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Integrated Practice in Hertfordshire The Journey so far Caroline Cook Strategy Manager, Integrated Practice.

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1 Integrated Practice in Hertfordshire The Journey so far Caroline Cook Strategy Manager, Integrated Practice

2 The Context for Integrated Practice The CAF provides a shared method of assessment across all children’s services and across all local areas in England. It aims to help early identification of needs, leading to a co- ordinated provision of services. It involves a lead professional where appropriate, and sharing information to avoid the duplication of assessments. This also reduces the need for children or their families to re- tell their story to different practitioners. (Common Assessment Framework DCSF Guidance 2007)

3 Children/Young People and Carers at the centre of decision making ‘Doing with, not doing to, not doing for’ Earlier Intervention, more coordinated support Support at the right time, for the right length of time Focus on strengths Innovative and creative practice – being outcome led improve outcomes Valuing each other and the contributions we make What it should be like

4 Achievements 10 Multi-agency Support Teams Multi-agency Team (MAT) List developed – available on line 3000 practitioners have attended IP awareness/initial training 300 Common Assessments/Teams Around the Child Case examples demonstrating effective integrated working and positive outcomes Schools engagement

5 Work in Progress Changing ‘referral’ culture. Agencies and services aligning to the Framework. Engaging practitioners and services e.g. GPs/Health, Police, Youth Connexions, Housing, VCS, Early Years Focus on Early Years, Children’s Centres Building IP into Extended Schools Core Offer Clarifying where specialist services ‘fit’ Reviews – cases moving to CAF Aligning Early Support and Youth Connexion Teams Around the Child to Common Assessment Framework

6 Work in Progress Developing IP Learning & Development – targeting Developing Practitioner Networks IP Practitioner Toolkit, Flowchart, Meeting the Needs CAF Administration working alongside Client Services Developing Performance Management Further understanding around CAF/TAC activity. Are we capturing it all? Are we making a difference?

7 Institutional/systemic embedding Changes to outcomes Changes to routines, experiences, attitudes Changes to inputs/processes and structures Time Population affected AN IMPACT MODEL Morris, M. and Golden, S. (2005) Evaluation of Aim higher: Excellence Challenge Interim Report. (Research Report 648) London: DfES HCTP at Stage 2 Evidence from LARC highlights culture not structure drives move to Level 3

8 Building Capacity: Integration with Impact It will be important for leaders to balance three distinct elements: Continuing to describe and communicate an appropriate local vision and clear goals – which all buy into Ensuring that service managers and practitioners develop effective relationships and understandings across agencies Keeping a proper focus on prevention and early intervention, as part of ensuring that safeguarding is everyone’s business

9 Integrated Practice Task Group Proposed Targeted Work Strands November 2008 Streamlining and Strengthening Systems and Processes Future Planning and Sustainability Changing Practice (make integrated practice the day job) Capturing Data and Performance Management (Ensure that systems are in place to record data arising from changes in practice) Common referral system Streamline CAF Form Refine Policies Procedures Structure Develop ‘easy’ flowchart Streamline transitions between services Replace all assessment systems with CAF Replace all referral processes with CAF Incorporate all review Processes into CAF Ensuring CAF replaces existing systems eg. (Exclusions BST referral) Review Project Plan Revise work strands Review and revise training Review membership of work strand groups Review and revise systems - Quality assurance - Performance management Improving the CAF Experience Improving short term Outcomes Improving long term Outcomes

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