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Equipment Inventory Equipment Location Changes Vendor Interface & EDI.

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1 Equipment Inventory Equipment Location Changes Vendor Interface & EDI

2 2 Equipment Location Changes  Effective April 23, 2009, Hub Group will no longer require that an equipment disposition be provided when closing out a drayage tender.  Hub Group now will require the carrier to only provide the updated Equipment Location. –Only two options will exist for updating Equipment Location  Equipment being dropped at a Container Yard (CY) as an available empty will need to be updated to that CY location.  Equipment being dropped at a Shipper location MUST be applied to a DROP TENDER.  This process applies for both VI and EDI carriers.

3 3 Equipment Location Changes  Previously, when providing Hub Group with delivery events, an Equipment Disposition and Disposition Date/Time was required in addition to the location.  Going forward, Hub Group will only be requiring the Equipment Location to be entered. Previous RequirementNew Requirement

4 4 Equipment Location Changes  As before, a default yard location may selected or an address from the address book may be selected.

5 5 Equipment Location Changes  If the equipment is being moved empty to a CY, entering the location of the yard will finish the cycle for that container.  If the equipment is being moved empty to a shipper for drop loading, that shipper address must be entered as the location and the equipment ID must be applied to a drop tender. –This step is critically important. If you do not have a drop tender to apply the container, you will need to contact your Hub Operating Location and request a drop tender. –This also applies to EDI carriers. 322 events should not be sent for empty equipment movement to shippers, only to Hub Yards. If moving to a shipper location a 204 needs to be sent on the applicable drop tender.

6 6 Summary  Effective 4-23-2009, Equipment Dispositions will not longer be required by Hub Group.  Only equipment locations will be required. –If the container is being dropped at a Hub Yard as an available empty:  VI Carriers should update the Equipment Location to the applicable yard location  EDI Carriers should provide Hub Group with a 322 status event locating the box to that yard –If the container is being dropped at a Shipper Location for loading:  The location should be updated on the inbound tender to the shipper location  The Equipment should be applied to a drop tender for both VI and EDI carriers

7 7 Support Items  If no drop tender is available when dropping an empty at a Shipper Location, the local Hub Operating Location MUST be contacted to provide one.  For problems/issues, please contact: –Missing Addresses –Incorrect CY Locations –Problems updating drop tenders

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