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Category-2 Biology Denver 2014. Session 6 Changes to the exam structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Category-2 Biology Denver 2014. Session 6 Changes to the exam structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Category-2 Biology Denver 2014

2 Session 6 Changes to the exam structure

3 Objectives of Session 6 To understand the revised structure, content and weighting of the three exam papers To explore the command terms and the depth to which each understanding in the syllabus needs to be covered To get experience with designing sample Paper 1,2 and 3 exam questions To discuss the new role of examination questions about scientific technique on both papers 2 and 3 Understand what an objective 3 MCQ looks like

4 Assessment Objectives 1.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 1.a,b,c 2.Apply 1.a,b,c 3.Formulate, analyse, evaluate 1.a,b,c, d 4.Demonstrate appropriate research, experimental, personal skills needed to carry out ethical investigations

5 Command Terms Assessment objective 1 Define Draw Label List Measure State Assessment objective 2 Annotate Calculate Describe Distinguish Estimate Identify Outline Assessment objective 3 Analyse.Comment Compare Construct Deduce Design Determine Discuss Evaluate Explain Predict Sketch Suggest

6 Assessment outline - SL Component Overall weighting (%) Approximate weighting of objectives (%) Duration (hours) 1+23 Paper 120 10 ¾ Paper 24020 1¼ Paper 32010 1 Internal assessment 20 Covers objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4 10

7 Assessment outline - HL Component Overall weighting (%) Approximate weighting of objectives (%) Duration (hours) 1+23 Paper 12010 1 Paper 23618 2¼ Paper 32412 1¼ Internal assessment 20Covers objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4 10

8 External assessment details

9 Paper 1 SLHL Duration¾ h1h Weight20% Marks3040 Assessment objectives 1,2 and 3 About 15 questions common

10 Paper 2 SLHL Duration1¼ h2¼ h Weight40%36% Marks5072 Assessment objectives 1,2 and 3 One out of two extended response questions Two out of three extended response questions  Data-based question  Short-answer and extended-response questions on core material

11 New Quality of Construction Mark The candidate's answers are clear enough to be understood without rereading. The candidate has answered the question succinctly, with little or no repetition or irrelevant material.

12 Paper 3 SLHL Duration1 h1¼ h Weight20%24% Marks3545 Assessment objectives 1,2 and 3 Section A Two to three short-answer questions are based on experimental skills and techniques, analysis and evaluation, using unseen data linked to the core material Section BAnswer one option

13 Summary of Changes Paper one objective 3 to be assessed Paper two with more marks allocated to part A Paper two reduced choice for part B extended response questions Paper two essay questions worth fewer marks Paper two essay one quality mark Paper three no longer exclusively assesses the options Paper three data-based questions more closely linked to the syllabus

14 Collaborative Marking Using the mark scheme collaboratively mark the P3 part A answers Share the marks you gave with others at your table Compare your marking top the sample marked responses Having marked these questions, outline the structure of this section of paper 3; i.e., briefly describe the structure of this section of the exam



17 Activity – Review command terms During this activity, participants in table groups will cut up the command terms and descriptions on the Command Terms list. Without getting any help from the subject guide or any other resource, groups should match the command terms with their descriptions by pasting them alongside each other on poster paper. Groups should then link each command term to an assessment objective level by writing the numbers 1, 2 or 3 next to each matched command term. Once done, groups can compare their answers to the correct answers on the command terms document. This is a good activity they can do with their students to help them get a better understanding of the command terms.

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