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3-Point Bending Device to Measure Transmural Strains for Multilayer Soft Tissue Composite Week 1 Weekly Report Jennifer Olson Sarah Rivest Brian Schmidtberg.

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Presentation on theme: "3-Point Bending Device to Measure Transmural Strains for Multilayer Soft Tissue Composite Week 1 Weekly Report Jennifer Olson Sarah Rivest Brian Schmidtberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 3-Point Bending Device to Measure Transmural Strains for Multilayer Soft Tissue Composite Week 1 Weekly Report Jennifer Olson Sarah Rivest Brian Schmidtberg Sponsor: Dr. Wei Sun

2 Overview Project Overview Recent Work Ordered Parts Setbacks Upcoming Tasks Budget Update Hours Worked

3 Project Overview Design and construct a three-point bending device capable of flexural testing of soft tissues Capable of calculating the flexure rigidity, bending stiffness, transmural strain, transverse shear stiffness Capable of tracking the tissue deformation through use of a CCD camera and tissue markers Incorporate existing components from Biomechanics lab ▫CCD Camera ▫Linear Actuator ▫Stepper Drive ▫Stepper Motor ▫Flow Regulator

4 Project Overview Five Systems Mounting bath Provide consistant area for testing Hold solution and tissue specimen Force Apply force to tissue Temperature Controller Maintain temperature of solution Image Acquisition Track sprayed on microdots on tissue throughout testing Program and Interface Connect all subsystems Provide an interface for the user to control the device Calculate all necessary results from data obtained

5 Inner bath ▫Provides a surface for repeatable testing Outer bath ▫Circulates temperature controlled water Material: Lexan ▫Cheap, Transparent, Strong Inner Bath Outer Bath Combined

6 Overall Project

7 Sliding Mechanism

8 Recent Work Updated design in Solid Works Ordered acupuncture needles to be used as bending and reference bar Determined final dimensions for inner and outer baths Designed component to attach camera to sliding mechanism Practiced focusing camera LabVIEW Programming

9 Existing and Ordered Parts Existing components that can be utilized from the Biomechanics Lab: ▫CCD Camera ▫Linear Actuator ▫Stepper Drive ▫Stepper Motor ▫Flow Regulator ▫Metal base Ordered parts: Acupuncture needles

10 Setbacks The wrong size acupuncture needle was ordered ▫The needles were only 1/2” when a 4” needle was requested Difficulty finding an angle that keeps the bending and reference bar in the camera’s frame of view Consolidating LabVIEW VI’s

11 Upcoming Tasks Purchase Lexan for inner and outer baths Assemble inner and outer baths Machine sliding mechanism Attach camera to sliding mechanism Refocus camera while attached to the device Continue LabVIEW programming Consolidate LabVIEW VI’s

12 Budget Update Maximum budget: $1000 Target Budget: <$800 Purchased Items Acupuncture needles$10.05 Remaining budget$989.95

13 Hours Worked Jennifer ▫13 hours Sarah ▫12 hours Brian ▫15 hours

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