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Ferris Bueller: Voodoo Economics Voodoo_Economics_Anyone_Anyone. mp4Voodoo_Economics_Anyone_Anyone. mp4.

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Presentation on theme: "Ferris Bueller: Voodoo Economics Voodoo_Economics_Anyone_Anyone. mp4Voodoo_Economics_Anyone_Anyone. mp4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ferris Bueller: Voodoo Economics Voodoo_Economics_Anyone_Anyone. mp4Voodoo_Economics_Anyone_Anyone. mp4

2 Learning through the Lens of the Revised Blooms Taxonomy CSE April 20, 2010

3 North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards…your connection… STANDARD II: Teachers Establish a Respectful Environment for a Diverse Population of Students 2c- Maintain high expectations 2d- Adapt teaching to benefit students with special needs What does that mean for you and what would that look like in your classroom?

4 Standard III: STANDARD III: Teachers know the content they teach 3a- Develop and apply strategies to make curriculum rigorous and relevant What does that mean for you and what would that look like in your classroom?

5 Standard IV: Teachers Facilitate Learning for their Students –4a- Understand student learning/ differentiate instruction; keep abreast of evolving research –4e- Teacher helps students develop critical- thinking and problem solving skills What does that mean for you and what would that look like in your classroom?

6 Review & Share Out… Anticipation Guide Advance Organizer

7 WHY: Cornerstone of 21 st Century Readiness Skills are: –Rigor and Relevance –Critical Thinking/ Problem Solving Skills –Inspect what society expects NCPTS –2c- Maintain high expectations –2d- Adapt teaching to benefit students with special needs –3a- Develop and apply strategies to make curriculum rigorous and relevant –4a- Understand student learning/ differentiate instruction; keep abreast of evolving research –4e- Teacher helps students develop critical-thinking and problem solving skills It’s just good for students

8 Evolving Blooms Nouns Verbs Renaming bottom 2 Levels Top 2 Levels Exchanged

9 Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Increasing difficulty

10 We can use Revised Blooms to analyze the cognitive level of instructional Activities as either Low, Medium or High High Level Medium Level Low Level High Level Medium Level Low Level

11 All Cognitive Levels are Important All Cognitive Levels are Important! Cognitive levels build upon and are supported by lower order cognitive processes Higher order cognitive activities are more engaging and support deeper learning of content

12 Lower Order: Remembering: Retrieving, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge Understanding: Constructing meaning from written or graphic messages through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining.

13 Medium Order: Applying: Carrying out or using a procedure through executing, or implementing. Analyzing: Breaking material into constituent parts, determining how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating, organizing, and attributing.

14 Higher Order: Evaluating: Making judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing. Creating: Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganizing elements into a new pattern or structure through generating, planning, or producing.

15 Reflection Does your textbook questions give a balanced opportunity for all cognitive levels? What can I /We do to rigor up the questions in my class? What additional coaching and support do I/We need?

16 Knowledge Share Share out what your group designed How you plan to Racket up the Rigor for this lesson –Learning Objective –Rigorous learning activities



19 Level 1: Remembering (Recall or recognition of specific information) Question Cues: list, define, tell, label List the different elements you see in the picture. Level 2: Understanding (Understanding of given information) Question Cues: describe, name, identify, discuss Describe what the teachers are doing in the photograph. Level 3: Applying (Using strategies, concepts principles and theories in new situations) Question Cues: modify, solve, change, explain What caption would you write for this photograph?

20 Level 4: Analyzing (Breaking information down into its component elements) Question Cues: analyze, separate, compare, contrast Compare this classroom to classrooms at our school. Level 5: Evaluating (Judging the value of ideas, materials and methods by developing and applying standards and criteria) Question Cues: give opinion, criticize, discriminate, summarize Why do you think this picture made the front page of the newspaper? Level 6: Creating (Putting together ideas or elements to develop an original idea or engage in creative thinking) Question Cues: create, construct, plan, role play If you were one of these teachers, what would your PDSA look like in order to impact student learning?

21 Let’s take a look at your CFAs… Using the graphic organizer, you and your team need to analyze either your reading or math CFA or your latest assessment that you have given.

22 EOG Review/Vertical Alignment 3 rd -5 th Grades: get together and talk about some strategies you will use for EOG review. Please have one person from the group record your responses, and be sure that I get the responses. K-2: Divide yourselves up so that there are teams with K/1, 1 st / 2 nd, and 2 nd /3 rd. We will need a 3 rd grade teacher to go to the 2 nd grade team. Talk about some objectives that you could begin to cover as we are nearing the end of the school year. Record your responses on sheet provided, and be sure that Fail gets a copy.

23 Feedback Please leave feedback on today’s HYIS/Bloom’s Session & the early release process. (2 separate plus/deltas) Have a great day!!

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