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Published byClare Day Modified over 9 years ago
Disabled American Veterans Department of Alabama Mid-Winter Training Seminar
“Made up exclusively of men and women disabled in our nation’s defense, the Disabled American Veterans is dedicated to one, single purpose — building better lives for all of our nation’s disabled veterans and their families. This mission is carried forward by: Providing free, professional assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other agencies of government; Providing outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally, and to disabled veterans and their families specifically; Representing the interests of disabled veterans, their families, their widowed spouses and their orphans before Congress, the White House and the Judicial Branch, as well as state and local government; Extending DAV’s mission of hope into the communities where these veterans and their families live through a network of state-level Departments and local Chapters; and Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.” DAV MISSION STATEMENT
Remember the DAV Mission Statement in all you do – it is why we all serve! Know your oath & live by it! ADJUTANT
The office of the Adjutant is intended to be one of the most responsible and important in the Chapter. The Adjutant is the business manager for the Chapter. ADJUTANT As Adjutant, you are responsible for correspondence, records, minutes, and in some cases, the history of that Chapter. In some Chapters, the Adjutant carries in from year to year and is the link between administrations.
As such the Chapter Adjutant is expected to be the authority on what has been done in the past and what is permissible to do in the future. ADJUTANT The following items are given only as suggestions as to how the Chapter Adjutant can fulfill the duties relating to the office:
1. Get together with the Commander to look over correspondence and decide what is to be read in its entirety; what should be condensed, expanded upon or explained, what needs action, and what does not apply to the Chapter and does not require reading. Outline the business to be taken care of during the meeting. ADJUTANT BEFORE A CHAPTER MEETING 2. Send out meeting notices in advance. This can be accomplished by putting the next meeting notification in a Chapter Newsletter if your Chapter has one. You may also have a committee to make phone calls to members as a reminder.
3. Look over the minutes of the last meeting to determine if any business was held over or needs further action. ADJUTANT BEFORE A CHAPTER MEETING 4. Prepare a folder for the Commander, SVC, JVC and Chaplain of all correspondence, finance report, minutes, calendar of events, and items to be covered for each Chapter Meeting.
1. Number the letters to be read so they may be referred to in your notes more easily. ADJUTANT AT THE CHAPTER MEETING - CORRESPONDENCE 2. Read each letter clearly and distinctly. If you are a poor reader, ask someone else to do it for you. There is no purpose in spending time reading letters if no one knows what you are saying. 3. If any of the correspondence requires action by the Chapter, make certain that it is held aside to be acted upon.
1. Do not attempt to take furnished (complete) minutes at the meeting. Take notes and write them up later. All meetings should be recorded to ensure what is said during the meeting can be clearly written up later. ADJUTANT AT THE CHAPTER MEETING - MINUTES 2. Do not try to take down everything that is said at the meeting. (Record it). Concentrate on the motions and actions, and just enough of the discussion to give you an idea of why the motion was made, who made it, or the action taken.
3. Demand that concise motions be made and take them down exactly. Read the motion back before it is voted upon. Many times a member will launch into a fifteen minute discussion and conclude it by saying "that is my motion". Insist that he or she put their motion in exact words. ADJUTANT AT THE CHAPTER MEETING - MINUTES
1. As the recording officer of the Chapter, you have a perfect right to protest any action being taken which is contrary to the Chapter, Department, or National Constitution and Bylaws, but do so in a respectful manner. ADJUTANT AT THE CHAPTER MEETING - PROCEDURE 2. Make sure all business has been taken care of before the meeting closes. 3. Ensure the Commander follows the Chapter's established ritual to prevent omission of any part of the ritual.
1. Write up the minutes in the proper format for your Chapter so they will be becomes part of the permanent record. Make copies for the Commander and other Chapter Staff as required by your Chapter. Take care of this within a day or so after the meeting while your memory of what transpired at the meeting is still fresh in your mind. Make copies to hand out at the next Chapter meeting if this is the procedure in your Chapter. ADJUTANT AFTER THE CHAPTER MEETING
2. Write all letters and take care of all business directed by the Chapter meeting as soon as possible. This will allow the person (s) to whom you write to answer should it be required, prior to the next meeting. Keep copies of all correspondence. ADJUTANT AFTER THE CHAPTER MEETING
1. Keep your correspondence files up-to-date, file letters by subject matter. Keep an open file on matters which should be brought up at the next meeting. Establish a reading file in your office and keep it up to date with minutes, information, etc. ADJUTANT BETWEEN MEETINGS 2. Send changes of the Chapter Officer's or their addresses or other pertinent information to the Department Adjutant, NSO Office, and National DAV as soon as they occur.
3. Be certain that you have up-to-date copies of Chapter, Department and National Constitution and Bylaws on hand. Be familiar with their contents. You should also have a copy of Robert's Rules of Order on hand. ADJUTANT BETWEEN MEETINGS 4. Keep a complete inventory of all Chapter property and where it is located. This may include furniture, electronics, or real property. (This may also be maintained by the Chapter Treasurer). 5. Advise the Commander on Appointed Officer selections and Committee appointments.
6. Check Chapter mail at least once per week to ensure that no actions that must be handled in a timely manner are missed. ADJUTANT BETWEEN MEETINGS 7. Prepare delegate lists and identification/registration forms for National Convention Delegates. 8. Provide Chapter Membership with registration forms for all Department Conventions and Mid-Winter Conference.
It shall be the duty of the Adjutant to keep the Chapter's records and conduct the Chapter's official correspondence. ADJUTANT BASIC DUTIES It shall be the duty of the Adjutant to keep detailed records of all business affairs and Chapter meetings (minutes). All motions considered by the Chapter should be recorded as well as the names of the members who make, second, or speak on the motion.
It shall be the duty of the Adjutant to inform the Chapter, The Commander, and the Treasurer of all bills against the Chapter. (This may vary depended on the situation of the Chapter). ADJUTANT BASIC DUTIES It shall be the duty of the Adjutant to serve as Recording Secretary to the Executive Committee. It shall be the duty of the Adjutant to serve as a personal advisor to the Commander on all matters concerning the Chapters activities..
The Adjutant will supervise the Office Manager & Van Driver Coordinator. ADJUTANT BASIC DUTIES It shall be the duty of the Adjutant to perform all duties attributed to his or her office in the DAV Ritual, the National Constitution and Bylaws, Department Constitution and Bylaws, mandates and directives.
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