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Methodological aspects using criminalistics methods in practice.

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1 Methodological aspects using criminalistics methods in practice.
plk. Doc. JUDr. Jozef METEŇKO, PhD. Head Chair of criminalistics and forensic science Departement, Akadémia PZ v Bratislave

2 1 Criminalistics – key words
Criminalistics is a science With a relatively longer history, With generally accepted and tried methods, Stabile community of scientists, Even outside criminalistics itself with recognized results. subject, object, methods, system, relation of criminalistics to other sciences, especially law and police sciences. ...

Kind of change in reality = information, indicated existence some concrete entity- object. They are changes in matter, dependent on case to examination whitch are examinated with criminalistics methods. CRIMINALISTIC TRACES (in matter) in solid + fields? and in memory

4 difference „kriminalistics / forensic“
„kriminalistics / forensic : remarkable similarity with different titles is a significant difference or even antagonism between the concept of ‘forensic’ and the concept of ‘criminalist’? Is this issue merely theoretical or has it got a practical impact? Does a possible concord or difference in content have any particular consequences?

5 Forensic research as a „way to criminalist research “?
Criminalistics content – criminalistics and „non criminalistics methods“ in  criminalistics? Forensic research as a „way to criminalist research “? Science and its content, structure, signs…, first of all subject and its object of research ,  the methods and techniques of research ,

6 2 Forensic sciences – key words
Forensic sciences are a group of sciences forensic = judicial forensic psychology, forensic medicine, forensic psychiatry with a completely different history, methods typical for so called primary sciences, narrowly specialized community of scientists, Even outside the individual sciences with recognized results = identically with criminalistics They have a different : subject, object, methods, system, relation of criminalistics to other sciences, especially law and police sciences.

7 3 Requirements for the methods of criminalistics
The system of scientific methods must meet the defined criteria. For a criminalist method at all these are: It does not contradict the legislation in force – an extracriminalist criterion Has scientific grounds, Is tried by criminalist practice, Is accepted by criminalist practice. The criminalist methods have a relatively stabile character, the processes of their application (known as techniques, technologies, methods of application) are quite varied.

8 4 The system of criminalistics methods -distribution:
Their origin - general,(observation, comparison, measurement) special – adopted, (from other sciences) specific, (original from criminalistic) The type of researched objects – examination and identification of persons, – examination and identification of things, – mixed, – other objects of non-defined kind, - ‘boundary, marginal or even forensic’

9 4 The system of criminalist methods following to objects*traces:
Mass nature of criminalist traces material (microtraces, a.o.), field, memory, Selected system of criminalistics - technique, (partly alike forensics) tactics, .. (used more alike investigative) according to other………………..

10 4 The system of criminalist methods following to objects*traces:
criminalistics technic (sources - natural science, technical science mass nature of criminalist traces, material (microtraces, a.o.), field, other as supported methods. criminalistics tactics, (sources - social science, technical science) memory traces (records)

11 4 criminalist methods technical :
Methos for examination and identification persons Criminalistics odorology (as origin) Criminalistics daktyloscopy *fingerprinting Criminalistics persons-objects portrait Criminalistics handwriting Criminalistics examination of language skills and communication. Criminalistics fonoscopy, voice&oth. analyses. Criminalistics antropology Criminalistics biology & toxicology

12 4 criminalist methods technical :
Methos for examination and identification things&other solid.mass objects Criminalistics ballistics ... firearms, explosive Criminalistics mechanoskopy * Tool Marks exam. Criminalistics microtraces and fibres Criminalistics chemistry & toxicology Criminalistics examination paper records and documents Criminalistics examination types writemachines Criminalistics photography

13 4 criminalist methods technical :
Methods for examination and identification mixed objects Criminalistics fonoscopy Criminalistics antropology Criminalistics biology & toxicology Criminalistics trasology Methods in evolution and not strict classify Criminalistics informatics –digital traces (fieldstraces) / cybernetic / informations and registrations systems Except.....(metallography, diagnostika, electrical engineering examination, ...

14 4 criminalist methods tactics:
memory traces (records) examinated methods Interrogating (Befragung) Verification of Interrogating on the place (Überprüfung desAussage auf dem Platz) Rekognition (Recognition) Patly: Criminalistic experiment (Experiment). Reconstruction (Rekonstruktion) confrontation(Konfrontation)

15 4 criminalist methods tactics:
other as supported methods. visual inspection (Beschauung) searching (Überholung) criminalistic versions Out of crim methods - planning, organize and management crime scene and crime examination, crim. expertise, informations and registrations systems In police science inquiry and arresting 

16 5 practical consequensis follow distribution of criminalist methods
Who is expert ? Criminalistic-forensic ? Partly in law regulation Rules in the secondary acts and regulations too Major impact from clerks ministri of justice Correctly formulated education/preparation and clear examination conditions (contet, duration, ) Influence methods distribution If methods are in theory - Criminalistics textbooks, are aplicated in law regulation (1,2) If identical methods are in criminalistic and in forensic science too, law regulation (1,2) is complicated, and get on clerc authority (3) –digital traces (fieldstraces) / cybernetic / informations and registrations systems Except.....(metallography, diagnostika, electrical engineering examination, ...

17 5 practical consequensis follow distribution of criminalist methods
Influence methods content Are diferencies in theory - Criminalistic -Forensic textbooks, (problem 4) are Methods in evolution and not strict classify and valueted, (problem 4) New and not full accepted methods - digital traces (fieldstraces) / informations and registrations systems, metallography, docementatin, ... (problem 4)

18 Plk. Doc. JUDr. Jozef METEŇKO, PhD.
Katedra kriminalistiky a forenzných disciplín Akademia PZ Bratislava tlf , 501 Mobil .

19 Digital trace and methods of their examination – are they of criminalist or forensic nature?
“Report of the Section of Scientists of Criminalist Technology and Information Science on the Meeting of the Board of Scientists of the Criminal Expertise Institute of the Police Force Slovakia in March 2006” - standard working processes, as well as binding working instructions, have been developed and validated, have been validated by circle tests of a group of workers, as well as by the Criminalist Institutes of the Triad (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland).


druh zmeny, ktorá nasvedčuje o existencii nejakého konkrétneho objektu . len materiálne zmeny, ktoré súvisia s udalosťou zadanou na skúmanie a zároveň ich dokáže kriminalistika skúmať vlastnými kriminalistickými metódami. Kriminalistické stopy (materiálne) Látkové a Poľa ?a pamäťové (Krajník osobitne mikrostopy)

skúmanie v oblasti kriminalistickej taktiky – výraznejšie spojenej s pragmatizmom trestného práva procesného Častejšie sa používa pojem kriminalisticko-technické skúmanie Kriminalistické skúmanie zisťovanie zhodných znakov kriminalistickej stopy a skúmaného objektu Vzťah: kriminalistické skúmanie a kriminalistická identifikácia = Hľadanie vzťahu kriminalistickej stopy a konkrétneho objektu, ktorý ju vytvoril je procesnou stránkou kriminalistiky

autori učebníc kriminalistiky Základné atribúty delenia: delenia kriminalistických stôp, delenia špeciálne kriminalistických metód Kriminalistická technika skúma kriminalistické stopy látkové niekedy poľa (Stoffspuren /physikalischefeldspuren. Kriminalistická taktika skúma kriminalistické stopy pamäťové (Erinnerungspuren).

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