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Published byNancy Shields Modified over 9 years ago
Paweł Moskal on behalf of the KLOE-2 collaboration Prospects of KLOE-2 in hadron physics
KLOE-2 intends to conduct investigations at the frontier of particle and hadron physics searching for the phenomena beyond the applicability of Quantum Mechanics and Standard Model of Particle Physics Since nothing is more pleasurable than to falsify the theory !! I thought… the scientific theories were not the digest of observation, but that they were inventions-conjectures boldly put forward for trial to be eliminated if they clashed with observation … David Hume
DA NE e + e - collider Frascati (Rome) e + e s ~ m = 1019.4 MeV BR’s for selected decays 15.5% + 34.1% KSKLKSKL 49.1% K+K-K+K- ee e+e+ Detector KLOE γ γ ’ γ 1.3 % 0.006% KLOE completed data taking in 2005 with 2.5 fb -1 KLOE completed data taking in 2005 with 2.5 fb -1 corresponding to ~ 8 ∙ 10 9, ~ 10 8 ~ 5 ∙ 10 5 corresponding to ~ 8 ∙ 10 9 , ~ 10 8 and ~ 5 ∙ 10 5 ’
KLOE K LOng Experiment e+e- Drift chamber Gas: 90% He + 10% C 4 H 10 δpt / pt 45°) σxy ≈ 150 μm ; σz ≈ 2 mm Electromagnetic calorimeter lead/scintillating fibers 98% solid angle coverage σΕ / E = 5.7% / √(E(GeV)) σt = 57 ps / √(E(GeV)) ⊕ 100 ps PID capabilities
5 New interaction scheme implemented: large beam crossing angle + sextupoles for crabbed waist optics L new ~ 3 L old ∫ Ldt = 1 pb -1 /hour Still space for improvements New scheme Old scheme DAFNE luminosity upgrade The first run of the upgraded DA NE was ended in November 2009 Interaction region revised for the compensation of the KLOE magnetic field Several maintanance and upgrade works done to overcome the collider limitations clearing electrodes installed in the positron machines to prevent electron-cloud formation LINAC: new positron gun, new accelaring section to be installed in September Other elements modified: wiggler, kickers, control system, cryogenic plant, scrapers
KLOE-2 New Interaction Region KLOE KLOE-2 2.5 fb -1 5 fb -1 γγ STEP 0 2010-2011 The machine commissioning starts by the end of June
- interaction: e + e - → e + e - * * → e + e - + X STEP 0 KLOE-2 LET: E=160-230 MeV Inside KLOE detector LYSO+SiPM E 150 MeV HET: E > 400 MeV 11 m from IP Scintillators + PMTs MeV T ~ 200 ps KLOE-2
STEP 1 KLOE -2 2011 New Interaction Region + Inner Tracker KLOE KLOE-2 2.5 fb -1 Step 0: 5 fb -1 Step 1: 20 fb -1 K long K long / K short /η,η΄ γγ √s < 1. GeV √s < 2.4 GeV 1 0.3 s equivalent to a factor of 3-4 in statistics C-GEM QCALT CCAL
Tests of descrete symmetries (CP, CPT, …) Tests of quantum mechanics -time-evolution of the entangled pairs of neutral kaons -passive kaonic quantum eraser (unique at KLOE) Universality of the weak interaction of leptons and quarks Lepton universality Search for possible deviations from SM expectation of (K ± e )/ (K ) to 0.4% precision Investigations of the structure of the scalar mesons Gamma gamma interaction Study of the muon anomalous magnetic moment α µ and the evolution of the fine structure constant α em determination of the excitation function for the e + e - → hadrons Dark Matter : search for narrow di-lepton resonances Selected examples of investigations planned by the KLOE-2 KLOE-2 Physics Programme arXiv:1003.3868 EPJC (2010) in print
Tests of descrete symmetries (CP, CPT, …) Tests of quantum mechanics -time-evolution of the entangled pairs of neutral kaons -passive kaonic quantum eraser (unique at KLOE) Universality of the weak interaction of leptons and quarks Lepton universality Search for possible deviations from SM expectation of (K ± e )/ (K ) to 0.4% precision Investigations of the structure of the scalar mesons Gamma gamma interaction Study of the muon anomalous magnetic moment α µ and the evolution of the fine structure constant α em determination of the excitation function for the e + e - → hadrons Dark Matter : search for narrow di-lepton resonances Selected examples of investigations planned by the KLOE-2 KLOE-2 Physics Programme arXiv:1003.3868 EPJC (2010) in print
- interaction: e + e - → e + e - * * → e + e - + X L int = 1 fb -1 ( → X) = L int dNXdNX dW dLdL STEP 0 KLOE-2
- physics: KLOE-2 can improve fractional accuracy from 20% to 2%
- interaction:
Run at s ≥ 1.2 GeV required KLOE-2 expectation Measuring η′ BRs with 1% accuracy
Tests of descrete symmetries (CP, CPT, …) Tests of quantum mechanics -time-evolution of the entangled pairs of neutral kaons -passive kaonic quantum eraser (unique at KLOE) Universality of the weak interaction of leptons and quarks Lepton universality Search for possible deviations from SM expectation of (K ± e )/ (K ) to 0.4% precision Investigations of the structure of the scalar mesons Gamma gamma interaction Study of the muon anomalous magnetic moment α µ and the evolution of the fine structure constant α em determination of the excitation function for the e + e - → hadrons Dark Matter : search for narrow di-lepton resonances Selected examples of investigations planned by the KLOE-2 KLOE-2 Physics Programme arXiv:1003.3868 EPJC (2010) in print
Test of non-CKM CP Violation CP conservation implies N(φ) = N(180 – φ) 13.6 ± 2.5 (stat) ± 1.2 (syst)% KTeV PRL 84 (2000) 408 e + e - φ γ - e + e - 10 -3 10 -12 -10 -15
e + e - φ γ - e + e - PL B675 (2009) 283 Theoretical predictions up to 2% and with KLOE-2 0.8 % precision is expected
Test of discrete symmetries with decays → γ ( C ) < 1.6 x 10 5 at 90% CL (PLB 591, 49) → ( P, CP ) < 1.3 x 10 5 at 90% CL (PLB 606, 276) At KLOE-2, these limits can be improved by factor of 50. Existing new physics models allow BR’s only at the level of ~ 10 12 10 15 these will become the best limits on C and P symmetries conservation in elementary particle’s decays (see PDG08) KLOE has published the best limits based on a statistics of ~ 400 pb 1 :
LORENTZ SYMMETRY, UNITARITY, LOCALITY C P T G. Lüders, Ann. Phys. 2 (1957) 1.; Ann. Phys. 281 (2000) 1004 „Proof of the TCP theorem” Tests of CPT symmetry
Semileptonic decay identify strengeness content therefore Asymmetry of K S,L e signals a CP violation A S A L 0 implies CPT violation PL B636 (2008) 173 0.41 fb -1 |K S (t)> = e -λ s t |K S > |K L (t)> = e -λ L t |K L > |K S > ≈ (1+ε s )|K 0 > + (1-ε s )|K 0 > |K L > ≈ (1+ε L )|K 0 > + (1-ε L )|K 0 >
Tests of descrete symmetries (CP, CPT, …) Tests of quantum mechanics -time-evolution of the entangled pairs of neutral kaons -passive kaonic quantum eraser (unique at KLOE) Universality of the weak interaction of leptons and quarks Lepton universality Search for possible deviations from SM expectation of (K ± e )/ (K ) to 0.4% precision Investigations of the structure of the scalar mesons Gamma gamma interaction Study of the muon anomalous magnetic moment α µ and the evolution of the fine structure constant α em determination of the excitation function for the e + e - → hadrons Dark Matter : search for narrow di-lepton resonances Selected examples of investigations planned by the KLOE-2 KLOE-2 Physics Programme arXiv:1003.3868 EPJC (2010) in print
φ: J CP = 1 -- e + e - φ |K S, p>|K L, -p> -|K S, -p>|K L, p> no simultaneous decays ( t=0) in the same final state due to the destructive quantum interference t/ S I( t) (a.u) m from here Kaon interferometry: K S K L t2t2 t1t1 t=t 1 -t 2 Perfect vertex resolution
Test of Quantum Mechanics KLOE-2 σ t ~ 0.9 τ s → σ t ~0.3τ s L = 2.5 fb -1 → L = 25 fb -1 A.Di Domenico, 0904.1976 and PL B642 (2006) 315
Tests of descrete symmetries (CP, CPT, …) Tests of quantum mechanics -time-evolution of the entangled pairs of neutral kaons -passive kaonic quantum eraser (unique at KLOE) Universality of the weak interaction of leptons and quarks Lepton universality Search for possible deviations from SM expectation of (K ± e )/ (K ) to 0.4% precision Investigations of the structure of the scalar mesons Gamma gamma interaction Study of the muon anomalous magnetic moment α µ and the evolution of the fine structure constant α em determination of the excitation function for the e + e - → hadrons Dark Matter : search for narrow di-lepton resonances Selected examples of investigations planned by the KLOE-2 KLOE-2 Physics Programme arXiv:1003.3868 EPJC (2010) in print
Thank You
KLOE-2 intends to conduct investigations at the frontier of particle and hadron physics searching for the phenomena beyond the applicability of Quantum Mechanics and Standard Model of Particle Physics Since nothing is more pleasurable than to falsify the theory !! I thought… the scientific theories were not the digest of observation, but that they were inventions-conjectures boldly put forward for trial to be eliminated if they clashed with observation … David Hume
= = Semileptonic decay identify strengeness content therefore Asymmetry of K S,L e signals a CP violation A S A L 0 implies CPT violation
Kaon interferometry and CPT tests
KLOE-2 σ t ~ 0.9 τ s → σ t ~0.3τ s L = 2.5 fb -1 → L = 25 fb -1 Kaon interferometry and tests of CPT and Lorentz invariance
izotropowość prędkości światła W celu wykrycia ruchu Ziemi względem eteru w 1878 roku Maxwell zaproponował doświadczenie z interferencją światła A. A. Michelson, Am. J. Sci. 22 (1881) 120. Δt = Δt ║ - Δt ┴ = 2γ/c (γ L 1 - L 2 -L 1 + γ L 2 ) k = c Δt / λ k = 0 dowodzi, że prędkość światła jest niezależna od kierunku Δt ║ = 2γ/c (γ L 1 - L 2 ) Δt ┴ = 2γ/c (L 1 - γ L 2 ) V_Ziemi 30 km/s 0.04 prążka dokładność uzyskana wyniosła 0.01
Provided and are there the scalars have an “Inverted Spectrum” Pseudoscalar multi-pletVector multi-plet Scalar multi-plet: (500), (700), f 0 (980), a 0 (980) Is (600) the lightest scalar meson? Do , a 0 (980) and f 0 (980) belong to the qq same qq 3 P 0 nonet? If so, why is the mass spectrum inverted? qq qqqq states (Jaffe, Achasov et al., Maiani et al.) KK KK molecules (Weinstein-Isgur, Close et al., Kalashnikova et al.) nature of the scalar mesons
f 0 (980), a 0 (980), (500) through radiative decays in pairs of pseudoscalars φ , φ , φ K 0 K 0
Parameter pi+pi-gpi+pi-gpi0pi0gpi0pi0geta pi 0 g M S (MeV) 983.7984.7± 1.9 mod 982.5 1.6 ± 1.1 g SKK (GeV)4.743.97 ± 0.43 mod 2.15 0.06 ± 0.06 g SPP (GeV) 2.22 1.82± 0.19 mod 0.03 ± 0.04 g 2 SKK / g 2 SPP ~4.6~4.8~0.6 nature of the scalar mesons
Hadronic cross section measurement The anomalous muon magnetic moment a = (g - 2)/2 = (116592080 ± 60) 10 -11 from E821 at BNL theory : a = a QED + a weak + a had a had from measurements of the hadronic cross section via dispersion relation KLOE-2 1%
Hadronic cross section measurement The anomalous muon magnetic moment a = (g - 2)/2 = (116592080 ± 60) 10 -11 from E821 at BNL theory : a = a QED + a weak + a had a had from measurements of the hadronic cross section via dispersion relation KLOE-2 1%
R = (K ± e ± ) / (K ± ± ) First studies have started with present KLOE data set: need to fully exploit calorimeter for e/ separation Efficiency will improve with the inner tracker insertion A reasonable guess, based on present detector, is that with 25 fb -1 0.4 % precision can be reached Test of Lepton Universality Standard Model Prediction : R = (2.477 ±0.001) x 10 5 Cirgiliano, Rosell PRL 99 (2007) 231801 (ChPT with precision 0.04 %) NA48/2 Preliminary 05: R = (2.416 ±0.049) x 10 5 NA48/2 can reach ~ 1% precision with present data KLOE-2 Data precision improved from 6% to 1% by KLOE EPJ C64 (2009) 627
f + (0)=0.961(8) Leutwyler and Roos [ZPC25, 91(1984)] V ud =0.97377(27) Marciano and Sirlin [PRL96 032002(2006)] Unitarity band V us ×f + (0) = 0.2187(22) |V us | from KLOE > KLOE AV. = 0.2157(6) ( 0.28% rel.) WORLD AV. = 0.2166(5) ( 0.23% rel.) plot: F.Mescia courtesy CKM unitarity within ~ 1 Lattice QCD + KLOE-2 => level of ~0.02% Universality of the weak interaction
Passive quantum eraser; unique at KLOE -- e-e- ν strangeness K short K 0 K 0 oscillates via K S K L
Passive quantum eraser; unique at KLOE
Dark Matter search Recent unexpected astrophysical observations (PAMELA, ATIC, INTEGRAL, DAMA/LIBRA) can be interpreted by assuming the existence of a low mass [O(1 GeV)] dark matter sector that interacts with SM particles through a mixing of a new gauge field, U, with hypercharge Possible signatures: –if m U < M e + e U ℓ + ℓ resonances in ℓ + ℓ invariant mass –if there is a Higgs-like particle (h') in the dark sector, with m h' < M higgs’-strahlung e + e U* U h', with U ℓ + ℓ two leptons + missing energy (h' undetected) –if m h‘ <2 m U multilepton events If mixing parameter k 10 -2 – 10 -3 ~ 1 pb (observable at KLOE-2) [Essig et al., arXiv:0903.3941]
Ks tagging a unique feature at KLOE e + e - φ |K S, p>|K L, -p> -|K S, -p>|K L, p> φ: J CP = 1 -- KLOE: τ S = 89.56 ± 0.03 ± 0.07 ps ( ~0.1%) SETP0 KLOE-2 5 fb -1 ( ~0.03 %)
KS 30KS 30 SM (K S 3 0 ) = (K L 3 0 ) | 000 | 2 BR(K S 3 0 ) ~ 2 10 -9 450 pb -1 ; 6 events tag by K L interaction in the EmC Background: K S 2 0 + 2 split / accidental clusters in the EmC N bkg (MC) = 3.13 ± 0.90 BR(K S 3 0 ) < 1.2 × 10 7 @ 90% CL ( BR < 1.4 × 10 5 @ 90% CL [SND ’99] BR < 7.4 10 7 [interference, NA48, ‘04] ) KLOE-2 with 25 fb -1 and inner tracker can reduce the upper limit by factor of about 50 ; perhaps observe a signal for a first time? CP violation: direct search
(K S,L - e + ) (K S,L + e - ) (K S,L - e + ) (K S,L + e - ) _ _ A S,L = Asymmetry of K S,L e signals a CP violation Test of S= Q (CPT conserv. ampl.) (BR(K L e ) and L from KLOE and S from PDG) (CPLEAR = 6.1 10 -3 ) (SM expect. O(10 -7 )) A S A L 0 implies CPT violation KLOE-2 will reduce the uncertainty by a factor of 3.
Future prospects - KLOE2 - physics: e + e - → e + e - * * → e + e - + X L int = 1 fb -1 ( → X) = L int dNXdNX dW dLdL KLOE-2
no simultaneous decays ( t=0) in the same final state due to the destructive quantum interference t/ S I( t) (a.u) m from here Kaon interferometry: K S K L t2t2 t1t1 t=t 1 -t 2 Perfect vertex resolution φ: J CP = 1 -- hence φ |K S, p>|K L, -p> -|K S, -p>|K L, p>
e + e - φ |K S, p>|K L, -p> -|K S, -p>|K L, p> φ: J CP = 1 -- |K S (t)> = e -λ s t |K S > |K L (t)> = e -λ L t |K L > |K S > ≈ (1+ε s )|K 0 > + (1-ε s )|K 0 > |K S (t)> = e -λ s t |K S > |K L (t)> = e -λ L t |K L > |K S > ≈ (1+ε s )|K 0 > + (1-ε s )|K 0 > |K L > ≈ (1+ε L )|K 0 > + (1-ε L )|K 0 >
= = Semileptonic decay identify strengeness content therefore Asymmetry of K S,L e signals a CP violation A S A L 0 implies CPT violation PL B636 (2008) 173 0.41 fb -1
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