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100 200 300 400 500 Roosevelt BattlesRevolutionsExpansion Mumbo Jumbo Next Round.

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1 100 200 300 400 500 Roosevelt BattlesRevolutionsExpansion Mumbo Jumbo Next Round

2 This is the name of the cavalry that Roosevelt led during the Battle of San Juan Hill Nick

3 Rough Riders

4 Roosevelt’s policy dealing with the enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine was called this Briana

5 Roosevelt’s Corollary

6 Roosevelt was instrumental in defending Beijing during this rebellion Miranda

7 The Boxer Rebellion

8 Roosevelt was a mediator during this treaty after the Russo-Japanese War Rutha

9 Treaty of Portsmouth

10 The name of the agreement Roosevelt made with Japan was this Alexis

11 The Gentlemen’s Agreement

12 This is where the first battle of the Spanish-American War was fought Damarys

13 The Philippines

14 This battle was won due to the Rough Riders and Buffalo Soldiers Ayzia

15 Battle of San Juan Hill

16 The constant battles between US troops and Filipino guerillas was this Sequoya

17 The Philippine Insurection

18 This was the name of the war between Spain and America Nick

19 The Spanish-American War

20 The war between China and Japan was called Briana

21 The Sino-Japanese War

22 This country’s revolution against Spain led to the Spanish -American War Miranda

23 Cuba

24 This was a revolution against Colombia Rutha

25 The Panamanian Revolution

26 The name of the ship that was sent to Havana during Cuban Revolution to protect Americans was Alexis

27 The USS Maine

28 This ambassador was behind the coup d'état against Queen Liliuokalani Damarys

29 US ambassador Stevens

30 The leader of Filipino guerillas during their rebellion against the US Ayzia

31 Emilio Aguinaldo

32 This place was eventually annexed after the coup d’ etat against Queen Liliuokalani Sequoya

33 Hawaii

34 These countries were gained by US after the Spanish- American War Rutha

35 Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines

36 The US declared that they would not take over this country Miranda

37 Cuba

38 The US stopped France from expanding into this country Briana

39 Mexico

40 The US paid 7.2 million dollars for this state Nick

41 Alaska

42 These two countries blockade Venezuelan Ports Alexis

43 Germany and Britain

44 The United Fruit Company involvement in Central America gave rise to Damarys

45 Banana Republics

46 This company began digging the Panama Canal Ayzia

47 The De Lesseps Company

48 For these four reasons Americans were traditionally isolationist Sequoya

49 Washington, Contempt for European institutions, Security of oceans, and Weak neighbors


51 Tension between the US and Japan was called Josiah

52 The Yellow Peril

53 DocumentsPoliticsTensionPeopleHocus- pocus 100 200 300 400 500

54 This treaty was signed to handle the disputes between Britain and America Josiah

55 Treaty of Washington

56 This amendment abjured any claim to Cuba Sequoya

57 Teller Amendment

58 The agreement on Cuba’s constitution by the US was called Ayzia

59 The Platt Amendment

60 This treaty barred the US from building canals on its own Damarys

61 Clayton- Bulwer Treaty

62 This was treaty made between Japan and Russia Alexis

63 Treaty of Portsmouth

64 William Taft headed the commission that established a government in this country Rutha

65 The Philippines

66 This policy was made to halt foreign absorption of Chinese markets Miranda

67 Open Door Policy

68 Taft’s policy of influencing areas economically is called Briana

69 The Dollar Diplomacy

70 The group against the US owning colonies in other countries Josiah

71 Anti-Imperialists

72 A treaty with this country was attempted so that the US could build a canal Nick

73 Colombia

74 What country did the US fund for their revolution Josiah

75 Panama

76 Cleveland used this dispute to help him with the coming election Nick

77 Venezuela-British Guiana Dispute

78 Japan’s feelings toward America after the Treaty of Portsmouth can be described as Josiah

79 Unhappy

80 The Roosevelt Corollary caused for this region to distrust America Sequoya

81 Latin America

82 The friendship between Cuba and US did not happen for these reasons Alexis

83 Businesses penetrated Cuba with no regard for Cuban workers, and Cuba didn’t want to adopt American culture

84 He called for a modern navy

85 Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan Alexis

86 This man was responsible for the capturing of Aguinaldo Ayzia

87 General Funston

88 This Spanish General used concentration camps in attempt to stop the Cuban Revolution Damarys

89 General Weyler

90 He led the Asiatic squadron attack on Manila Rutha

91 Commodore Dewey

92 He proposed the Open Door Policy to foreign countries interested in controlling Chinese markets Miranda

93 Secretary of State John Hay

94 How much did US pay Colombia to make amends Briana

95 25 million

96 Other than Panama this country was the US other choice to build a canal in Nick

97 Nicaragua

98 This strengthen the US ties in Latin America and East Asia Josiah

99 Industrialization with resulting trade

100 The movement set up by Queen Liliuokalani Nick

101 “Hawaii for the Hawaiians”

102 This intercepted letter outraged Americans once it was released to the public

103 Dupuy de Lome Letter Josiah

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