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A Series of 4 Facilitated Conversations The Future of Consortia.

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Presentation on theme: "A Series of 4 Facilitated Conversations The Future of Consortia."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Series of 4 Facilitated Conversations The Future of Consortia




5 Introductions and Overview: 9:00 am Conversation #1 9:20 - 10:20 am Are our users changing in a material way? (Millennials, post-Millennials, Seniors, and Boomers) How can we understand the real user better? (Personas, Usability and Alignment) Break 10:20 - 10:40 Conversation #2 10:40 - 11:15 am Technologies for connecting with our communities. What are the right technologies to invest time and effort in NOW and in the future? Break Conversation #3 11:30 am - 12:30 pm What are the BIG questions we should be asking ourselves? Change management and creating an environment for motivation and innovation? Politics, gaining buy-in and building understanding about the urgency for change? Lunch 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Conversation #4 1 p.m. - 2 pm What's innovative in your place? (reporting personal experiences from the group). What's not and should be? (commenting on others and ourselves)

6 Are our users changing in any material way? 9:20-10:20 a.m.

7 Preparing for the Inevitable

8 The Scary re- wiring of the Millennials and post-Millennials

9 Principled / Values More FriendsMore Diverse Respect Intelligence Optimistic / Positive Internet Natives More Choices Format Agnostic Balanced LivesAdaptive / Flexible Civic Minded High Expectations CollaborativeNomadicGamersExperiential IndependentConfidentDirectMore Liberal Multi-taskersInclusivePatrioticEntrepreneurial Healthy LifestyleFamily Oriented GraphicalAchievement Oriented Millennial Characteristics Credit: Richard Sweeney, NJIT

10 Usability The A frame adopted from newspaper layout is not what works. Eyetools



13 What about others? Seniors Students Professors Community leaders Consortia staff Boomers More…?


15 Personas are hypothetical representations of a natural grouping of users that drive decision-making for development projects. They are not real people, but they represent real people. They are defined by goals. They focus on what is valuable to the user and subsequently on how he or she behaves. Personas Defined

16 Our Approach Narrative capture and identification of characters, issues and problems, behaviors and actions. Narrative pattern review of content, service and product needs Identification of priority requirements for specific market identities i.e. personas

17 Why Narrative Capture? Knowledge can only be volunteered it cannot be conscripted I only know what I know when I need to know it I always know more than I can say and I will always say more than I can write down

18 Anecdote Circles Starter Statements  Describe a day that involved coming to the library.  Describe a day that you wanted to come to the library but couldn’t.  Give us an example of when you learned something from others at the library.  Give us an example of when you tried to learn something from others at the library but didn’t.  Give us an example from the past when you have used a computer to find information and were surprised about what you found.  Give us an example from the past when you decided you wouldn’t be able to find the information through the computer – why? The five (5) workshops held in April-May 2005 Bergen County Public Library Buffalo Erie Public Library Cleveland Public Library Hamilton Public Library S.A.I.L.S. Middleboro, MA

19 Summary Groupings ArchetypesThemesValues  Good Citizenship  Patrons  Library Staff  Money  Library Services and Facilities  Interaction  Technology  Efficiency  Money  Community  Learning  Quality  Efficiency  Money/Risk Ideal State Issues

20 Archetypes: Characters

21 Good Citizenship Archetypes Collaborate Community brings people together Cozy Diverse activities Encourage creativity Good use of our money Human contact Intellectual opportunities Kids feel safe Nurturing Opportunities – social Security Willing to chat when time permits Bergen County Well-Rounded Citizen (13 attributes)

22 Good Citizenship Archetypes Community builder Connected Connecting with community Gives people mission Networking Pulls community together SAILS Strong Community Leader (6 attributes)

23 Library Staff Archetypes Advance reserve on new materials Abundance of items One-stop shopping Video/DVD lost in drop box Access to materials never afford Up to date, current materials Diversity of materials Buffalo-Erie Ultimate Tour Guide (7 attributes)

24 Primary Anchor Secondary Anchor

25 7 SirsiDynix Personas Discovery Dan Dan represents the adult non-researcher population. Haley High School Haley represents the high school student population. Jennifer Jennifer represents the parents of teenagers. Mommy Marcie Marcie represents the parents of young children. Rick Researcher Rick represents adult researchers who own a personal computer. Senior Sally Sally represents senior citizens. Tasha Learner Tasha represents adult researchers who do not own a personal computer.


27 Reminder: 150,00-250,000 A DAY!




31 Second Life Library

32 Second Life Library eBooks

33 Teen SL Library services meeting, Sun 5/7/06 Teen SL Library services meeting, Sun 5/7/06





38 Technologies for connecting with our communities. What are the right technologies to invest time and effort in NOW and in the future? 10:40-11:15 am


40 Expectations 1.0 Search Retrieve View Print Link Navigate Read...

41 Pandora





46 Darlene Fichter, 2006



49 WEB 2.0 Portals, Portlets WHY?

50 WEB 2.0 RSS – really simple syndication WHY?

51 WEB 2.0 Wikis WHY?

52 WEB 2.0 Blogs and blogging WHY?

53 WEB 2.0 New Programming Tools: AJAX, API, Mash-ups, J2EE, Java, widgets, wizards WHY?

54 WEB 2.0 Commentary and comments WHY?

55 WEB 2.0 Personalization and My Profiles WHY?

56 WEB 2.0 Podcasting, Screencasting, Webcasting, P2P and MP3’s WHY? Streaming Media – audio and video

57 WEB 2.0 Reviews and User-driven Ratings WHY? Recommender Functionality

58 WEB 2.0 Personalized Alerts WHY?

59 WEB 2.0 Web Services WHY?

60 WEB 2.0 Instant Messaging and Virtual Reference WHY?

61 WEB 2.0 Folksonomies, Tagging and Tag Clouds Visualization WHY?

62 WEB 2.0 Photos (e.g. Flickr, Picasa) WHY?

63 WEB 2.0 Social Networking WHY?


65 WEB 2.0 Socially Driven Content WHY?

66 WEB 2.0 Open Access, Open Source, Open Content WHY?

67 WEB 2.0 Social Bookmarking WHY?

68 WEB 2.0 Productivity Tools WHY?

69 WEB 2.0 RSS – really simple syndication Wikis Portals and Portlets New Programming Tools: AJAX, API, J2EE, widgets, mashups Blogs and blogging Recommender Functionality Personalized Alerts Web Services Folksonomies, Tagging and Tag Clouds Social Networking Open access, Open Source, Open Content Commentary and comments Personalization and My Profiles Podcasting and MP3 files Streaming Media – audio and video User-driven Reviews Rankings & User-driven Ratings Instant Messaging and Virtual Reference Photos (e.g. Flickr, Picasa) Socially Driven Content Social Bookmarking

70 What are the BIG Questions? 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

71 The question we should be asking is… What’s the BEST future FOR libraries?

72 Lots of BIG questions to think about What will it mean to libraries if our services can be delivered to cheap devices that almost everyone has with them all the time? Think about it… Smart phones easily and cheaply offer Web, e-mail, music, talking books, e- books, etc.

73 Lots of BIG questions to think about What will it mean for libraries if secure, broadband connectivity is ubiquitous in your community? Think about it… What if Google's investment in free broadband wireless through the electrical grid is wildly successful?

74 The questions keep coming… What does it mean if a decent laptop is available for under $150.00? Think schools, public libraries, gyms, stores, playgrounds, clubs, etc.

75 The questions keep coming… What does it mean if virtually all content in any kind of container is available through the Internet? Video, music, books, learning, courses, pictures, drawings, art, etc.

76 And they don’t get any easier to answer! What impact will Millennials have? What about post-Millennials? These are Internet natives, not immigrants.

77 And they don’t get any easier to answer! Is your library ready and preparing for the end of the web, the end of the browser, the extinction of DVD’s, the decline of e-mail, the emergence of subscription software, the next broadband leap, the flat world, intelligent locations, …?

78 And they don’t get any easier to answer! What if there were no libraries? What would you do if you were starting from scratch to meet people’s needs? Would your plans bear any resemblance to current plans libraries have for the future?

79 LUNCH 12:30-1 pm


81 Play!




85 What’s innovative at your shoppe? 1-2 pm

86 “A year from now you may wish you had started today.” —Karen Lamb

87 Stephen Abram, MLS VP Innovation 416-669-4855 Thanks Stephen’s Lighthouse Blog has all PPTs and articles on it.

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