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EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement 312453 EuCARD-2 and the European.

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Presentation on theme: "EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement 312453 EuCARD-2 and the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement 312453 EuCARD-2 and the European Accelerator R&D M. Vretenar, CERN EuCARD-2 Coordinator 1.The 2015 Annual Meeting 2.EuCARD-2 overview and status 3.The European perspective 4.Few personal highlights

2 EuCARD-2 in Barcelona Follows the kick-off in 2013 at CERN and the 1st Annual Meeting in 2014 at Hamburg (DESY). A great thank to the ALBA Laboratory that has kindly accepted to host the EuCARD-2 2015 Meeting in the UAB campus. In EuCARD2 we value diversity, and after Hamburg we wanted to go south and to a country less active on accelerator R&D but with an important potential and corresponding ambitions. And we are glad to contribute with this Meeting to establishing the position of ALBA and of Barcelona on the European accelerator map. Follows the kick-off in 2013 at CERN and the 1st Annual Meeting in 2014 at Hamburg (DESY). A great thank to the ALBA Laboratory that has kindly accepted to host the EuCARD-2 2015 Meeting in the UAB campus. In EuCARD2 we value diversity, and after Hamburg we wanted to go south and to a country less active on accelerator R&D but with an important potential and corresponding ambitions. And we are glad to contribute with this Meeting to establishing the position of ALBA and of Barcelona on the European accelerator map. Welcome to the second EuCARD-2 Annual Meeting

3 Many thanks… Many thanks to those who worked hard to prepare this Meeting: the local organisers: Francis Perez and Daimi Perez. the CERN support: Julia Double and Julia Cachet. the EuCARD2 WP Coordinators for setting up a stimulating scientific programme; and a special thank to Julia Double who is back with us after working hard on another project… Many thanks to those who worked hard to prepare this Meeting: the local organisers: Francis Perez and Daimi Perez. the CERN support: Julia Double and Julia Cachet. the EuCARD2 WP Coordinators for setting up a stimulating scientific programme; and a special thank to Julia Double who is back with us after working hard on another project… Lewis, born on September 6 th, 2014.

4 The programme – day 1

5 The programme – day 2&3

6 The Scientific Advisory Committee This year again we welcome the presence of our Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Represented by Caterina Biscari and Steve Peggs (Akira Yamamoto is excused because of a conflicting meeting). This year again we welcome the presence of our Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Represented by Caterina Biscari and Steve Peggs (Akira Yamamoto is excused because of a conflicting meeting). Objectives for the 2015 meeting a.Assess the progress of EuCARD-2 and the quality of the results, in preparation for the Mid-Term Review of May. b.Contribute to the discussion on the contents of the next Integrating Activity project.

7 2014 SAC recommendations FIRST 5 Recommendations 1) Develop the EuCARD-2 web sites. 2) Enhance involvement of the industrial community. 3) Anticipate the delivery of final (year 4) report statistics 4) Propose to NAs quantitative indicators – methods to measure the impact of workshops and meetings. 5) Consider including one or more industrial representatives as Task Leaders in WP4, and enhancing the involvement of industrial partners in workshops and work plans. QUANTITATIVE INDICATORS a. Interactivity: ratio of participants to speakers for each workshop. b. Added value: a brief written workshop summary describing the added value outcomes – new ideas generated, or eliminated, publically available on the project web site c. Student participation: prizes, et cetera d. Statistics: how many presentations, posters, et cetera e. Non-European participation: strong in some cases (eg LARP), but not evident in others.

8 EuCARD-2: the European highway to Accelerator R&D 8 > 300 participants from 40 partners (Laboratories, Universities and Industries) of 12 European Countries (+ CERN and Russia) 4 years duration (01.05.2013 - 30.04.2017) 13 Workpackages covering different fields of advanced Accelerator R&D 23.5 M€ total cost, 8 M€ EC contribution (1/3) > 300 participants from 40 partners (Laboratories, Universities and Industries) of 12 European Countries (+ CERN and Russia) 4 years duration (01.05.2013 - 30.04.2017) 13 Workpackages covering different fields of advanced Accelerator R&D 23.5 M€ total cost, 8 M€ EC contribution (1/3) EuCARD-2 = European Coordinated Accelerator Research and Development, an Integrating Activity co-funded by the European Commission under the Capacity – Research infrastructure Program One website:

9 Extreme Beams – F. Zimmermann (CERN) Frontier performance of accelerators. Extreme Beams – F. Zimmermann (CERN) Frontier performance of accelerators. Low emittance rings – Y.Papaphilippou (CERN), S.Guiducci (INFN), R.Bartolini (UOXF) Synergies synchrotron light sources, storage rings, damping rings, lepton colliders. Low emittance rings – Y.Papaphilippou (CERN), S.Guiducci (INFN), R.Bartolini (UOXF) Synergies synchrotron light sources, storage rings, damping rings, lepton colliders. Novel Accelerators – R. Assmann (DESY) European roadmap for plasma-based accelerators. Novel Accelerators – R. Assmann (DESY) European roadmap for plasma-based accelerators. Energy Efficiency – M. Seidel (PSI) Energy management in accelerators. Energy Efficiency – M. Seidel (PSI) Energy management in accelerators. Accelerator Applications – R. Edgecock (HUD) Accelerator technology for industry, health care, energy,... Accelerator Applications – R. Edgecock (HUD) Accelerator technology for industry, health care, energy,... Catalysing Innovation – G.Anelli (CERN), P.Woodman (STFC) Transfer to society of EuCARD-2 technologies. Catalysing Innovation – G.Anelli (CERN), P.Woodman (STFC) Transfer to society of EuCARD-2 technologies. Ion Cooling Test Facility at STFC R. Preece (STFC) HighRadMat, MagNet at CERN A. Fabich and M. Bajko (CERN) Future Magnets – L. Rossi (CERN), P. Fazilleau (CEA) High Temperature Superconductors for 20 T magnets. Future Magnets – L. Rossi (CERN), P. Fazilleau (CEA) High Temperature Superconductors for 20 T magnets. Collimator Materials – A. Rossi (CERN), J. Stadlmann (GSI) New materials for future collimators. Collimator Materials – A. Rossi (CERN), J. Stadlmann (GSI) New materials for future collimators. Innovative RF Technologies – P. Macintosh (STFC) High gradients for SC and NC accelerating cavities, RF diagnostics, photocathodes. Innovative RF Technologies – P. Macintosh (STFC) High gradients for SC and NC accelerating cavities, RF diagnostics, photocathodes. Novel Acceleration Techniques – V. Malka (CNRS) R&D topics on plasma wakefield acceleration. Novel Acceleration Techniques – V. Malka (CNRS) R&D topics on plasma wakefield acceleration. 6 Networks 4 Research &Technology Developments 2 Access to Research Infrastructures 13 Workpackages

10 Status of EuCARD-2 10 In 10 days, we will celebrate the 2 nd anniversary and the half-life of the project (start on 1.05.2013, end 30.4.2017). By the end of April we need to complete the 5 deliverables due and to update the Intermediate Report 1 (from M18 to M24). So far, so good! But still a long way to go

11 Mid-Term Review 11 On May 28th will take place at CERN the Mid-Term Review of the Project, at the presence of the Worckpackage Coordinators, of the EC Scientific Officer and of an external Reviewer (Steve Peggs). Objectives (defined by the EC Officer) are to establish: -The degree of fulfilment of the project work plan -The degree of fulfilment of the deliverables -The degree of achievements of the project objectives -The proposed planning for the next 2 years -The plans for using and disseminating the knowledge -The management aspects -The necessity of the resources employed -Whether the costs are economic and necessary for the implementation -The likelihood of the project achieving the results originally foreseen This Review is one of the main milestone for the project! On May 28th will take place at CERN the Mid-Term Review of the Project, at the presence of the Worckpackage Coordinators, of the EC Scientific Officer and of an external Reviewer (Steve Peggs). Objectives (defined by the EC Officer) are to establish: -The degree of fulfilment of the project work plan -The degree of fulfilment of the deliverables -The degree of achievements of the project objectives -The proposed planning for the next 2 years -The plans for using and disseminating the knowledge -The management aspects -The necessity of the resources employed -Whether the costs are economic and necessary for the implementation -The likelihood of the project achieving the results originally foreseen This Review is one of the main milestone for the project!

12 12 years of EU support to accelerators 12 CARE 01/2004 – 12/2008 5 years, 15.2 M€ EU contribution CARE 01/2004 – 12/2008 5 years, 15.2 M€ EU contribution EuCARD 04/2009 – 03/2013 4 years, 10.0 M€ EU contribution EuCARD 04/2009 – 03/2013 4 years, 10.0 M€ EU contribution EuCARD-2 05/2013 – 04/2017 4 years, 8.0 M€ EU contribution EuCARD-2 05/2013 – 04/2017 4 years, 8.0 M€ EU contribution Integrating Activities Design Studies, Preparatory Phases Design Studies, Preparatory Phases EuroNu DS, 2008/12, 4M€ HiLumi LHC, 2011/15, 4.9M€ ILC-HiGrade, 2008/12, 5M€ SLHC-PP, 2008/11, 5.2M€ TIARA-PP, 2011/13, 3.9M€ FP6 FP7 ESGARD Low prioritiy of long-term R&D for large laboratories focused on short-term projects, while small institutions lack critical mass and the experience to be effective → a joint collaborative effort with the EU support is the most effective way to push the limits of our technologies. *: only programs coordinated by the ESGARD committee, with particle physics as primary objective The EC has contributed to accelerator projects in FP6 and FP7 with 68 M€ out of a total budget of ~228 M€ LABORATORIES: Infrastructure experience UNIVERSITIES: Intellectual potential, creativity INDUSTRY

13 EU accelerator projects with ESGARD support FP6 FP7 EC contribution decreasing due to stronger competition, trend seems to continue in H2020

14 Design Studies Step 1: Design Studies First step to be visible at the EC level and to enter the strategic infrastructure Roadmap of the European Union Outcome: Be included in the ESFRI roadmap Step 2 : Preparatory Phase Technical, managerial and Political Preparation Phase for the construction of the infrastructure Step 3: Implementation Launch of the construction including technology transfer and industry involvment For each of these steps, there are EC calls. Although the amounts are small, it is politically extremely useful to be integrated in the EC “landscape” Integration activities Step 0 : Integration activities Basic R&D Assessment of new concepts Integrating activities as cradle of new projects

15 H2020 Design studies 15 3 projects submitted by our community to the 2014 call for Design Studies 1. EuroCIRCOL: FCC-hh 100km Circular collider (Core part of FCC) 2. EuPRAXIA: European Plasma Accelerator with High Beam Quality and Pilot Applications 3. ESSnuSB : neutrino Super-Beam based on ESS linac 3 projects submitted by our community to the 2014 call for Design Studies 1. EuroCIRCOL: FCC-hh 100km Circular collider (Core part of FCC) 2. EuPRAXIA: European Plasma Accelerator with High Beam Quality and Pilot Applications 3. ESSnuSB : neutrino Super-Beam based on ESS linac 39 projects presented, 5 to be supported (for a maximum of 3 M€ each), 13% FCC approved with a score of 15/15 EuPRAXIA in the reserve list with a score of 14/15 (ranked #8) ESSnuSB rejected with a score of 13.5/15 FCC approved with a score of 15/15 EuPRAXIA in the reserve list with a score of 14/15 (ranked #8) ESSnuSB rejected with a score of 13.5/15 Another accelerator project (XbFEL) rejected with a score of 13/15 EuPRAXIA: Plasma Accelerator for 2 users, compact femto-second FEL and HEP detector science, 5 GeV and 250 m length ESSnuSB : neutrino Super- Beam based on ESS linac (upgraded to 2*power, 10 MW) +accumulator, target, horn, detector. Detector in the 2 nd oscillation maximum.

16  In FP6-7 : 3 IA and 3 DS projects  Total of 72 participants (number of participant in any of the 6 projects) Participants in FP 6&7 Data courtesy of R. Aleksan

17 Participants in FP 6&7 Data courtesy of R. Aleksan Growing number of partners for IA, decreasing for DS Increasing share of universities in IA, decreasing in DS

18 EuCARD-2 highlights: the largest and the smallest 18 During the past 2 years, EuCARD-2 Networks have developed the principles of two proton accelerators spanning more than 4 orders of magnitude in size. They correspond to 2 different but essential challenges for our technology: highest energy (with minimum dimensions) and smallest dimensions (with maximum energy) In both cases, the challenge is the gradient (and the beam quality)… are plasmas our future? WP5 The Future Circular Collider study, 100 TeV in 100 km (16 T) WP4 A compact RFQ for production of medical isotopes, 10 MeV in 4 m Factor 25’000 in length!

19 EuCARD-2 key questions: what do we need to work together? 19 EuCARD-2 is entering into the Sociology of Scientific Collaborations:  Laboratories with Universities was the subject of a well-attended Workshop  Industry with Academia was mentioned at the recent Workshop EC2 meets industry We need to work together because our discipline is at the boundary between science and technology. EuCARD-2 is entering into the Sociology of Scientific Collaborations:  Laboratories with Universities was the subject of a well-attended Workshop  Industry with Academia was mentioned at the recent Workshop EC2 meets industry We need to work together because our discipline is at the boundary between science and technology. Universities and Laboratories: all consider collaboration essential, but have different evaluation criteria (=definitions of success): peer-reviewed publications for Universities and operational results are for Laboratories. Industries and academic/scientific world: all consider collaboration essential, but have to face problems of sharing of IP, confidentiality, way of working – do we need a «Academia meets Industry» workshop? Universities and Laboratories: all consider collaboration essential, but have different evaluation criteria (=definitions of success): peer-reviewed publications for Universities and operational results are for Laboratories. Industries and academic/scientific world: all consider collaboration essential, but have to face problems of sharing of IP, confidentiality, way of working – do we need a «Academia meets Industry» workshop? European projects are all about collaborations, but collaborations are not straightforward because we often speak different languages depending from our originating environment (university, laboratory, industry).

20 Key questions: do we have the energy to do what we want? 20 Plenty of ideas and initiatives appearing at the horizon: New high-efficiency RF power sources WP3 (Energy Efficiency)

21 Key questions: what does the man in the street need? 21 More and better science – we all agree! More and better life – we all agree, too… More and better science – we all agree! More and better life – we all agree, too… People in the street need the LHC (and now the FCC…) but need as well more and better medical isotopes, better materials, better semiconductors, improved security, etc. June 2015: Kick-off meeting of APAE: document for policy- makers on applications of interest in Europe and for which technology developed for research can have an impact. Recent industrial workshop on accelerators for production of medical isotopes WP4 Accelerator applications

22 EuCARD-2 bulding bridges… 22 Convergence between synchrotron light ring facilities and electron rings for particle physics pioneered by EuCARD-2 WP6. The goal is to expand this collaboration in the next Integrating Activity EuroNNAC2 (WP7) is a global collaboration with precise objectives, as defined in the EuPRAXIA Design Study proposal.

23 … and building hardware 23 Roebel dummy cable lengths, each 3 m long, with and without additional copper stabilizing strips, for insulation, winding and mechanical tests. internal surface of the 1.3 GHz cavity deposited at CERN (thin layer HIPIMS deposition of Nb on Cu). The SAPI UHV Surface Analysis / Preparation Installation test facility for photocathode research (Cockroft Institute) Experimental set-up at LoA for the production of sharp density gradients to to control electrons injection in laser plasma accelerators. Sample holders for high energy ion irradiation of collimator materials at Cave A at SIS18, GSI.

24 Thank you for your attention… …and for the good work done so far, and enjoy the Annual Meeting! In conclusion…

25 Backup slides

26 9 SAC Recommendations 1) Develop the EuCARD-2 web site to make summary descriptions of activities more easily accessible to the key communities – laboratories, universities and (especially) industry. Encourage Work Packages to establish and maintain their own web pages. 2) Enhanced involvement of the industrial community depends on understanding and protecting the Intellectual Property interests of industrial partners. Work Packages 2 and 4 (“Catalysing innovation” and “Applications of accelerators”) have an especially important role to play in strengthening ties to industry. 3) Anticipate the delivery of final (year 4) report statistics by making them available on an annual basis to the SAC, for example at the annual meetings. 4) EuCARD-2 management could ask the NA leaders to propose quantitative indicators – methods to measure the impact of workshops and meetings – including the demography of the communities being reached. 5) Consider including one or more industrial representatives as Task Leaders in WP4, and enhancing the involvement of industrial partners in workshops and work plans. 6) SAC supports this ambitious and dynamic forum of accelerator physics and suggests (in the WP8 discussion below) an additional dimension of extreme beams that would benefit from the dynamism and large international base represented by WP5. 7) The WP5 (extreme beams) network activity could help to enable European participants to play a greater role in MICE, in preparation for Step V while it is in construction, and in data taking and analysis after Step V is completed. There is a particular need for enhanced beam dynamics capabilities, in designing mini-studies in the control room as well as in data analysis. Enhanced European involvement would be especially relevant if there is a significant reduction in U.S. financial and human resources support. 8) The WP8 leader may wish to get in touch with the FP7 AIDA projects that are specialized in detectors, as ICTF can be used for calibrating detector components. 9) WP9 (HiRadMat) could consider including electrical property changes with radiation dose, in addition to thermal conductivity properties, because of the possible correlation of these properties.

27 EuCARD-2 objectives 27 Scientific objectives: 1.Contributions to few R&D topics of excellence (high risk, high pay-off) on accelerators for research (HEP, nuclear physics, synchrotron lights, etc.). 2.Include new dimension of innovation, applications, relations with industry (healthcare, energy, environment, etc.). Scientific objectives: 1.Contributions to few R&D topics of excellence (high risk, high pay-off) on accelerators for research (HEP, nuclear physics, synchrotron lights, etc.). 2.Include new dimension of innovation, applications, relations with industry (healthcare, energy, environment, etc.). Wider objectives: For EU: strenghten collaboration and foster synergies, create a network of complementary scientific infrastructures, enhance EU competitiveness. For large laboratories: attract external partners into (long-term) projects, connect with high-level R&D, create a network of competences. For small Institutes: get access to big laboratories and to large scientific programmes, get the recognition (and the funding) related to EU projects. Wider objectives: For EU: strenghten collaboration and foster synergies, create a network of complementary scientific infrastructures, enhance EU competitiveness. For large laboratories: attract external partners into (long-term) projects, connect with high-level R&D, create a network of competences. For small Institutes: get access to big laboratories and to large scientific programmes, get the recognition (and the funding) related to EU projects.

28 28 EC projects have been and are instrumental For fostering the community to carry out Accelerator R&D in a collaborative manner. For enabling smaller institutes/universities to gain knowledge and experience by collaborating with large institutes and to access world class infrastructures. For enabling coordinated and efficient means for a regionally balanced scientific and technological development. For triggering new ideas and developing further novel concept, e.g. crab waist scheme, plasma acceleration. For allowing Europe to build expertise in domains where it was behind, e.g. Nb3Sn magnet, HTS links, PWFA. For helping improving accelerator R&D infrastructures, e.g. CTF3, SLS, SPARC, ICTF… For helping enabling the improvement or launch of large infrastructure projects, e.g. Linac4, LHCupgrades, FAIR, ESS, ELBE, FLASH, XFEL,… For fostering the community to carry out Accelerator R&D in a collaborative manner. For enabling smaller institutes/universities to gain knowledge and experience by collaborating with large institutes and to access world class infrastructures. For enabling coordinated and efficient means for a regionally balanced scientific and technological development. For triggering new ideas and developing further novel concept, e.g. crab waist scheme, plasma acceleration. For allowing Europe to build expertise in domains where it was behind, e.g. Nb3Sn magnet, HTS links, PWFA. For helping improving accelerator R&D infrastructures, e.g. CTF3, SLS, SPARC, ICTF… For helping enabling the improvement or launch of large infrastructure projects, e.g. Linac4, LHCupgrades, FAIR, ESS, ELBE, FLASH, XFEL,… Added Value of European accelerator projects Copy and paste from a list by R. Aleksan

29 The challenges ahead… Size, Cost, El. power, Public acceptance Push the gradients (B, E) Improve efficiency WP3, WP10, WP12 Applied science Medecine Industry Applied science Medecine Industry 90 years of particle accelerators 1924: Ising, periodic acceleration 1928: Wideröe, RF acceleration 1931: Lawrence, cyclic acceleration Push the limits: Higher beam densities and energies WP5, WP6, WP11 The four EuCARD-2 themes for the future of particle accelerators A new paradigm: Plasma wakefield acceleration WP7, WP13 Improve applications and technology transfer WP2, WP4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Enabling technologies -RF acceleration -Cyclic acceleration -Strong focusing, ph. stability -Colliders -Superconductivity -(Plasma acceleration?) Enabling technologies -RF acceleration -Cyclic acceleration -Strong focusing, ph. stability -Colliders -Superconductivity -(Plasma acceleration?)

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