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Strategic Leadership Defined 1 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP DEFINED.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Leadership Defined 1 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP DEFINED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Leadership Defined 1 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP DEFINED

2 Strategic Leadership Defined 2 All men can see the tactics whereby I conquered, but what none can see is the strategy out of which it evolved Sun Tzu

3 Strategic Leadership Defined 3 WHY ? ? ?

4 Strategic Leadership Defined 4 Baden Powell Scouting / Guiding should never be an organisation, but a movement – able to assess, adapt and change when and if needed

5 Strategic Leadership Defined 5 StrategicLeadership

6 6 Art & Discipline Art Creativity to fashion a vision Discipline Direct thought processes & turn vision into reality through action

7 Strategic Leadership Defined 7 Art Thinking that is open, out of the box Big picture –helicopter view Creating alternative strategic visions Ability to see what if? Scenarios Courage to analyse & see decision making criteria

8 Strategic Leadership Defined 8 Discipline Courage to make decisions Implement policy Get others to share vision & work together to achieve it Beatty in “Becoming a Strategic Leader” defines it as:- “A way of thinking, acting & influencing others in ways that enhance an organisation’s sustainable, competitive advantage”.

9 Strategic Leadership Defined 9

10 10 Who are Strategic Leaders Individuals Teams All levels of organisation

11 Strategic Leadership Defined 11 Characteristics of Strategic Leadership Broad in scope Impact felt over long periods of time Often involves significant organisational change thrive in the long term Drive & move an organisation so that it will thrive in the long term

12 Strategic Leadership Defined 12 Examples IBM & DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) In 2002 IBM was a leading company in modern computer technology DEC became more inward looking sold out to Compaq in 1998

13 Strategic Leadership Defined 13 Relevance to GGGS action and improvement Strategic Leaders = good managers + good leaders = action and improvement continuous process Strategic Leadership = continuous process thinkplanreflect happen “It is not enough just to think, plan & reflect, people want to see things happen GGGS cannot rest on its product as in past - Too much competition today for our time”

14 Strategic Leadership Defined 14

15 Strategic Leadership Defined 15 Strategic Organisation = Continually Becoming Assessing where we are In community / WAGGGS Understanding where we are & want to be Mission Vision Learning how to get there Planning & using strategies that will continue to make us who we are Making journeyImplementing tactics Checking progressCurrent performance

16 Strategic Leadership Defined 16 Learning Process for Strategic Organisation Learning how to get there Understanding who we are & where we want to go Making the journey Checking our progress Assessing where we are

17 Strategic Leadership Defined 17 Strategic Leadership Involves discovery more than determination Is not reserved for those at the top Strategic Leaders Must foster Strategic Leadership in others Blend skills of thinking, acting & influencing to drive strategy as a learning process

18 Strategic Leadership Defined 18 Trunk = organisation principles & values Roots = Board/ Executive Committee

19 Strategic Leadership Defined 19 Where? Strategic organisations plan & work to solve long & short term goals Balance of long term & short term planning is vital to success of strategic organisation

20 Strategic Leadership Defined 20 1. Functionally successful in short term, but not sustainable long term 2. Strategically focused organisation successful in both short & long term 3. Failure inevitable both in short & long term 4. Short term crises will prevent longer term sustainability Operational Process & Planning Short Term Effective Mgt Strategic Planning Process (Long Term)

21 Strategic Leadership Defined 21Task Back of your workbook - story from GGA Garden Land Using the 5 steps of the process we have talked about discuss how the Executive Committee could approach this issue what questions they may need to ask what they need to be assessing how they could work in order to reach the best decision for GGA Garden Land at this time

22 Strategic Leadership Defined 22 Successful Strategic MO within WAGGGS Provides direction Uses strategic thinking for policy making Has a definite plan of action Balances long & short term goals Creates ownership Builds partnerships Leads by example Has a succession plan

23 Strategic Leadership Defined 23 Needs to Develop balance - short & long term Develop strategic leadership in self & others Turn vision into reality Turn words into action (make the journey) Monitor progress - change direction if needed

24 Strategic Leadership Defined 24 I skate where the puck is going to be, not where it has been Wayne Gretskey Leadership Leadership that can THINK ACT INFLUENCE

25 Strategic Leadership Defined 25 A Strategic plan is only a plan for an MO Actual strategy lies in the decisions & choices an organisation makes as they enact or fail to enact the plan Strategic Leadership Strategic Leadership is the responsibility of many people, not just those at the top; a process of never ending individual, team and organisation learning & cannot be explained by a set of procedures

26 Strategic Leadership Defined 26 Are you prepared to have a go? It will challenge you, but also be exciting to try

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