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SE 2030 Software Engineering Tools and Practices SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 1 Based on slides written by Dr. Mark L. Hornick Used with permission.

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Presentation on theme: "SE 2030 Software Engineering Tools and Practices SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 1 Based on slides written by Dr. Mark L. Hornick Used with permission."— Presentation transcript:

1 SE 2030 Software Engineering Tools and Practices SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 1 Based on slides written by Dr. Mark L. Hornick Used with permission.

2 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 2 Essential Info Instructor: Dr. Rob Hasker email: hasker Office: L331 Phone: 277-7326 See my home page for office hours

3 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 3 Course Outcomes Become familiar with the practices used by Software Engineers for creating software applications Become familiar with the various tools used by Software Engineers for creating applications

4 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 4 What are Software practices?

5 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 5 Interrupt: A software process defines the steps you take develop (good) software A software process typically defines phases (or stages) and steps you take within each phase to develop (good) software What phases can you think of?

6 6 A Software Life Cycle

7 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 7 Software practices are specific things you do as part of the software development process That is, practices are activities that implement the process

8 List some software development practices that might take place in each phase below SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 8

9 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 9 What are Software tools? Describe the tools have you used to develop software in SE1011, 1021, and CS2852

10 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 10 Course Materials No Textbook! Course Wiki will supply key background material Link to Wiki is on the se2030 course webpage:

11 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 11 Course Prerequisites SE 1021 CS 2852 That is, Java programming principles up through application of JCF data structures This means you should be (by now) fairly proficient writing Java applications

12 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 12 Grading CriterionWeight Labs45% Quizzes30% Final Exam25%

13 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 13 Grading continued Lab assignment submission details will be posted on the course website. Quizzes (~1 per week) will generally be given at the beginning of the labs or on Fridays Final exam is cumulative

14 SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 14 Grading policy (see ) The grading formula applies only to those students who have successfully met the objectives of this course. There is a 10% per business day (1 weekend = 1 day) late penalty for all written work. Any work more than a week late will receive a 0 score. You must ultimately complete all work in order to pass the course. You are encouraged to discuss homework and programming assignments with your fellow students, however, each of you is responsible for doing and turning in your own work unless otherwise specified.

15 Lab 1 First half of the lab: finishing UML Review Required: Read wiki article on class relationships in UMLwiki article on class relationships in UML Complete Worksheet 1Worksheet 1 Hand worksheet in at start of lab Take a look at Creating class diagrams using EACreating class diagrams using EA See lab 1 writeup for directions on installing Enterprise Architect before lab.lab 1 writeup It will take most of the hour to install otherwise Install Windows updates as well before lab! Need to be on campus or run GlobalProtect SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 15

16 Review Basic goal: SE tools, practices Key tools: Modeling Collaboration using git Creating jar files Continuous integration with ant Practices Capturing requirements with use cases Specifying behavior with state diagrams SE 2030 Dr. Rob Hasker 16

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