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Moving the Masses: Building a Collective Approach to Outcomes Assessment Beth Wuest, Director Academic Development and Assessment Lisa Garza, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving the Masses: Building a Collective Approach to Outcomes Assessment Beth Wuest, Director Academic Development and Assessment Lisa Garza, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving the Masses: Building a Collective Approach to Outcomes Assessment Beth Wuest, Director Academic Development and Assessment Lisa Garza, Director University Planning and Assessment A Member of the Texas State University System

2 Presentation Goals  Reinforce understanding of the value of outcomes assessment  Understand key elements necessary to implement a comprehensive outcomes assessment program  Identify strategies for effective outcomes development and assessment  Attain insight for establishing buy-in among various groups on campus  Gather tools for developing common reporting styles

3 Value of Outcomes Assessment  A means for continuous improvement of academic programs and educational support initiatives  A venue for collaborative feedback among stakeholders  Demonstrates accountability to external constituents  Compliance with accreditation requirements SACS Core Requirement 3.3.1

4 Obstacles along the Way  Skepticism by faculty and staff of the value of outcomes assessment  Wariness of another time-consuming process with little actual pay-off  Fear of potential repercussions for not meeting proposed outcomes  Lack of commitment by the leadership

5 Key Elements  Leadership Commitment  Centralized Support for Assessment  A Culture of Continuous Improvement  Linkage to Strategic Planning and Other Major University Initiatives  Strategies for Outcomes Assessment Developing Outcomes and Assessment Methods Analyzing and Utilizing Assessment Results

6 Strategies for Implementation  Build a common understanding of how outcomes assessment can and will be used  Combine academic and administrative areas – We’re all in this together!  Include all levels All academic programs – Bachelor through doctorate All administrative levels – Department through Division

7 Insights for Gaining Commitment  Begin with plenty of conversations and collaborations  Develop common goals and outcomes  Use a straightforward, simple, system- wide, and strategic approach  Build on assessment methods already in place  Provide new ideas and basic techniques for a program to consider

8 Tools for Outcomes Assessment  Workshops and Training Sessions  Handouts and Templates  Individual Meetings and Consultations  A Common Reporting System

9 Step-by-Step Process 1Letter from the Provost 2Introduction to VPs & Deans 3Series of handouts explaining process and providing support materials 4Common reporting form 5 Meetings with College and Administrative Councils

10 Step-by-Step Process 6Series of workshops and training sessions on developing outcomes and methods 7E-mail reminders 8Individual consultation 9Initial submission of outcomes and assessment methods 10Follow-up and feedback

11 Step-by-Step Process 11Reminder letters on results and action plans 12Workshops on embedding assessment in routine activities 13Workshops on data collection, results reporting, and action planning 14Department consultation 15Conduct assessment activities

12 Step-by-Step Process 16Analysis of assessment results 17Submission of results and action plans 18Revision of outcomes and methods for subsequent academic year 19Implementation of changes to program/initiatives 20Assessment cycle repeated with attention to program improvement

13 Common Reporting System  Electronic submission and retention of data  Centralized repository for the university  Accessibility for SACS Reaffirmation




17 Conclusion  Communicate, communicate, communicate  Build in flexibility  Reinforce the value of assessment  Always provide and allow for feedback  Maintain a culture of continuous improvement

18 Questions and Comments

19 Beth Wuest, Director Academic Development and Assessment (512)245-2112 Lisa Garza, Director University Planning and Assessment (512)245-2780

20 Honor the Past Claim the Future Texas State University-San Marcos Texas State University-San Marcos

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