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1865-1900. * The Urban Frontier * Describe the first skyscraper. * In what ways were Americans becoming mass commuters? * Why were people drawn to the.

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Presentation on theme: "1865-1900. * The Urban Frontier * Describe the first skyscraper. * In what ways were Americans becoming mass commuters? * Why were people drawn to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 1865-1900

2 * The Urban Frontier * Describe the first skyscraper. * In what ways were Americans becoming mass commuters? * Why were people drawn to the city? * Department stores heralded in an era of ______________________. * What new ways of living were introduced in the city? * What were some issues within cities? * What were some of the contradictions of urban life. * Describe the living conditions of the slums. * The New Immigration * How many immigrants came to the US between 1850-1882? * Describe the immigrants that came to the US until the 1880s. * Describe the new immigrants and where they lived when they arrived.

3 * Southern Europe Uprooted * Why did immigrants leave their home countries? * What were “American letters” and why were they important? * Why did industrialists want new immigrant workers? * How did persecution impact immigration? * What did “birds of passage” do? * How did immigrants preserve their culture? * Reaction to the New Immigration * How did the government deal with new immigrants? * How did “bosses” factor into the new immigrant experience? * What was the social gospel and why was it important? * Who was Jane Addams and what did she do? * What was the Hull house? * Who was Florence Kelley? * What new possibilities were available for women?

4 * Narrowing the Welcome Mat * Why was antiforeignism prevalent in the 1880s? * What issues did nativists blame on the new immigrants? * What was the American Protective Association? * How did labor unions feel about the new immigrants? * What restrictions did the government place on immigration? * Churches Confront the Urban Challenge * How did cities pose a challenge to churches? * Describe the new generation of liberal Protestants. * How were the Roman Catholic and Jewish faiths affected by new immigrants? * Describe the two new faiths introduced during the late 1800s. * What was the purpose of religious-affiliated associations?

5 * Darwin Disrupts the Churches * How did The Origin of Species impact religion? * Describe Darwin’s theory of “natural selection”. * How did people react to Darwin’s ideas? * Describe the split in the religious community after 1875. * How did liberal thinkers reconcile Darwinism and Christianity? * The Lust for Learning * What theory prompted an upward climb for public education? * What happened with high schools during this time period? * Some other educational trends happened during this time period, what were they? * What was the Chautauqua movement? * How was education different in the cities in comparison to rural areas?

6 * Booker T. Washington and Education for Black People * Describe education in the south, specifically the impacts on nonwhites. * Who was Booker T. Washington, what did he do, and why was he considered a “accommodationist”? * What guided the curriculum at the Tuskegee Institute? * Who was George Washington Carver and what did he do? * Who was W.E.B. Du Bois, what did he do and what did he believe in relation to the advancement of African Americans? * The Hallowed Halls of Ivy * How did women and African Americans educational opportunities change during this time period? * What was the Morrill Act of 1862 and how did it impact higher education? * What was the Hatch Act of 1887 and how did it impact higher education? * Who were the major educational philanthropists during this time period? * What was significant about professional and technical schools?

7 * The March of the Mind * How did “Continental models” differ from previous college instruction? * What other pressures helped change the traditional college curriculum? * What improvements in Medical schools/science were happening during this time period? * Who was William James and what did he contribute to the medical field? * Define pragmatism. * The Appeal of the Press * What were best sellers during this time period? * What kind of progress were libraries making and how did were they able to do so? * How did the Linotype affect newspapers? * What is sensationalism? * Who were the two journalistic tycoons and how did they sell papers? * What offset sensationalistic journalism?

8 * Apostles of Reform * Describe the content of The Nation and Godkin’s goal. * Who was Henry George and what did he believe? * Who was Edward Bellamy and what influences did his writing have on America? * Postwar Writing * What were dime novels? * Who was General Lewis Wallace and what did he write? * Why were Horatio Alger’s stories popular during this time period? * Who were Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson?

9 * Literary Landmarks * What did the content of novels address during this time period? * Kate Chopin and Mark Twain were voices of the South, what did their writing discuss? * Who was Bret Harte and what did do that was significant? * What did William Dean Howells write about? * What did Stephen Crane write about? * Who was Henry Adams and why did he write? * What was the dominant theme in Henry James’ writing? * In what works were portrayals of contemporary life and social problems addressed? * White kind of realism did Paul Laurence Dunbar and Charles W. Chestnut bring to the literature of the time period? * Why was Dreiser’s novel Sister Carrie withdrawn from circulation?

10 * The New Morality * What did Victoria Woodhull believe and how did this shock the American public? * What did Anthony Comstock do that reflected the view point of “pure- minded Americans”? * How was the “new morality” reflected? * Families and Women in the City * How were families impacted by the urban environment? * How did urban life impact family size and work habits? * In what ways were women growing more independent? * Who was Charlotte Perkins Gilman and what did she believe? * What was the National American Woman Suffrage Association and who was involved in it? * Carrie Chapman Catt was the most effective leader of the suffrage movement, why? * What major argument did women use in their argument for suffrage? * Wyoming was the first state that allowed women to vote, what followed suit? * What role did African American women play in the fight for suffrage?

11 * Prohibition of Alcohol and Social Progress * What was the major argument of the critics of prohibition? * How did the National Prohibition Party do in some presidential elections? * What was the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and who were the women involved? * What was the Anti-Saloon League? * What was the great triumph of prohibitionists? * What were two other social movements that happened during this time period? * Artistic Triumph * Who were some of the famous American painters that made their living abroad? * What did George Inness, Thomas Eakins, and Winslow Homer paint? * Who was Augustus Saint-Gaudens and why is he famous? * What kind of music became popular during this time period? * What was the phonograph? * What is the “Richardsonian” style of architecture? * What was the Columbian Exposition and how did it impact American art?

12 * The Business of Amusement * What is vaudeville? * What was the “Greatest Show on Earth”? * What were Wild West shows and who were some famous participants? * Describe two modernly popular sports that gained popularity during this time period. * What was exemplified by football? * Who fought in the boxing world championship of 1892? * What were the two crazes that swept the country in the late 1800s?

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