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From frequencies to timetables: user-friendly improvements without expenses for the tramway system in Oradea Antal Gertheis

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Presentation on theme: "From frequencies to timetables: user-friendly improvements without expenses for the tramway system in Oradea Antal Gertheis"— Presentation transcript:

1 From frequencies to timetables: user-friendly improvements without expenses for the tramway system in Oradea Antal Gertheis

2 Independent research, planning and consultancy company Budapest, Hungary Sustainable urban mobility (& other urban issues) Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI)

3 Traditional tram system with room for improvement Limited financial resources Inexpensive, smart steps needed! Consultancy for OTL, Oradea

4 Source: Strategy of the Oradea Metropolitan Area Context and challenges

5 Strong role of trams Context and challenges

6 Supply: shift to bus Demand: decreasing Context and challenges

7 Efficient, concentrated network Good network coverage Context and challenges

8 Exposed to traffic disruptions and delays Infrastructural limitations Context and challenges

9 „Operator-oriented” timetables Lines not synchronised

10 Towards a solution 1.Tram network alternatives 2.Proposal for infrastructure developments 3.Timetable planning („step 0”)

11 Tram network alternatives 3 network alternatives Surveys needed to measure demand

12 Service planning model Service planning model to compare supply Excel based model, with OTL data

13 Service planning model Customizable lines, travel times, frequencies Output: supply volumes

14 Proposals for infrastructure development Timetable based developments Priority (separating tracks; traffic lights) Missing track connections

15 Timetable planning „Step 0”: improvements under given conditions

16 Simplified, interval-based frequencies (15, 20 min) Travel times adapted to time of the day 25 min 27 min Timetable planning

17 Synchronised frequencies of lines Shorter and stabler changing times Timetable planning

18 Trainings for dispatchers and drivers Testing live: 11 Oct 2014 On-site assistance whole day Live test

19 Drivers & dispatchers: generally positive Trade union: fear from changes PASSENGERS? Results

20 Implementation on weekends COMMUNICATION WITH PASSENGERS! Further development Future?

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