflower Project when needed 17.57%77.03%4.05%0.00% RA6My agency understands the training courses individuals in my agency will need to attend 9.46%77.03%9.46%1.35% RA7My agency understands which key functions my agency will be performing in SMART July 1, 2010 8.11%82.43%8.11%0.00%

34 34 Readiness Assessment #4 Results Question#Readiness Assessment #4 Question Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable RA8My agency understand the policy changes being implemented with SMART as communicated by the Sunflower Project and Department of Administration 4.05%71.62%21.62%0.00%1.35% RA9My agency is able to prioritize and plan for upcoming SMART tasks and training 8.11%82.43%5.41%2.70%0.00% RA10My agency's HR and Finance staff are working together to complete Task ID 273 Department ID validation which is due March 5, 2010 20.27%78.38%0.00%

35 35 Getting Ready for Go-Live This month, the Agency Readiness Team is kicking off the Go-Live Readiness Process The goals of the Go-Live Readiness Process are for agencies to: –Understand planned changes and prepare for them –Identify and resolve critical issues that may prevent transactions in SMART –Plan ahead to prevent operational issues that may decrease efficiency The Go-Live Readiness Process will help you consider all the areas in which your agency might be impacted, including but not limited to: –Technology –Business processes –Reporting capability –Communication & training

36 36 Go-Live Readiness Checklist The Go-Live Readiness Checklist is a key tool in the Go- Live Readiness Process. It will: –Assist you in preparing for SMART go-live on July 1, 2010 –Help focus your readiness efforts in the most critical areas –Provide the project with agency preparedness status The project will use your checklist updates to measure readiness leading up to go-live –This will help identify issues and risks and implement mitigation steps prior to go-live The checklist supplements existing tracking tools and should be used in conjunction with your agency’s Task List and Readiness Assessment

37 37 End-User Training ILT Situation The number of end-users identified by agencies during role-mapping is more than double the estimated numbers from last fall. We are adjusting the numbers and locations of our Instructor Led Training (ILT) sessions, where possible Nearly all training classes in all cities are full Currently 2,018 end-users have been identified as needing ILT. The total number of end-users identified for all roles was estimated at 1,500 and we are currently at 3,500+

38 38 End-User Training ILT Remedies Please prioritize enrollment so that end-users who are the primary person performing a task attend training before go-live Please cancel registrations for those users above your original estimates and who are not the primary person performing a task and enroll them in our new Post Go-Live sessions (see next item). New “Post Go-Live” sessions have been added: we have added a July 1 session for each ILT course to be used as a waitlist to determine the counts for post-go-live training. Please waitlist end-users who do not need training before July in these sessions. Once we determine the number of end-users by ILT that need to be trained we will be scheduling additional courses for post go-live beginning in July.

39 39 Upcoming Agency Events March 2010 3/1- SMART pre-requisite, web-based training courses deploy 3/9 – Monthly Interface Technical Meeting 3/17– Change Agent Network Meeting #10 3/24 –Monthly Conversion Technical Meeting April 2010 4/1 – Help Desk Contacts Kick-Off Meeting 4/14 – Change Agent Network Meeting #11 4/21 – Monthly Conversion Technical Meeting

40 40 Questions and Answers? For additional information on the project, please see the project website:

41 41 Authority for Change Requests Change Request AuthorityCost ImpactScope ImpactImpact on PS Code Base Schedule ImpactAgency ImpactLaw, Reg, Policy Impact Level 1 Executive SponsorsTBD Any change affecting the “Go-live” date TBDAny changes affecting laws, regulations or other non-A&R policies Level 2 Steering CommitteeChanges over $50K “Significant” impact on project scope (+/-) TBDRecommends changes to Executive Sponsors Level 3 FMS Mgmt Team (CCB)Changes under $50K “Moderate” impact on project scope (+/-) All mods approved by FMS Mgmt Team Any change affecting KITO milestones or other key (internal management) milestones Any decisions/ changes “adversely” affecting agencies Any changes affecting A&R policies and procedures Level 4 Managers All changes affecting cost (+/-) approved by FMS Mgmt Team “Minor” impact on project scope (+/-) “Minor” impact on project activities that do not adversely impact a milestone Configuration decisions benefiting agencies that do not impact cost or do not impact a milestone

42 42 Status of Defects and Fixes - Backup Open Defects by Type/Severity: TeamCriticalHighMediumLowTotals Development41421241 Security161053115 Functional Clarification109111 Performance13105 Configuration11406 Tech Arch20608 Enhancement11103 Total Open Defects11251476189 IssueType Func AreaStatusTitle IS001988FUNCARHOLD GL Journals generated before deposits were Budget Checked 3-1394930301 IS002458ENHCPOHOLDModification of Vendor Component Interface IS000367SECRTLHOLD Maintain Time Reporter Data page has access to all Employees in all Agencies under AGY UserIDs 1.IS001988 has an Oracle case which was filed by T. Hines in early February. 2.IS002458 was updated yesterday at 7:33a by C. Jones: “Tom says there will be a CR for the TIN issue. Annette requested this ticket be kept on hold. 3.IS000367 (SHARP) “Is it possible to add departmental security to this page? This could be a CR so put on hold.” Medium security defects being fixed at a rate of about 5 - 7 per day Critical Defects

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