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What a goal packet consist of.  A goal packet is a list of goals a council sets for themselves  It is something that states what the goals for last.

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Presentation on theme: "What a goal packet consist of.  A goal packet is a list of goals a council sets for themselves  It is something that states what the goals for last."— Presentation transcript:

1 What a goal packet consist of

2  A goal packet is a list of goals a council sets for themselves  It is something that states what the goals for last month were and if they were accomplished or not  Also it is used as a way to indicate to the state board what is going on in the schools throughout the year!

3  A goal packet has five parts to it  A Goal sheet  A retrospect  Agenda  Minutes  Schedule  Also know and “STARS”  Set goals  Take minutes  Agenda  Retrospect  Scheduling

4 EXAMPLE For the month of: Nov School: Sandy School Division: Awesome division Signature of President: X _Chris Castagnetti__ Signature of Advisor: X_Sandy Ginger_________ Goal #1: Raise school spirit Target Date: 1-11-14 Activities used to reach goal: Our High School will be having a student section bonanza, where every kid in our student section at the football game will get powder and a pom-pom where we can all cheer on our team!  A goal sheet is suppose to have 2-3 goals for a month.  What do you want to have accomplished this month as a student council?  And how will you achieve this goal?  REMBER that an event is NOT a goal NEVADA ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT COUNCILS GOAL SHEET

5 For the month of: Nov School: Sandy School Division: Awesome division Signature of President: X _Chris Castagnetti__ Signature of Advisor: X_Sandy Ginger_________ GOAL #1: To raise school spirit Evaluate its success: This goal went really well. We had about 200 kids show up in the student section and we all had powder and pom-poms and we all cheered really loud and it was a really good time for everyone!  How did you do last month? (It is OK if things did not go as planned!)  This is also where you put your charitable contributions, how much money did you raise for a charity?  Also you put your sister school contact here! What did you do/send with each other? NEVADA ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT COUNCILS Last Month’s Retrospect

6 Every month a student council must have a council meeting where they talk about what has happened over the month, i.e who is doing what. This is where the agenda and minutes come in  The agenda is simply what you plan on going over during the meeting.  This agenda must be a whole student council, not an executive, or chair meeting.

7  The minutes are a written recording of what happened in the meeting.  These minutes must be from the same month as the agenda.

8  The calendar needs to be student council related activities. It isn’t a school wide calendar.

9  A goal packet goes to the silver and blue star award  It starts in September and goes all the way till the State conference!  You may only miss one goal packet when going for the silver star, and two for the blue star!


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