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Lets take an average of your daily sleep totals Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday vs. Friday, Saturday, Sunday How do the numbers compare, differ,

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Presentation on theme: "Lets take an average of your daily sleep totals Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday vs. Friday, Saturday, Sunday How do the numbers compare, differ,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Lets take an average of your daily sleep totals Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday vs. Friday, Saturday, Sunday How do the numbers compare, differ, etc What do you think???

3 Sleep is brain food Without it- moody, irritable, perform poorly, friends/family issues, effect physical abilities on court/field, increase acne Eventually, your brain will get sleep Falling asleep at the wheel, causing > 100,000 car crashes

4 Sleep patterns differ b/t teenage and adulthood Teens need 8 ½- 9 ¼ hours of sleep Adults need 7-8 hours Lets do some math, School begins 7:45, wake up at 6:30, 8 hours prior would be 10:30 When do you fall asleep?

5 Its natural not to fall asleep till 11 p.m. Difference in sleep patters between teens and adults Old folks are boring, and go to bed earlier, right?

6 Hormone released by the pineal gland in the brain that is responsible for sleepiness Released in teens around 10:45 p.m. at night, vs. adults at 9 p.m. This is why you have a hard time falling asleep at night

7 Slightly cooler room Exercise Using your bed for sleep only (difficult in college dorm) Light from your computer can keep you up Try something for me: set a goal of sleeping ½ hour earlier each week until desired time is acquired

8 – Obesity, – Stress – Rotating shifts – Caffeine – Alcohol – Spicy food – Eating too much/too little – Medication – Too little exposure to sunlight Can you give me any reasons?

9 Sleep apnea-brief periods in the night where breathing stops; accompanied by loud snoring Insomnia- difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep. Wake up too early. Can be due to- restless leg syndrome, stress, anxiety Narcolepsy- sleep attacks lasting 30sec- 30 mins. Irresistible need to sleep at any time during the day Restless Legs Syndrome- discomfort in the legs- crawling, tingling, prickling sensation

10 Stage 1: Drowsiness Stage 2: Light Sleep Stage 3 & 4: Deep Sleep Stage 5: REM

11 Powernaps- should last between 20-30 minutes of sleep Any longer and you wake up groggy

12 Read School Start Time and Sleep Bring in 3 advantages and disadvantages for the concept of starting the school day later Resources:

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