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Western Cape College Excellence in Indigenous Education In the Deep End

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1 Western Cape College Excellence in Indigenous Education In the Deep End

2 1. embedding the demonstration of depth of knowledge and understanding in the primary curriculum and; 2. developing a transdisciplinary approach to curriculum development and delivery in the upper middle school (Years 7 to 9), whilst retaining the desired depth of knowledge and understanding. In the Deep End

3 2 Models for Completion of Rich Tasks Second Suite: Years 4 to 7 Rich Task 6#6 Design, Make and Display a Product Third Suite: Years 7 to10 Rich Task 9#3 Built Environment: Designing a Structure

4 Four Campuses One College Context: Aurukun p–10 260 students Mapoon p–6 49 students Weipa p–12 785 students Napranum p–6 46 students

5 Model 1: Suite 1 and Suite 2 (Years 1 to 6) Teachers as Transdisciplinary Agents based on the typical primary school structure ‘out of their depth’ required specialist teachers/ community members Horizontal and Vertical teacher teams. (logistical nightmare)

6 Rich Task 6#6: Design, Make and Display a Product Students will design, or improve the design of, a purposeful product. They will make the product or a working model or prototype. As part of a public display promoting their product, they will flesh out a (restricted ) marketing plan and explore the suitability of materials for manufacture. High- quality performance is evidenced by: Logical, comprehensible and considered design (for model, marketing and display) that shows initiative and that highlights important aspects of the product with respect to purpose, materials, process and potential Incorporation of aesthetic and persuasive elements into the model, marketing plan and display. Refined application of technical processes and skills to the production of a well constructed model and display.

7 Senior Graphics Teachers Parents Manual Arts Teachers Business teachers, Local Business Owners, Senior Guidance Officers Manual Arts Teachers Local manufacturers Western Cape Artists Senior English Teachers Marketing Specialists Construct working prototype or model in polished form. Produce a design of the product.. Prepare a marketing plan…. Present a unified, static display promoting the product to manufacturers, backers and consumers …preferred option for process and materials for manufacture Research: Manufacturing processes Real World Marketing models Consult/research/ invent to select product (or improvement) with a meaningful purpose.

8 Model 2: Third Suite: Years 7 to 9 Teachers as Lead Agents The ‘Lead Agent’ teacher assigned a Rich Task The Lead Agent ‘subcontracts' out various components of the Rich Tasks to other subject areas Horizontal and Vertical Teams

9 The Built Environment: Designing a Structure Students will identify a client’s needs and take these and other factors into account in preparing a design brief for a structure. They will design an environmentally sensitive and aesthetic structure to fulfil this brief and communicate the design through sketches, plans and models. They will give due consideration to structure and materials, quantities and costs. High-quality performance is evidenced by: faithful interpretation of client needs via comprehensive and well- organised job specifications. cogent rationalisation in a design brief of environmental sustainability, aesthetic appeal, cultural appropriateness, financial viability and social significance, via the discourse of architecture. vivid ideation in conceptualising a structure for a selected site.

10 Environment and Technology, Science Specialists Civil Engineers School grounds projects Parent’s and Citizens Association Principal Graphics and Design Specialists Engineers Tradesman Manual Arts Teachers Visual Art Specialist Architects Building Companies Maths Teachers Commerce teachers Computing and Business staff Prepare a written design brief…. Environmental Impact Study Sun Study Display concept sketches and plans Quantity survey Cost estimate Research: Needs/purpose Constraints (including budget) Considerations (eg. Climate) Construction methods Materials Display Sketches/ models Plans

11 Professional Learning Community Teacher Actions Recognised that this was a new approach to teaching and learning Cooperative approach to curriculum development and delivery ‘no dumbing down’ of task Accountabilities and achievable goals Ownership of the curriculum reform- teacher as curriculum leaders Fully engaged in the moderation process Public promotion of the reforms

12 Administration Actions Total commitment to New Basics Designed systems and structures Responsive and appropriate resource allocation Clear accountabilities Responsive to the needs of staff Positive public promotion of the New Basics Commitment to a Supportive School Environment Curriculum website

13 Where to from here in Cape York? Cape New Basics Curriculum Professional Learning Community in the Cape Alliance of Community Schools Cape Cultural Heritage Outdoor Education

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