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WHAT’S WITH THE WILL?!?!?!?! Do you think you need a last will and testament? Hmmm…..let’s find out!!

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT’S WITH THE WILL?!?!?!?! Do you think you need a last will and testament? Hmmm…..let’s find out!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT’S WITH THE WILL?!?!?!?! Do you think you need a last will and testament? Hmmm…..let’s find out!!

2 WHAT’S WITH THE WILL?  By age 18, Dave says you should create you will. You never know when you may die so you want to be prepared!!  Do you want someone else determining where you items go when you die?

3 ESTATE PLAN  When you turn 18 you have two options:  Do nothing. About 70% of Americans have no plan at all. Dying intestate (without a will) is NOT recommended! The fact is: If you are 18 or older, you already have an estate plan. It was written on your behalf by the legislatures of the state in which you live. If you die intestate, these laws govern who will inherit your assets.  Create a simple will. This is a written plan of how your property is to be distributed when you die. We will be creating a simple will in this assignment.

4 LET’S LOOK AT SOME VOCAB FIRST!!  Durable power of attorney—written documents whereby you authorize someone to act on your behalf (particularly in the case of disability)  Living trust—a trust is an arrangement in which one or more people manage or take care of property for someone else’s benefit. A living trust is a trust that is created while you still alive. You transfer title to your property from your name to that of the trustee of the living trust. You can be the trustee.  Fun fact of the day: Did you know that in the state of NE your living trust can legally purchase and own silencers for guns? Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?  Medical directives—a medical directive allows you to express which treatments you want if you are dying or permanently unconscious. You can accept or refuse medial care. You might also include instructions on:  The use of dialysis and breathing machines  If you want to be resuscitated if your breathing or heartbeat stops  Tube feeding  Organ or tissue donation

5 OH MY, HEAVY SUBJECT, BUT….  Do you want to be kept alive on a breathing machine, tube feeding or dialysis?  Would you want to be resuscitated? What about when you are 80 or 90 years old?  Are you an organ donor? If so, did you fill out the form when getting your drivers license or permit?

6 MORE VOCAB!!  Please work with a partner and use the book and internet to find the definitions to the following words. We need a solid understanding of some terms so we can discuss and create wills with as much knowledge as possible. When you finish looking up the definitions, take turns discussing the definitions in your words. Each group is responsible to add additional information to each word.  Please complete the handout and add each group’s input as you discuss

7 ABOUT WILLS AND FINAL THOUGHTS!  Please read and discuss the information handout as a class. Each person choose a section to read aloud! Summarize when you finish!!  Complete the handout: My Simple Will

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