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Period 2 Free Talk How do you get to school? I ______to school. take the subway take the bus take a taxi.

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2 Period 2

3 Free Talk How do you get to school?


5 I ______to school. take the subway take the bus take a taxi

6 take the plane take a car take the train How do you get to Beijing? I ______to Beijing.

7 walk How do you get to school? I ______ to school. ride one’s/a bike

8 How does he get to work? = Yao Ming gets to work by bike every day. Yao Ming rides a bike to work every day. bike = bicycle

9 Liu Yifei often takes a car to work. =Liu Yifei often gets to work by car. car How does she get to work?

10 Han Geng often takes the bus to work. = Han Geng often gets to work by bus. bus Han Geng How does he get to work?

11 Liu Xiang usually takes the subway to work. = Liu Xiang usually gets to work by subway. Liu Xiang How does he get to work?

12 = Zhou Bichang usually gets to school on foot. Zhou Bichang usually walks to school. walk Zhou Bichang How does he get to work?

13 你学会了吗? ride a bike by bike 骑自行车 walks on foot 走路、步行 take the subway by subway 乘坐地铁 take the train by train 乘坐火车 take a car by car 乘坐小车 take the plane by plane 乘坐飞机 take the bus by bus 乘坐公车 take a boat by boat 乘坐船

14 Game time 32 40 41 50 60 forty-six fifty-eight sixty-one 46 58 61 考考你的记忆力 !

15 2a 84 105 99 200 72 61 84 105 99 200 72 61 Listen and repeat. Then write the correct number next to the word. sixty-one ____ ninety-nine ___ seventy-two ___ one hundred and five ___ eighty-four ___ two hundred ___ 72 99 105 200 61 84

16 2b Listen and complete the chart. How?How long? (minutes) How far? (kilometers) Tom Jane 2c Listen again. Check your answers in 2b. 2 20 1 hour 30 minutes 60 walk take the bus

17 Can you read? 35 minutes 55 minutes 30 minutes 40 minutes 39 minutes50 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 25 minutes 分钟

18 How do I usually get to school? How long does it take? + walk take the bus It takes ten minutes. It takes thirty minutes. 30+10 = 40 It takes forty minutes.

19 Leave homeGo to school 6:45 a.m.7:15 a.m. 6:45 a.m.6:50 a.m. -- How long does it take? -- It takes… 6:45 a.m.6:55 a.m. My house school 6:45 a.m. 7:00 a.m.

20 10 minutes25 minutes8 minutes How long does it take you to school? It takes me 10 minutes to get to school by bus.

21 20 minutes2 hours12 minutes How long does it take you to school? It takes me 10 minutes to get to school by bus.

22 2d Student A is Jane and Student B is Tom. Use the information in 2b to make conversations. A: How do you get to school? B: I … A: How long does it take …? B: It takes … A: How far is it from … to …? B: It’s about …

23 Pairwork Make a conversation about how you get to school. A: How do you get to school? B: Well, I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus. A: How long does it take? B: It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.

24 Read this conversation and answer the questions. 1. How does Jane get to school? 2. How does Lisa get to scholl? 3. How far is it from Lisa's home to school? 4. How long does it take Jane to get to school?

25 1. How does Jane get to school? 2. How does Lisa get to scholl? 3. How far is it from Lisa's home to school? 4. How long does it take Jane to get to school? She gets to school by bike. She gets to school by bus. About 10 kilometers. About 15 minutes by bike.

26 2e Pairwork Role-play the conversation. Lisa: Hey, Jane. Is this your new bike? Jane: Yes. I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school? Lisa: I usually take the bus. Jane: How far is it from your home to school?

27 Lisa: I’m not sure… about 10 kilometers? The bus ride takes about 20 minutes. How long does it take you to get to school? Jane: About 15 minutes by bike. It’s good exercise. Lisa: Yeah. Well, have a good day at school. Jane: You, too.


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