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Leading and Following: Distance Education in Iowa and the USA Michael Simonson, Ph.D. Program Professor Instructional Technology and Distance Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading and Following: Distance Education in Iowa and the USA Michael Simonson, Ph.D. Program Professor Instructional Technology and Distance Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading and Following: Distance Education in Iowa and the USA Michael Simonson, Ph.D. Program Professor Instructional Technology and Distance Education Fischler School of Education Nova Southeastern University Florida, USA



4 Distance Education National Status





9 K-12 Schools: Preparing Students for the Future



12 The World is Flat Thomas Friedman “…companies will go where the knowledge is…” Coefficient of Flatness “…the flatter one’s country is – that is, the fewer natural resources it has – the better of it will be in a flat world…”




16 Distance Learning Classroom Teaching Site View from Front

17 The ICN is mentioned ~6 times in 140 pages




21 2005

22 US DOE Technology Plan 1.Strengthen LeadershipStrengthen Leadership 2.Consider Innovative Budgeting 3.Improve Teacher Training 4.Support e’Learning and Virtual SchoolsVirtual Schools 5.Encourage Broadband Access 6.Move Toward Digital Content 7.Integrate Data Systems

23 States Mentioned* in the U.S. DOE Technology Plan Alaska California Florida Missouri Virginia New Mexico Louisiana Idaho West Virginia Arkansas Pennsylvania *Not Mentioned: Iowa

24 A Vision for IDLA? Iowa returns to the lead! “open up” the ICN -- to any and all (privatize and reserve access?) Develop “wireless canopies” over cities and towns -- anchored to the ICN State and local virtual schools Blended/hybrid instruction Computer in every child’s hands Free connection and equipment for trainers, teachers and administrators


26 DISTANCE LEARNING LEADER A leader is a visionary capable of action who guides an organization’s future, its vision, mission, goals, and objectives. The leader guides the organization and its people who have faith in the leader, and have a clear understanding and acceptance of the organization’s worthwhile and shared vision and goals. A distance learning leader has competence in knowing, designing, managing, leading and visioning distance education.


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