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1 (Mrs. Brewster) 6 1 01/15/02 Period Group Number Date ESMERALDA CALDERON.

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Presentation on theme: "1 (Mrs. Brewster) 6 1 01/15/02 Period Group Number Date ESMERALDA CALDERON."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 (Mrs. Brewster) 6 1 01/15/02 Period Group Number Date ESMERALDA CALDERON

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4 4 Characters in the Drama Patient: Mother: Doctor: Emergency Room Nurse: Jennifer Mom (Mrs. Bates) Dr. Susan Flanagan Fred


6 6 Does Jennifer have a disease or a drug overdose?

7 7 The Facts of the Case Our Infosheets, and Our Calculations …To reach the necessary diagnosis and to decide the treatment. Let’s look at:

8 8 We calculated: Jennifer’s weight in kilograms. Jennifer’s temperature in Fahrenheit Amount of glucose solution patient should receive. Liters of replacement fluid patient needs The naloxone dosage (antibiotic) for the patient

9 9 Jennifer’s respiration rate is 28 breaths per minute.

10 10 Normal Respiration rate for this age is 20 breaths per minute. Fast breathing can be caused by a disease. OR, it can be caused by a drug overdose. From InfoSheet:

11 11 There is either an unknown disease, or drug overdose. Will not decide at this point.

12 12 Glucose level is low. Requires 50 grams of D50 solution. Patient has been sick for ONE WEEK.

13 13 Diseases can take weeks or longer to develop. Drug overdoses create problems within minutes or hours. From InfoSheet:

14 14 Unknown Disease!

15 15. Jennifer is dehydrated and needs 5 liters of Replacement fluid. Her Temperature is 100 o F.

16 16 Dehydration is often caused by disease, infections and fever. 99–100.9 o F is considered a Low- grade fever. From InfoSheet:

17 17 Unknown Disease!

18 18. Jennifer’s Pulse Rate is 125 beats per minute.

19 19 Some types of drug overdoses can cause might be caused by dehydration, fever, or a disease such as diabetes. an abnormally slow pulse. An abnormally fast pulse From InfoSheet:

20 20 Unknown Disease!

21 21 CONCLUSION Our group diagnosis was that Jennifer had AN UNKNOWN DISEASE, and not A DRUG OVERDOSE.


23 23 Will Jennifer be able to play the Wicked Witch? Only if the longest treatment time is completed within 24 hours.

24 24 We considered these factors: Dr. A: Patient’s Glucose level. Dr. B: Toxic levels of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Dr. C: Maintenance Solution. When to start and stop Maintenance Solution. Dr. D: Maxillin (Medicine). How long to complete.

25 25 Will Jennifer play the Witch? Yes! If her glucose level drops to 180 mg/dL within the 24 hours.

26 26 Doctor A: Glucose Level(mg/dl)

27 27 Decision: Possibly. Doctor A. Will Jennifer play the Witch?

28 28 Will Jennifer play the Witch? Yes! She’ll be okay when her blood test reading shows her Acetaminophen (Tylenol) level is below the toxic level.

29 29 (Construct acetaminophen level graph. See instructions.) Doctor B: Acetaminophen Level (mcg/ml) TOXIC

30 30 Doctor B. Will Jennifer play the Witch? Decision: Possibly. Blood test reading shows acetaminophen is currently BELOW the toxic level. No hours are needed for treatment.

31 31 Will Jennifer play the Witch? Yes! If the prescribed time for administering the maintenance solution is completed within 24 hours.

32 32 Doctor C: Maintenance Solution (cc’s)

33 33 Doctor C. Will Jennifer play the Witch? Decision: Possibly. The maintenance solution will start at 9 hours and be continued for 10 hours. Total hours: 19

34 34 Will Jennifer play the Witch? Yes! If Jennifer receives her 4 doses of Maxillin medicine within 24 hours..

35 35 Maxillin blood level(mcg/ml) Dr. D

36 36 Decision: Possibly Doctor D. Will Jennifer play the Witch? It will take only 12 hours for Jennifer to receive her 4 doses.

37 37 As a team, we found the longest treatment time needed for Jennifer fell within the 24 -hour limit.

38 38 Jennifer WILL be able to play the part of the Wicked Witch.

39 39 Math we used to Answer the Questions: Conversions of metric units Medical measurements and rates Graphing of change over time Problem Solving Skills

40 40 Results of final testing showed Jennifer has DIABETES

41 41

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