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Time to ORGANIZE! Get a pen or a pencil, and be ready to take some notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Time to ORGANIZE! Get a pen or a pencil, and be ready to take some notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time to ORGANIZE! Get a pen or a pencil, and be ready to take some notes.

2 Rhetorical Analysis: What will I be given? A longer passage (approximately a page) that will provide all the pertinent information you need to respond effectively A specific question, “prompt” that you must address in your analysis

3 Rhetorical Analysis: How will my timing break down? How will my timing break down? 1-3 minutes reading and working the prompt 5 minutes reading and making marginal notes 10 minutes preparing to write 20 minutes writing 3 minutes proofreading

4 Rhetorical Analysis: What can I (generally) expect? A prose passage coming from various genres and time periods A prompt involving the analysis of language: rhetorical strategies and stylistic elements

5 Rhetorical Analysis: How do I respond? By connecting your analysis and the passage clearly and cohesively Not using first person With a critical analysis that displays a universal/deeper understanding of the text

6 Rhetorical Analysis: Tips! Make sure you ADDRESS THE PROMPT! Integrate your quotes- no FLOATING! Be organized, thoughtful, and address only information you are given

7 Open/Argumentative: What will I be given? A shorter excerpt or statement that requires you to engage with the topic presented An opportunity to respond to the question as you choose: agree, disagree, qualify

8 Open/Argumentative: How will my timing break down? 1-3 minutes reading and working the prompt 3 minutes deciding on a position 10-12 minutes planning the support of your position 20 minutes writing 3 minutes proofreading

9 Open/Argumentative: What can I (generally) expect? An open-ended prompt (excerpt or statement) that asks you to either agree, disagree, or qualify with an opinion To be challenged to draw on not only your experiences, but your education and beliefs

10 Open/Argumentative: How do I respond? Understand the nature of the position taken in the prompt Take a specific stand—argue, qualify, disagree—or make your own opinion if necessary Clearly and LOGICALLY (no non-sequitur) support your claim

11 Open/Argumentative: Tips! Make sure you ADDRESS THE PROMPT! –Rewrite it in your own words Remember that neither the AP Reader— nor Mrs. Becker—can read your mind, be specific with all types of evidence you use (e.g. instead of apple, say granny smith) Draw upon your evidentiary toolbox Take an opinion that you can be passionate (or at least sort of care) about

12 Synthesis: What will I be given? An introduction to and a description of an issue that has varying viewpoints associated with it. An “assignment” Sources that relate to the topic (approx. 7)

13 Synthesis: How will my timing break down? 5-6 minutes going back to the texts and picking which texts you will use. 8-10 minutes planning the support of your position 20 minutes writing the essay 3-4 minutes checking to make certain you’ve included at least the minimum # of sources (3)

14 Synthesis: What can I (generally) expect? An intro that provides pertinent information An assignment: tells you what is expected of you! Varied types of sources – Nonfiction, fiction, poetry, even drama, also visual texts (comics, art, charts, photos) No guarantee, but it will probably be an argumentative response (given the nature of the course)

15 Synthesis: How do I respond? Two primary approaches: –Expository: Create a thesis and support it with specific examples from appropriate sources Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Analysis –Argument: Take a position on a particular topic and support it with sources, also indicate weaknesses of other viewpoints

16 Synthesis: Tips! Make sure you cite your sources appropriately: (Source A), (Source C), etc. Annotate your sources during the first 15 minutes of “reading” time Pay close attention to the introduction material! Make some notes about how you’re going to present your argument

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