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Karpeichik С.V.,Kurochkin Yu.A., Mazurenko O.N., Orlovich V.A. The Support of Researches in the Fields of Theoretical Physics, High Energy Physics and.

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Presentation on theme: "Karpeichik С.V.,Kurochkin Yu.A., Mazurenko O.N., Orlovich V.A. The Support of Researches in the Fields of Theoretical Physics, High Energy Physics and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karpeichik С.V.,Kurochkin Yu.A., Mazurenko O.N., Orlovich V.A. The Support of Researches in the Fields of Theoretical Physics, High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics by Belarusian Republican Foundation of Fundamental Investigations (BRFFI)

2 BRFFI  Content  1. What is BRFFI  2. BRFFI for researches in the fields of theoretical physics, high energy physics and nuclear physics  3. Some results of the projects in the fields of theoretical physics, high energy physics and nuclear physics  Conclusion

3 The general number of the projects which has been supported in the during of the activity of the BRFFI is 93. Among them 30 international projects with participation of scientists from Russia - 22, Ukraine -5, Italy- 1, France-1, Slovenia-1. 15 projects for yang scientists especially BRFFI

4  Distribution of the numbers of projects on the Institutions and Universities

5 BRFFI  B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of NAS – 38 проектов;  JINER-Sosny of NAS – 15;  Institute of the Nuclear Problems BSU – 11;  F. Skaryna State University – 8;  P. Suchoi Technical State University– 8;  NC PHEP BSU – 6;  BSU – 3;  Institute of Mathematics of NAS – 2;  BSPU– 1;  BATSU– 1.

6 BRFFI  Distribution of the numbers of projects on the years of the realization

7 BRFFI  Ф9-131 Fedorov F.I.  B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of NAS;  Nonlinear Universal Equations as a Common Mathematical Base for Quantum Relativistic Field Dynamics Description  Several classes of multi-periodical soliton-like solutions and conditions of solutions stability for universal nonlinear matrix differential equations were found. Polynomial representation of Cartan forms for Skirme model and solutions of equations described different particles in external flelds in the framework of instanton approach were obtained. Linear vector parametrization of quantum SUq and the Lorentz group was constructed. Predictions of modified models of electro-weak interaction theory for next generation of electron-positron colliders were calculated

8 BRFFI  Bogush A.A. B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of NAS;  1.Ф94-072 Investigation of basic laws and characteristic properties of kinematics and dynamics of elementary particles (Theory and experiment).  2. Ф96-155 Theoretical study of symmetry (asymmetry) properties and determination of the experimentally observed characteristics of physical systems and microobjects.  3. Ф42-040 Development and applications of contemporary methods for investigation of processes and effects of elementary particle interactions as a source of information about microstructure of matter  4. Ф98-229 The algebraic structure of physical spaces and characteristics particles and processes their interactions.

9 BRFFI  A new approach to the q-deformation procedure of the simplest classical symmetry groups and their Lee algebra's, based on the use of the special composition rule for group vector-parameters and corresponding linearity relations, is developed. In the framework of the earlier constructed axiomatic theory of the vectors of space of constant curvature, a new mathematical apparatus for description of the models of compound physical systems is developed. An approach to the solution of the quantum-mechanical Kepler problem in the spaces of constant curvature, which is the same for all spaces and is based on the use of the algebras of conserved operators, is formulated. A covariant algebraic formulation of the conversation law of the total relativistic angular momentum for arbitrary continuous systems, based on the earlier elaborated operations of relativistic vector algebra, is derived. In the framework of the two-dimensional conformal invariant field theory over hyperbolic complex numbers the Virasoro algebra relations are derived by using operators formalism; the new discrete symmetry operation which leads to the change of sign of the central charge is found. The new tests for violation of the combined parity (CP- symmetry) conservation in the leptonic sector of the Standard Model is established. The new experimental restrictions on the values of high energy cosmic neutrino flows are obtained in the framework of the international scientific collaboration EAS-TOP (Gran Sasso, Italy). The new adequate theoretical models are proposed for description of both elastic and inelastic Compton scattering of photons on deuterons, which are used in new experiments on the measurements of neutron polarizabilities.

10 BRFFI  The leaders of other projects which has been realized in the B.I, Stepanov Institute of Physics  are Tomil’chik L.M., Rudak E.A., Kilin S.Ya, Levchuk M.I.,Kurochkin Yu.A., Khilimanovich A.M., Redkov V.M. Marcynkevich B.A., Berestov A.V., Tolkachev E.A., Korbut T.N., Satsunkevich I.S., Shulyakovsky R.G.Bukach A.A.

11 BRFFI  Ф06-129 Phenomenological models with noneuclidean metric for astrophysics and physics of quantum-size structures. Tomilchik L.M.  It is shown that the anomalous violet frequency shift discovered in signals from the spacecrafts Pioneer 10/11 can be interpreted as the local manifestation of the cosmological expansion. Supposing the quadratic coordinate dependence of the conformally flat metric the exactly solvable two-dimensional analogs of Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations with the coordinate-dependent mass are obtained. A consistent one-particle theory of motion of spinning test particles in gravitational fields is developed on base of Foldy-Wouthuysen representation. A calculation of observable effects of gravitational interaction of relativistic spinning particles and their spins is carried out by example of rotating and uniformly accelerated frames. Within the framework of the scalar-tensor gravitational theory in Minkowski space-time the approximate field equations solutions are obtained and used for description of test particle motion effects and cosmological expansion. The energy spectrum and wave functions for a three-dimensional quantum dot are obtained in a quantum-mechanical model with the negative space curvature. The description of the triplet states of quarkonium is given in model with the positive curvature of relative space with correct account of the spin interactions

12 BRFFI  Ф05-168  Investigation of nucleon Compton scattering in the framework of the linear σ-model and dispersion relations Levchuk M.I. B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of NAS  In the framework of the linear σ-model, the amplitude of nucleon Compton scattering is analyzed and nucleon structure constants are calculated. The difference of the nucleon polarizabilities is calculated making the use of the dispersion relations with allowance for s- and t-channel contributions. To saturate the dispersion integrals, the most modern experimental information on the amplitudes for the reactions gg -> pp and pp -> NN. Our result for difference of the nucleon polarizabilities is in good agreement with experimental value. Unpolarized and polarized observables in all channels of the reaction d(g,p)NN are calculated. We find satisfactory description of available experimental data. A comparison with predictions of other works is given.  Review of Particle Physics, v. 33, 2006 p. 954 – 965.

13 BRFFI  Ф05-212  The effects of monopole connections. Theory and experiment. Kurochkin Yu.A. B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of NAS  In the framework of the two potentials formulation of the equations of classical electrodynamics their new solutions (equations of zero field) are obtained. A new kind of the duality between potentials and sources electrical and magnetic type which differs from standard duality of the Maxwell equations with two sources is set up. The quantum mechanical scattering problem of charged particle by the dual charged Coulomb field in the space of constant negative curvature 1S3 is considered. In the case of the dyon potential with an additional centrifugal term (MIC-Kepler problem), the exact solution of the Schrodinger equation in parabolic coordinates is used to determine the scattering amplitude and expression for the differential cross section. Regge-analysis of the scattering amplitude is realized. It has been set up that for searching of the magnetic monopoles in the experiments on the modern accelerators the two photons mechanism of the creation of the monopole-antimonopole pairs should be taking in to account. On the base of the heuristic dual symmetry arguments the cross section of the creation of the monopole-antimonopole pairs are estimated in the propositions of the 0, 1/2, 1 monopole spins

14 BRFFI  The leaders of the projects which has been realized in the JINER-Sosny of NAS  are Kuvshinov V.I., Babichev L.F., Galynsky M.V., Sukhovitsky E.Sh., Kuz’min A.V.

15 BRFFI  Ф04-307  Investigation of the parton-hadron phase transition in processes occurring with quark- gluon plasma formation Babichev L.F. JINER-Sosny of NAS The generalized Ginzburg-Landau model have been developed for study of the parton-hadron phase transition effect on multiplicity fluctuations, on effects of intermittency and jet quenching and calculation of different correlation characters for processes with large power denseness on reacting and building accelerators. It is shown that for the consent with modern experimental data, at description of the QGP ? hadron phase transition it is necessary to use the potential implementing catastrophe "assembly" in squeezed state representation. It is shown that dependence on generalized Ginzburg-Landau model parameters weakens with growth of the squeezing factor. It is carried out fitting of the experimental data of the NA36 and STAR collaborations on multiplicity distributions with use of the software package MINUIT and theoretical model. Optimal parameters of model are supervised at which effects of a temperature hysteresis and jet quenching, inherent a Quark- Gluon plasma, are observed. Results obtained have fundamental scientific character and are oriented on applications at study of the possibility of originating of a new condition of substance - a Quark-Gluon plasma

16 BRFFI  The leaders of the projects which has been realized in the Institute of the Nuclear Problems BSU  are Baryshevsky V.G., Maksimenko S.A., Borodich A.I.,Korzhik M.I.,Metelica O.N., Shuba M.V., Bondarev I.V., Drobyshev G.Yu., Radionova V.N.

17 BRFFI  Ф06Р-074  Neutron optics of the noncentrosymmetric crystals near the condition of the Bragg reflection and new methods of a search for the electric dipole moment of a neutron and an investigation of T-odd interactions of the neutron with a nucleus. Baryshevsky V.G. Institute of the Nuclear Problems BSU  The theory describing contributions of the neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) and T-noninvariant nuclear interactions to the dichroism and the angle of spin rotation of the neutron diffracting into the noncentrosymmetric crystals is developed. The restrictions to the value of the EDM and constants of T-odd nuclear interactions are obtained. Perspectives of growing crystals possessing parameters better than that of the quartz are investigated and specific crystals are suggested to perform the experiment. The method of ah improvement of conditions for the observation of P-, T- noninvariant neutron spin rotation due to the modulation of signal by an external alternate magnetic field is developed which can also be used for modernization of the experimental setup. Comparative analysis of influence of the Earth's rotation onto the experiment in a search of the neutron EDM with the crystal diffraction method and onto experiments with ultra cold neutrons is fulfilled

18 BRFFI  The leaders of the projects which has been realized in the NC PHEP BSU  are Shumeiko N.M., Baturickii M.A., Zyazyulya F.E.

19 BRFFI  Ф06-331 An investigation of the one- and two-boson muon pair creation mechanisms taking into account experimental conditions at the Large Hadron Collider. Shumeiko N.M. NC PHEP BSU  The cross section of the Drell-Yan process has been calculated taking into account first-order electroweak radiative corrections. The contribution of hard and soft photons has been considered using the Bardin-Shumeiko approach. The radiative corrections include the contribution of self-energies, vertices, two-boson exchange, hard and soft photon emission. The first-order electroweak radiative correction to the cross section of the Drell-Yan process grows with the increasing of the invariant mass of the muon pair, reaching at M = 6 TeV, approximately -20%. An analytical evaluation of the cross section for the two-boson muon pair creation process has been carried out. It has been found that in the range 100 GeV < М < 5 TeV, the cross section of the Drell-Yan process exceeds the cross section of the two-boson muon pair creation process two orders of magnitude on average. The codes READYGEN (FORTRAN) and LePaProGen (C++) for dealing with the generation of radiative events in Drell-Yan process have been created. The code TBEX (FORTRAN) for dealing with the generation of lepton pair creation through the two-photon exchange mechanism has been developed

20 BRFFI  The leaders of the projects which has been realized in the Gomel F. Skaryna State University  are Maksimenko N.V., Andreev V.V.  It is ground standings that the properties of polarizabilities of hadrons are generally determined by tensor builders, the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian of interaction of an electromagnetic field with hadrons with spins nonzero is constructed. For an estimation of an electrical polarizability of a pi meson is advanced diagrammatic- quark the approach and the equation of motion of scalar quarks in an electric field is obtained on the basis of effective Lagrangians of interaction of an electromagnetic field with polarized hadrons. Are showed that in the relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics (RHD) of wave functions of composite systems maintain probability interpretation. The analysis and coordination of parameters with relativistic quark, model obtained in other forms of dynamics is made. Within the framework of Poincare covariant quark model, based on the point form of dynamics of relativistic quantum mechanics, the two-photon decay of pi meson is calculated. The restrictions on parameters of model with usage of the combined analysis of lepton and two-photon decays of pi mesons are obtained. 

21 BRFFI  Ф98-105  Investigation of the electromagnetic properties of hadrons in two-photon processes  Maksimenko N.V. Gomel F. Skaryna SU  It is ground standings that the properties of polarizabilities of hadrons are generally determined by tensor builders, the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian of interaction of an electromagnetic field with hadrons with spins nonzero is constructed. For an estimation of an electrical polarizability of a pi meson is advanced diagrammatic- quark the approach and the equation of motion of scalar quarks in an electric field is obtained on the basis of effective Lagrangians of interaction of an electromagnetic field with polarized hadrons. Are showed that in the relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics (RHD) of wave functions of composite systems maintain probability interpretation. The analysis and coordination of parameters with relativistic quark, model obtained in other forms of dynamics is made. Within the framework of Poincare covariant quark model, based on the point form of dynamics of relativistic quantum mechanics, the two-photon decay of pi meson is calculated. The restrictions on parameters of model with usage of the combined analysis of lepton and two-photon decays of pi mesons are obtained. 

22 BRFFI  The leaders of the projects which has been realized in the Gomel P. Suchoi Technical State University  are Solovtsov I. L, Pankov A.A., Solovtsova O.P., Kakoulina E.P., Tsytrinov A.

23 BRFFI  Ф06Д-002  Hadronic processes of perturbative and nonperturbative quantum chromodynamics.  Solovtsov I.L. P. Suchoi Technical State University  The purpose of research consists in development a method of chromodynamical description of hadronic processes at low energies beyond the standard perturbation theory. A new approach, based on the analytic perturbation theory in QCD, taking into account the nonperturbative character of the light quark masses and involving a summation of quark threshold singularities, was developed. It was shown that the suggested method allows one to evaluate well the hadronic contributions to various physical quantities both in the spacelike, and in the timelike regions. In the deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering, this method allows to provide correct analytic properties of integrals from the structure functions. It was shown that within the method suggested the optimal values of these lower dimension condensates are lose to zero. A new developed approach expands an area describing within chromodynamics of strong interaction processes of elementary particles that allows one to use the results obtained for the further quantum chromodynamics testing in the field of intermediate and low energies and, in particular, investigate in more details the evolution of the invariant charge and nonperturbative effects

24 BRFFI  The leaders of the projects which has been realized in BSU and other Universities  are Feranchuk I.D., Boyarkin O.M., Ryabushko A.P., Pletyuhov V.A.


26 Международные конференции

27 In the framework of the several BRFFI projects has been realized basic investigations for eliminations of the negative influences of Chernobyl accident, BRFFI

28 Conclusion The activity of the BRFFI is very useful for scientific community of Belarus’

29 BRFFI Thank you for your attention

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