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UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY BY: MARYANN. LOCATION AND INFORMATION The location is in Berkeley California. There phone number is (510) 642-6000.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY BY: MARYANN. LOCATION AND INFORMATION The location is in Berkeley California. There phone number is (510) 642-6000."— Presentation transcript:


2 LOCATION AND INFORMATION The location is in Berkeley California. There phone number is (510) 642-6000.

3 KNOWN FOR It is known for there university being a public institution. The campus size is 1,232 acres. All undergraduates manors and minors are listed in the Berkeley academic guide.

4 ONE MAJOR COULD BE MUSIC The Department of Music at U.C. Berkeley has been ranked among the top music departments in the United States for several decades, changing with the times while maintaining its distinction thanks to an innovative faculty, top-notch students, dedicated staff, and supportive alumni. We successfully integrate academic studies with performance. We are small enough to foster a sense of community, yet big enough to offer a broad variety of courses that enables students to craft programs suited to individual interests. These are complemented by an array of performance courses and opportunities. Other majors are physics, math, and computer science.

5 DORMS AND EXTRA CURRICULAR As a result of its larger student body, Berkeley’s extracurricular opportunities represent a vast range of interests–the school offers organizations ranging from a thriving Greek life to a hand gliding club, and everything in between. In fact, there are more than 700 registered clubs and organizations in which students may become involved. This is a room of a dorm.


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