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HE in FE Edexcel and JISC-CETIS

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Presentation on theme: "HE in FE Edexcel and JISC-CETIS"— Presentation transcript:

1 HE in FE Edexcel and JISC-CETIS

2 Levels of Achievement (England)‏ 0 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 A Level GCSE

3 Levels of Achievement (England)‏ 0 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 A Level GCSE HE

4 0 1 2 3A Level GCSE HE within FE Short Courses e.g. Management, Education Competency based Quals (NVQs)‏ HNDs / Foundation Degrees HNCs 7 6 5 4

5 0 1 2 3A Level GCSE Short Courses e.g. Management, Education Competency based Quals (NVQs)‏ HNDs / Foundation Degrees HNCs 7 6 5 4 Work Based Learning Government Skills Agenda (Leitch)‏

6 English Government Initiatives Every Child Matters Building Schools for the Future E-learning strategy Personalisation 14-19 Specialised Diploma Train to Gain ‘Leitch’ Review of Vocational Education (Qualifications to be employer led: ‘personalised’ aggregation from approved ’10 hour units’)‏

7 To support Leitch 1: existing Competency Based Qualifications National Vocational Qualifications (NVQS)‏ Assessment by ‘verified’ evidence (principally form observation) of a ‘competency’ What you must know What you must do What you must cover Unit: Maintain the Reception Service Element: Prepare the Reception Service K7: What services are available to customers 1.Make sure you have sufficient staff with the necessary skills to maintain the reception service 2.………. Helping to develop and communicate procedures to cover the following: Room allocation Customer arrivals. ……… Can the candidate prove he/ she can do something

8 To support Leitch 2: Vocational ‘unit’ specification (10 hours of study)‏  compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture  analyse the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture and the effects on business performance  analyse the factors which influence individual behaviour at work. 1. Explore organisational structure and culture. Assessment criteria To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate an ability to: Outcomes Can the candidate prove he/ she knows how to do something

9 The new ‘Leitch World’ The Barratt Site Managers Diploma 10 hour QCA Credit 1203 10 hour QCA Credit 1227 10 hour QCA Credit 1221.8 10 hour QCA Credit 1223 Barratt Culture Barratt Technical Barratt Materials Achievement Stored on Minerva Recruitment Services

10 Foundation Degree Barratt Site Managers Diploma

11 Evidence Portfolio for Competence Testing (NVQs Assessment Achievements Personal Achievements Goals Reflections Applications CVs Individual Learning Plans Advice and Guidance Employment Services ‘Portfolio System’

12 Evidence Portfolio for Competence Testing (NVQs Assessment Achievements Personal Achievements Goals Reflections Applications CVs Individual Learning Plans Advice and Guidance Employment Services ‘Portfolio System

13 National Database of Accredited Qualifications Approved vocational credits (10 hours of study): assessment method as appropriate Awarding Bodies (Edexcel etc.)‏ Submit units for approval MIAP Database Student details including ULN Learner Achievement Record Repository Selects a Unit The Vocational ‘Credit’ System UK Register of Lifelong Learning Providers Provider

14 National Database of Accredited Qualifications Approved vocational credits (10 hours of study): assessment method as appropriate Awarding Bodies (Edexcel etc.)‏ Submit units for approval MIAP Database Student details including ULN Learner Achievement Record Repository Selects a Unit The Vocational ‘Credit’ System UK Register of Lifelong Learning Providers Provider LSC/ Logica Standard LSC/ Logica Standard LSC/ Logica Standard MIAP Standard



17 Qualification and Credit Framework Coverage: England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Scotland qualifications to be linked)‏ Full implementation: September 2008 National Database of Accredited Qualifications: all non-HE vocational qualifications (excludes A Levels and GCSEs but includes Specialised Diplomas) to be assembled from units (generally 10 hrs of learning) with a credit rating. The units can be delivered and assessed as stand alone courses. Regulated Awarding Bodies: submit units, assess units and make appropriate combinations for qualifications (Certificates and Diplomas) and have them approved by Qualification and Curriculum Authority. (any submitted and approved units can be used by any awarding body). Learner Achievement Record: repository of all student achievements provided by awarding bodies. Enables lifelong learning students to build up qualifications over time with units achieved with different awarding bodies. Key systems : MIAP for student details (with Unique Learner Number, December 2006) QCA Framework for accredited units, Learner Achievement Record database 2008

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