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Revised documents on the CCF website Sarah Walker National Childminding Networks Officer Children Come First.

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Presentation on theme: "Revised documents on the CCF website Sarah Walker National Childminding Networks Officer Children Come First."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revised documents on the CCF website Sarah Walker National Childminding Networks Officer Children Come First


3 CG09 with direct links to documents and forms

4 List of documents that have been revised Form A -Registering with NCMA Children Come First - Budget code box added. Form B - Request for NCMA Children Come First approval - New form. Form C - Request for early years education approval - New form. Form D - Request for network reapproval - New form. CG09 - Documentation list - Links to forms have been added. CG13 - Guidance on equal opportunities - Reflects changes to annual report documents CG15 - Guidance on network approval and portfolio building - Information on initialling envelopes if in a cluster network CG17 - Childminders approval questionnaire - Changes to “Type of service provided” box

5 List of documents that have been revised CG22 - Newly-recruited childminders’ reapproval questionnaire. Changes to “Type of service provided” box CG27 - Initial assessment record - Document now additionally available split into sections. CG39 - Annual report guidance - To reflect the new CG40 form. CG40 - Annual report form - New form. CG44 - Early Learning Goals schedule. Additional text regarding the Stepping Stones. CG47 - Reapproval report form - New form CG49 - Change of details form - New form CG50 - Annual report form - New form

6 What is a macro? A macro is a way to automate a task that you perform repeatedly or on a regular basis. When using the forms on the CCF website please enable macros when your computer asks as this will allow you to use the tick box function that has been set up.

7 Contact details If you have any queries about the CCF scheme please contact Lynne Taylor on 020 8290 2536 or Any queries on network approvals, reapprovals, EYE add ons or the website, please contact the Children’s Workforce Development team on 0845 8800044 or email

8 Don’t forget! The website needs to be checked by coordinators on a regular basis!

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