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WESTEST 2 ONLINE WRITING Online Writing Assessment Field Test 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "WESTEST 2 ONLINE WRITING Online Writing Assessment Field Test 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 WESTEST 2 ONLINE WRITING Online Writing Assessment Field Test 2008

2 Writing Assessment New Direction ▫ Operational 4 th, 7 th and 10 th Writing Assessment will not be administered in 2008 ▫ Assessing grades 3-11  Computer generated; computer scored ▫ Part of WESTEST 2 Reading/Language Arts New Name ▫ WESTEST 2 Online Writing

3 WESTEST 2 Online Writing Field Test Spring 2008 Testing Windows for Mingo County ▫ Middle schools  March 6 - March 19 ▫ High schools  March 24 - April 2 ▫ Elementary schools  April 17 – April 29

4 WESTEST 2 Online Writing Field Test Students instructed in a home environment will not participate. Students who have moved in after the pre- slugging will not participate. No make-up sessions are required. Private/parochial schools will not participate. Each student must have on file an Acceptable Use of the Internet Form signed by the parent/guardian. We will receive school, county, and state reports.

5 Purpose Assess student performance on passages and prompts ▫ Use responses to train the scoring engine Test security of system Test state/county/school bandwidth Serve as a practice for the operational test to be administered in 2009

6 Procedure Site codes, user names and passwords ▫ Delivered to County Test Coordinators by Office of Assessment and Accountability Security of information ▫ Keep this information as secure as a test booklet

7 Online Computer Program CTB/McGraw-Hill ▫ Bookette – Writing Roadmap 2 Customized ▫ WV student papers – field test ▫ WV rubric

8 Advance Preparation of Computers If Vanguard is on the computer, remove it. Configure Internet Explorer to run the WESTEST 2 Online Writing security (ActiveX). Create the desktop short cut for logging in.

9 Desktop Shortcut The desktop shortcut allows students and administrators to quickly go to the WESTEST 2 Online Writing site. Prior to and after the testing window the shortcut will be redirected to another website.

10 WESTEST 2 Online Writing Demonstration Use with students prior to their field test session Use with administration manual, pp. 14 – 19










20 Frequently Asked Questions Q:What happens if there is a power outage while students are constructing essays? A: Every 10 minutes the system automatically saves all completed work. This means that when the system restarts, students will have lost no more than 10 minutes’ work.

21 Frequently Asked Questions Q:What if all the students in our school are testing at once? Can CTB’s system handle hundreds of users at the same time? A:Yes. Writing Roadmap 2.0 actually has enough capacity to handle in excess of 15,000 essays administered hourly.

22 Frequently Asked Questions Q:Is the Internet secure enough for our students to write and submit essays without outside interference? A:Yes. Important information is encrypted with industry standard Secure Socket Layers (SSL)—a protocol that permits the transmission of private documents over the Internet. SSL encrypts the data, which is further protected by two fire/virus walls.

23 STUDENT LOGIN INFORMATION ▫ Secure Materials – Follow same security measures as with test books  Person receiving must sign for them ▫ Delivery Dates  To schools – Two weeks prior to testing ▫ Alphabetically Arranged  By grade  Will not have tear apart cards this year; will need to cut into strips to give each student his/her own login info

24 Training Must include test security and test administration procedures County training by the county test coordinator ▫ Principals ▫ Building level coordinators ▫ Central office staff who might be involved with testing School training by the principal and building level coordinator ▫ Examiners ▫ Other school staff who might be involved with testing

25 Read and follow the Administration Manual, especially: Pp. 2 – 5, General Test Administration P. 11, Responsibilities for Principal/BLC P. 23, Appendix 1 - Testing Code of Ethics P. 27, Appendix 3 - Principal Security Agreement P. 28, Appendix 4 – Building Level Coordinator Security Agreement

26 Read and follow the Administration Manual, especially: Pp. 2 – 5, General Test Administration P. 12, Administration manual P. 23, Appendix 1 – Testing Code of Ethics P. 26, Appendix 6 – Examiner Security Agreement

27 SECURITY Secure Items ▫ Site Codes, User Names and Passwords, Passages and Prompts, Student Responses Do Not Retain, Copy, Reproduce, Paraphrase, Distribute, Discuss ▫ Passages and Prompts ▫ Student Responses

28 SECURITY (cont’d) Students are not allowed to bring paper or pre- written information into the lab. The examiner is to distribute scratch paper and writing instruments to the students. Students are not allowed to use the computers after essays are submitted.

29 SECURITY (cont’d) Before students leave the lab, examiners must collect login information, rough drafts, all scratch paper, etc., and give to the principal/building level coordinator for shredding.

30 REPORTING PROCEDURES Report to County Test Coordinator immediately ▫ Loss of materials ▫ Cheating ▫ Security breach ▫ Testing administration breach ▫ Copyright infringement ▫ Other deviation from acceptable security procedures

31 ACTIONS TAKEN County Test Coordinator will immediately report to the County Superintendent and the WVDE Office of Assessment and Accountability Investigation will follow Breach of test security or copyright infringement can result in ▫ License suspended ▫ License revoked ▫ Suspension ▫ Termination

32 DELIVERY OF MATERIALS Distribution of testing materials ▫ Manuals – give to examiners at time of training; must be kept for test administration Delivery of secure testing materials to schools ▫ Student login information – two weeks prior to testing; must be kept secure ▫ Student is not to be given his/her login information until the beginning of his/her testing session

33 ALLOWABLE ACCOMMODATIONS Students with IEPs and Section 504 Plans ▫ Pp. 5 – 6, Administration Manual ▫ Print Student Test Options Report, WVS.326 ▫ Correct any discrepancies between WVS.326 and the IEP  Passages and prompts may be read aloud only to students who have that accommodation listed on their plans LEP Students ▫ P. 7, Administration Manual

34 TRANSCRIBING Follow directions on pages 8 – 9 in the Administration Manual Complete the Scribe Verification Form on page 21 in the Administration Manual Keep a copy of the Scribe Verification Form for the school file and submit a copy to the county test coordinator

35 Examiner Responsibilities Prior to Session Read and become familiar with the manual Prepare students ▫ Distribute Parent Guide ▫ Present PowerPoint to students Check student logins with testing roster Prepare classroom/lab; remove or cover any writing posters, graphic organizers, transitional expressions, etc., on display in the testing area Remind students to bring appropriate reading materials for after testing; have extra available

36 Examiner Responsibilities Beginning of Session Create an effective atmosphere Have materials assembled for quick distribution ▫ Scratch paper; pencil or pen ▫ Reading materials after completion of test Distribute student one-page handout, p. 20 Review the directions Distribute student login information

37 Examiner Responsibilities During Testing Session Monitor testing vigilantly Maintain an atmosphere conducive to good testing Testing is not timed but must be completed within one school day If a student has stopped working for more than 10 minutes, instruct him/her to submit the essay If irregularities occur that may affect a student or group’s performance, complete the Irregularity Form

38 Examiner Responsibilities After Testing Session Collect scratch paper/outlines/rough drafts Collect student login information Deliver to principal/building level coordinator Report any irregularities; submit the irregularity form to the principal/building level coordinator

39 Actions Resulting in an Investigation Assisting a student with the content of the essay Typing the essay for a student who is not allowed to have a scribe Giving students advice or calling attention to errors Copying rough drafts or final essays

40 SCHOOL-LEVEL VERIFICATION OF TRAINING FORMS Completed Appendix 7, p. 31 in the Administration Manual, must be on file with the county test coordinator at least five instructional days prior to testing. Keep a copy for the school files.

41 SECURE MATERIALS AND TEST PROCEDURES AGREEMENTS Completed Principal’s Agreements and Building-Level Coordinator’s Agreements (pages 27 – 28) must be on file with the county test coordinator. Keep a copy for the school files. Completed Examiner’s, Proctor’s, Scribe’s, and other school personnel agreements must be on file at the school.

42 SCRIBE VERIFICATION AND TESTING IRREGULARITY FORMS Must be submitted to the county test coordinator immediately after testing. Keep a copy for the school files.

43 Discussion Opportunities

44 Contact Information Karen Canterbury, County Test Coordinator 304-235-7212 Office of Assessment /Accountability 304-558-2546 CTB/McGraw-Hill Technical Support Staff 866-282-2250

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