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Dam It ! Larry Gall Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale University.

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Presentation on theme: "Dam It ! Larry Gall Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale University."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dam It ! Larry Gall Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale University

3 Dam It !

4 You crashed my EMu client again, you %}&$ ! It wasn’t me, you #@^* loser !

5 Dam It ! You crashed my EMu client again, you %}&$ ! It wasn’t me, you #@^* loser !

6 Dam It !

7 noun

8 Dam It ! noun

9 Dam It ! noun am AM

10 Dam It ! noun am AM

11 Dam It ! noun am AM S ^



14 About DAM Peabody

15 About DAM Peabody DAM Brief DAM Review

16 About DAM Peabody DAM Brief DAM Review DAM Yale & DAM EMu











27 Peabody Collections Counts & Functional Cataloguing Unit Anthropology 325,000Lot Botany 350,000Individual Entomology 950,000Lot / Individual Invertebrate Paleontology 325,000Lot Invertebrate Zoology 325,000Lot Mineralogy 35,000Individual Paleobotany 150,000Individual Scientific Instruments 4,000Individual Vertebrate Paleontology 125,000Individual Vertebrate Zoology 185,000Lot / Individual 2.7 million database-able units => ~12 million items

28 Peabody Collections Functional Units Databased Anthropology 325,000 95 % Botany 350,000 22 % Entomology 950,000 16 % Invertebrate Paleontology 325,000 80 % Invertebrate Zoology 325,000 31 % Mineralogy 35,000 85 % Paleobotany 150,000 60 % Scientific Instruments 4,000100 % Vertebrate Paleontology 125,000 60 % Vertebrate Zoology 185,000 95 % 1,331,000 of 2.7 million => 49 % overall

29 About DAM Peabody

30 About DAM Peabody DAM Brief DAM Review

31 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for audio, video and other media content. ECM: enterprise content management describes solutions which address similar features but in a wider range of industries or applications.

32 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets.

33 MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content.

34 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content.

35 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content.

36 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content. [CIA] assets

37 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content.

38 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content. Asset preservation, [CIA] assets

39 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content. Asset preservation, not deletion [CIA] assets

40 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content.

41 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content.

42 DAM: management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. MAM: sub-category of DAM, mainly for digital photographs, audio, video and other media content. ECM: enterprise content management describes solutions which address similar features but in a wider range of industries or applications.

43 Large heavyweight DAMs, small lightweight DAMs



46 DAM architectures complex & variable


48 DAM architectures complex & variable - DAM vendor/integrator relevant





53 About DAM Peabody DAM Brief DAM Review

54 About DAM Peabody DAM Brief DAM Review DAM Yale & DAM EMu

55 Motivation - why give a DAM ?

56 Yale actively pursuing a campus-wide strategy for all digital assets whose architecture includes DAM and cross-domain discovery/search mechanisms Get YPM assets into new contexts for scholarly engagement; cost share Place YPM non-biological collections in proximity to their Yale peers Items in e.g., YPM Anthropology and Instruments Departments more closely related to Art Department & Art Gallery than to YPM biological collections Integrate all of YPM’s digital assets into a common environment Digital collections assets managed in EMu, but no such “curatorial system” exists for non-collections assets (e.g., Events, Exhibits, Public Education) as these are scattered widely on CDs, hard drives, shoe boxes, et al.

57 Motivation - why give a DAM ? Yale actively pursuing a campus-wide strategy for all digital assets whose architecture includes DAM and cross-domain discovery/search mechanisms Get YPM assets into new contexts for scholarly engagement; cost share Place YPM non-biological collections in proximity to their Yale peers Items in e.g., YPM Anthropology and Instruments Departments more closely related to Art Department & Art Gallery than to YPM biological collections Integrate all of YPM’s digital assets into a common environment Digital collections assets managed in EMu, but no such “curatorial system” exists for non-collections assets (e.g., Events, Exhibits, Public Education) as these are scattered widely on CDs, hard drives, shoe boxes, et al.

58 Motivation - why give a DAM ? Yale actively pursuing a campus-wide strategy for all digital assets whose architecture includes DAM and cross-domain discovery/search mechanisms Get YPM assets into new contexts for scholarly engagement; cost share Place YPM non-biological collections in proximity to their Yale peers Items in e.g., YPM Anthropology and Instruments Departments more closely related to Art Department & Art Gallery than to YPM biological collections Integrate all of YPM’s digital assets into a common environment Digital collections assets managed in EMu, but no such “curatorial system” exists for non-collections assets (e.g., Events, Exhibits, Public Education) as these are scattered widely on CDs, hard drives, shoe boxes, et al.

59 Motivation - why give a DAM ? Yale actively pursuing a campus-wide strategy for all digital assets whose architecture includes DAM and cross-domain discovery/search mechanisms Get YPM assets into new contexts for scholarly engagement; cost share Place YPM non-biological collections in proximity to their Yale peers Items in e.g., YPM Anthropology and Instruments Departments more closely related to Art Department & Art Gallery than to YPM biological collections Integrate all of YPM’s digital assets into a common environment Digital collections assets managed in EMu, but no such “curatorial system” exists for non-collections assets (e.g., Events, Exhibits, Public Education) as these are scattered widely on CDs, hard drives, shoe boxes, et al.

60 Motivation - why give a DAM ? Yale actively pursuing a campus-wide strategy for all digital assets whose architecture includes DAM and cross-domain discovery/search mechanisms Get YPM assets into new contexts for scholarly engagement; cost share Place YPM non-biological collections in proximity to their Yale peers Items in e.g., YPM Anthropology and Instruments Departments more closely related to Art Department & Art Gallery than to YPM biological collections Integrate all of YPM’s digital assets into a common environment Digital collections assets managed in EMu, but no such “curatorial system” exists for non-collections assets (e.g., Events, Exhibits, Public Education) as these are scattered widely on CDs, hard drives, shoe boxes, et al.

61 Motivation - why give a DAM ? Yale actively pursuing a campus-wide strategy for all digital assets whose architecture includes DAM and cross-domain discovery/search mechanisms Get YPM assets into new contexts for scholarly engagement; cost share Place YPM non-biological collections in proximity to their Yale peers Items in e.g., YPM Anthropology and Instruments Departments more closely related to Art Department & Art Gallery than to YPM biological collections Integrate all of YPM’s digital assets into a common environment Digital collections assets managed in EMu, but no such “curatorial system” exists for non-collections assets (e.g., Events, Exhibits, Public Education) as these are scattered widely on CDs, hard drives, shoe boxes, et al.

62 So, which DAM did Yale select ?





67 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx YUAG YCBA Artesia application programming interface (API) was well exposed

68 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx YUAG YCBA Artesia application programming interface (API) was well exposed








76 About DAM Peabody DAM Brief DAM Review DAM Yale & DAM EMu





81 Synopsis of the path to YPM

82 Synopsis of the path to YPM DAM Politics ^




86 Only a small percentage of digital projects are using any recognized metadata standards Long-term maintenance and support is a critical but largely unrecognized need No current mechanism exists for disseminating information on existing digital projects

87 Only a small percentage of digital projects are using any recognized metadata standards Long-term maintenance and support is a critical but largely unrecognized need No current mechanism exists for disseminating information on existing digital projects

88 Only a small percentage of digital projects are using any recognized metadata standards Long-term maintenance and support is a critical but largely unrecognized need No current mechanism exists for disseminating information on existing digital projects

89 Only a small percentage of digital projects are using any recognized metadata standards Long-term maintenance and support is a critical but largely unrecognized need No current mechanism exists for disseminating information on existing digital projects

90 Only a small percentage of digital projects are using any recognized metadata standards Long-term maintenance and support is a critical but largely unrecognized need No current mechanism exists for disseminating information on existing digital projects

91 Only a small percentage of digital projects are using any recognized metadata standards Long-term maintenance and support is a critical but largely unrecognized need No current mechanism exists for disseminating information on existing digital projects

92 Only a small percentage of digital projects are using any recognized metadata standards Long-term maintenance and support is a critical but largely unrecognized need No current mechanism exists for disseminating information on existing digital projects








100 Yale Digital Commons (YDC)

101 2009-2010


103 Yale-wide partnership led by ODAI between Museums, Libraries …


105 YUAG YCBA YPMYUL All partners looking for lots of asset storage and cross-domain asset discovery

106 YUAG YCBA YPMYUL All partners looking for lots of asset storage and cross-domain asset discovery EssentialBeyond Critical Important

107 YUAG YCBA YPM Phase I partners






113 Cross Collections Discovery (CCD)


115 Cross Collections Discovery (CCD) Harvest /store XML from native schemas (e.g., DwC, CDWA) Crosswalk all schemas to a “Yale CCD Common Discovery Model” Deliver Yale collections items in one-stop-shopping environment OAI-PMH

116 Cross Collections Discovery (CCD) OAI-PMH Q1 2010 BETA Harvest /store XML from native schemas (e.g., DwC, CDWA) Crosswalk all schemas to a “Yale CCD Common Discovery Model” Deliver Yale collections items in one-stop-shopping environment


118 Artesia DAM

119 Harvest /store XML into a common Artesia-specific model That model mirrors “Yale CCD Common Discovery Model” Use Library of Congress BagIT to deliver assets to DAM

120 Artesia DAM Harvest /store XML into a common Artesia-specific model That model mirrors “Yale CCD Common Discovery Model” Use Library of Congress BagIT to deliver assets to DAM Q2 2010

121 Artesia DAM Harvest /store XML into a common Artesia-specific model That model mirrors “Yale CCD Common Discovery Model” Use Library of Congress BagIT to deliver assets to DAM Q2 2010

122 Artesia DAM Harvest /store XML into a common Artesia-specific model That model mirrors “Yale CCD Common Discovery Model” Use Library of Congress BagIT to deliver assets to DAM Q2 2010






128 ODAI adopted BagIt to move stuff around the entire YDC



131 XML


133 MD5

134 Tag


136 “hot folder” in the DAM where an ingest monitor grabs it


138 “Holey” bag





143 ^&*($

144 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

145 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

146 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

147 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

148 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

149 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

150 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

151 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

152 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

153 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($

154 Select a multimedia IRN Select operation (e.g., new, update) Decide contents of bag based on operation Build the bag using BagIt Drop bag into DAM hot folder DAM monitor ingests the bag/asset DAM monitor provides logging/messages Retrieve and parse the messages for the bag Round-trip DAM info into multimedia IRN ^&*($ Resize the EMu copy of asset to small derivative








162 YUAG YCBA YPM Since early mid summer, >250,000 assets ingested, many exceeding 100 mB

163 YUAG YCBA YPM 2008-2010 DAM timeframe was not without anxiety…







170 YUAG YCBA YPM Hey, I’ve seen her before …



173 Yale Digital Silos

174 Yale Digital Silos X



177 Dam It !

178 ^&*($

179 Dam It ! ^&*($

180 Dam It ! ^&*($ @%!+


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