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Pions and kaons from stringy quark matter T.S.Bíró and K.Ürmössy, MTA KFKI RMKI Budapest, Hungary String model, string distribution EoS with stringy interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Pions and kaons from stringy quark matter T.S.Bíró and K.Ürmössy, MTA KFKI RMKI Budapest, Hungary String model, string distribution EoS with stringy interaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pions and kaons from stringy quark matter T.S.Bíró and K.Ürmössy, MTA KFKI RMKI Budapest, Hungary String model, string distribution EoS with stringy interaction Coalescense from stringy matter Pion and kaon pt spectra SQM 2008, Peking, China.

2 Modern Language Assciation, Random House Inc. 2008 1.Resembling a string or strings, consisiting of strings or stringlike pieces: stringy weeds; a stringy fiber 2.Coarsely or toughly fibrous, as meat 3.Sinewy or wiry, as a person 4.Ropy, as a glutinous liquid The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Houghton Mifflin Co. 2006 1.Consisting of, resembling or containing strings or a string 2.Slender and sinewy; wiry 3.Forming strings, as a viscous liquid; ropy.


4 Statistical Model

5 How can be E / N = 6 T ? Massive hadrons (rho?)

6 How can be E / N = 6 T ? Statistical Model: hadronization point around µ = 0 (RHIC, LHC)

7 How can be E / N = 6 T ? Ideal gas of radiation

8 How can be E / N = 6 T ? Bag Model for QGP

9 How can be E / N = 6 T ? Stringy Massless QGP

10 How can be E / N = 6 T ? Stringy Massless QGP Biro, Cleymans, 2008

11 Stringy corrections to QGP Endline: last possible solution Boltzmann approximation T µ This branch is given by Lambert’s W

12 High – T equation of state

13 Medium-high-T behavior of lattice eos

14 High-T behavior of lattice eos Boltzmann approximation Fodor Katz

15 High-T behavior of lattice eos Boltzmann approximation Fodor Katz

16 The zero pressure line St. Mod.

17 Pressure: NP effects at any T If it were f(0) = 0, then the QGP pressure would be free of NP effects!

18 Thermal distribution of Q ² Q²Q² 9T ² 1/16T ²


20 Coalescense kinematics with strings m

21 Coalescense: formula 1

22 We do not use this!

23 Coalescense: formula

24 Coalescense factor

25 Coalescense: string mass distribution Prejudice: d = 1…3 Biro,Shanenko,Toneev: 1999

26 Coalescense ratio vs string mass Prejudice: d = 1…3 Goal: fit the parameters of g(m) from low p t

27 need for strings at low p t π K blue: fitted g(m)

28 π: =0.087, d=1.187; K: =0.121, d=1.595 Inetgrated String-length Distribution K π

29 π: T=100 MeV, q=1.096; K: T=70 MeV, q=1.102 Comparison with RHIC Spectra v=0.274

30 pt spectra from quark coalescence = 0.5 GeV d = 1, 1.3, 2, 3 quark *antiquark / meson ratio

31 and d for quark coalescence d

32 Max: Antiproton spektrum (RHIC)

33 Max: Kaon spektrum (RHIC) STAR PHENIX

34 T K =142MeV q K =1.059

35 Pion spektrum (RHIC) Max: no data around m pion PHENIX

36 Flows with p - Flows with Kaon

37 v flow =0.27 T п1 =107MeV q п1 =1.096 q п2 =1.096 T п2 =75MeV v flow =0.55

38 Summary Strings give a realistic eos and E / N = 6T Above Tc there are non-perturbative effects Coalescence of Tsallis-Pareto distributions Strings help the product formula at low pt Expect at LHC: same T, different q

39 If the accumulation of false beliefs is cleared away, Enlightenment will appear. But, strange enough, when people attain Enlightenment, they will realize that Without false beliefs there could be no Enlightement. (The Teaching of Buddha)

40 Bibliography arXiv: 0801.3998, T.S.Biro and J. Cleymans: The hadronization line in stringy matter hep-ph / 98083941, T.S.Biro, P.Levai, J.Zimanyi and C.Traxler: Hadronization in heavy ion collisions, PRC59, ……, 1999 T.S.Biro, A.A.Shanenko and V.D.Toneev: Toward Thermodynamic Consistency of Quasiparticle Picture, Phys.Atomic Nuclei 66, 982, 2003 J.Cleymans, H.Oeschler, K.Redlich, S.Wheaton, PRC73, 034905, 2006.

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