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Presentation on theme: "EXPERIENCE FROM EDUCATION OF INNOVATIVE ENGINEERS BY PROBLEMBASED LEARNING Prof. Finn Kjaersdam Dean of Engineering and Science,Aalborg University."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXPERIENCE FROM EDUCATION OF INNOVATIVE ENGINEERS BY PROBLEMBASED LEARNING Prof. Finn Kjaersdam Dean of Engineering and Science,Aalborg University

2 From Expectation of a “job for life” Develop a single specialist skill Vertical promotion “Keep your head down” Single employer for entire career Careers planned Develop skills during initial trainning TO Reality-----no jub is safe Multiple skills required Horizontal/lateral movement Innovate and take risks Multiple employers Plan your own career Continuous lifelong learning

3  Research-based education,where the faculty members are active researchers,and where faculty members know the frontier of knowledge in their subject and produce new knowledge;

4  Curricula that ensure that students learn the latest theories,methods and technologies at a level of interest to the companies;

5  Curricula that ensure that graduates get competences to acquire new knowledge themselves,as well as through cooperation with colleagues and through common project work;

6  Curricula that ensure that graduates gain competences for communicating new knowledge and technologies to management and colleagues,as well as to costumers;

7  Curricula that develop creativity and innovation in the graduates to qualify them to find new or better solutions to problems that they are working with;

8  Educational methods that support the exchange of problems and knowledge between university and industry,so as to ensure that the theories,methods and technologies the students learn are relevant;

9  Further education,as well as education on demand,for employees in companies who wish to introduce new technologies and products.

10  Project  Lab work  Classs education  Reading group  Student introduction  Lectures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Very low Very high Assessment of the effiency of different educational systems

11  Taught Courses 25%  Project Courses 25%  Project work 50%

12 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Agree Partly Disagree Partly Disagree Don’t know Good balance between theory and practice in Danish University Engineering Educations (%)

13 Acquired Competences in Danish Engineering Educations  Aalborg University Engineering Schools Problem formulation 70 55 Analytical Skills 64 54 Communication 64 46 Cooperation 36 28 Interdisciplinarity 36 28 Enterpreneurship 38 30

14 Desirable qualities Possessed qualities Willingness to advise Engagement in the subject Ability to give precise and clear explanations Mastery of the subject Ability to start discussions Interest in the students Ability to involve the students Ability to judge justly Thorough preparation and planning Ability to speak to an audience 28 20 14 13 12 5 4 2 0 40 18 4 15 7 5 2 7 1 100 The desirable and possessed qualities qualities of the supervisors(%)

15 Project and people mangement Aalborg UniversityDenmark Technical University Quality of engineering and technical skills Contact and working relations to industry Innovative and creative skills Knowledge of business- life and economy Overall quality of education 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage of respondents judging the candidates skills “good” or “very good”

16 THE END 谢谢各位!

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