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Total Participation Workshop: Engaging All Students All the Time AUDII 2015 Ann Tollefson and Lili Bueno.

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Presentation on theme: "Total Participation Workshop: Engaging All Students All the Time AUDII 2015 Ann Tollefson and Lili Bueno."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total Participation Workshop: Engaging All Students All the Time AUDII 2015 Ann Tollefson and Lili Bueno

2 Your Handouts 1)20+ Strategies you can use from day 1 2)Advance Organizer for your take- aways 3) A TPT Packet


4 Your Job Today Analyze everything we do. Think how you can use it in your classroom.

5 Check Out Your Packet Take a minute to see what is included in your packet. We are going to use these items during this workshop so you can see how they will work in your classroom when every child has a packet!

6 Warm-Up Take your Appointment Agenda and circulate around the room to find people you don’t already know. Make an appointment with someone you don’t already know for the 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 time slots. Sign each other’s agendas so you can find each other again! 10 minutes!

7 Goal One of this Presentation 1)You will explore and SEE techniques for cognitively engaging every child all the time in your classrooms.

8 What is cognitively engaged? Take one of your index cards and write a definition of “cognitively engaged.” Now, share your definition with the person next to you.

9 Goal TWO of this Presentation 2) We will think about how to use these techniques to check for evidence of student learning in a constant cycle of improving teaching and learning in our classrooms.

10 Ask yourself…. If I never speak a word of English, how will I know that my students understand and are learning???

11 Let’s use your A-B-C-D Cards Choose one of these, then hold up your choice when I ask you to do so:

12 How will I know my students understand and are learning? A) I will ask them if they understand. B) I will wait until they ask questions. C) I will give them a test at the end of the unit. D) I will involve them in many activities that show me what they are learning as we go through the lesson and unit.

13 Hold up the letter or number that you think is the best answer! Share with a neighbor which one you chose. Let’s debrief as a whole group.

14 What are the problems with A,B, and C? A) I will ask them if they understand. B) I will wait until they ask questions. C) I will give them a test at the end of the unit.

15 Let’s Use the Emotion Cards Hold up the Emotion Card that best describes how you feel about your preparation to manage a class full of American children.

16 Look Around You to See How Others Feel! Hold up the card that describes how you felt LAST year as you prepared to teach your first class of American children. How do you feel THIS year?

17 Goal THREE of this Presentation 3) We will discuss how to use TPTs to improve your classroom-management skills.

18 Our Three Goals Today Finding techniques to: 1)Engage ALL children ALL the time 2)Check for understanding/evidence of learning 3)Manage the classroom more effectively.

19 As we consider total participation techniques, some BIG ideas to keep in mind…

20 Big Idea 1: Cognitive Engagement “By engaged learning, we mean that all student activities involve active cognitive processes such as creating, problem- solving, reasoning, decision-making, and evaluation. In addition, students are intrinsically motivated to learn due to the meaningful nature of the learning environment and activities.” Engagement Theory- Kearsley and Shneiderman

21 Big Idea 2: The prompt is everything! “Student interaction will only be as powerful as your prompts.” (pg. 13)

22 Ask a native speaker of your language the following question in that language : (in French, for example) What do you wear to work?

23 Now, think about the answer that person gave you. Was it 3-4 words? Was it a complete sentence? Was it a string of sentences?

24 What Proficiency Level is that Person? A string of words means that person is a NOVICE speaker of your language…

25 You didn’t ask a question that let that person respond in more than a string of 3-4 words…. THE QUESTION IS EVERYTHING if you want kids to learn to speak in more than one-word utterances.

26 A better question???

27 Big Idea 3: Checking for Understanding Assessment FOR Learning Assessment is central to learning, not something you do at the end!

28 Total participation techniques provide evidence of learning.

29 Total Participation Techniques provide for constant checks for understanding. provide you with effective ongoing formative assessments. support student engagement

30 Agenda for the Remaining Time

31 What it Looks Like in Lili’s Cla ssroom--- The Quick Draw

32 Block One- 25 minutes Find your 9:00 AM Appointment

33 Now combine with another pair to make a group of 4 people.

34 Block One- 25 minutes In your group, analyze the TPTs in Chapter 4. Pick your favorites and be ready to explain why you picked them. Put your Thinking/Ready to Share card out so we will know when you are ready!

35 Write your group’s 3 favorite TPTs on a white board and hold it up for everyone to see.

36 QUICK: Share with a Person Outside Your Group Your Favorite from Chapter 4. Explain why you chose that TPT.

37 What it Looks Like in Lili’sCla ssroom--- Pictionary Plus

38 Block Two- 25 minutes Find your 10:00 AM Appointment Combine with another pair to make a group of 4 people.

39 Block Two- 25 minutes Together, analyze the TPTs in Chapters 5-6. Pick your favorites and be ready to explain why you picked them. Put your Thinking/Ready to Share card out so we will know when you are ready!

40 Exit Cards for Breaks! 1)How is the workshop going so far? Hold up the LIKE-DISLIKE side that best tell us how you are feeling. 2) Write on your blank exit card (an index card) why you chose that emotion. 3) In order to exit the room, you need to give one of us your card so you can go on break for 10 minutes!

41 10-Minute BREAK

42 What it Looks Like in Lili’s First-Grade Cla ssroom--- Photo Flash!

43 Block Three- 25 minutes Quickly find your 11:00 Am Appointment and Combine with another Pair to form a group of 4 people.

44 Block Three- 15 minutes In your new group, discuss your favorite TPTs and try to decide as a group your favorite 3-4.

45 ` Let’s Use Our TRUE-FALSE Cards! TPT stands for Total Power to the Teacher! Turn to your neighbor and explain the correct answer..

46 Notes to Self Take our last few minutes and think through all the techniques we have explored today. Fill out your Notes to Yourself.

47 Wrap-Up (15 minutes) TIC-TAC-TOE Or Three In A Row

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