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By: Sugely Mendoza. Over the years domestic violence has become a more prevalent societal issue in the United States. It’s non-discriminatory and can.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Sugely Mendoza. Over the years domestic violence has become a more prevalent societal issue in the United States. It’s non-discriminatory and can."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Sugely Mendoza

2 Over the years domestic violence has become a more prevalent societal issue in the United States. It’s non-discriminatory and can happen to any gender, race, ethnic background, and socioeconomic status. One of the main concerns regarding domestic violence is underreporting. Underreporting of domestic violence is a concern that inhibits research from relating precise statistics and the issues that revolve around domestic violence in the United States, especially for Hispanic women.

3  Domestic violence affects 1 in every 4 women in the United States  “These barriers include: hope that the abuser will change or that the abuse will stop, embarrassment or shame, financial dependence on the abuser, fear of emotional and physical retaliation if they leave, lack of supportive relationships, hopelessness, and guilt – among many others”.  For Hispanic women other barriers such as: language barriers, threat of deportation, lack of knowledge about rights and immigration laws, and family also play and part in underreporting

4 Family is one of the biggest issues regarding underreporting for Hispanic women. ‘“Liliana Espondaburu, from Casa de Esperanza, states: “A Latina’s sense of responsibility, culture and love for her family ground her. Leaving her family, going to a shelter, and living without this support is overwhelmingly difficult and brings enormous loss. […] A Latina mother’s strong sense of responsibility for her children would probably cause her to choose not to enter such a shelter and separate her family. Services that the domestic violence system offers as resources may actually be, forLatinas, insurmountable barriers” (Latino Families and Domestic Violence 2003:35-36)”.  Immigration status  Partner often threatens them with deportation if they seek help  Even if services are available; access to them are limited because of status  Lack of legal knowledge VAWA

5  Cultural barriers  Familism – a strong attachment to immediate and extended family. Often found in Hispanic families  Keeping family together is a priority  Sense of loyalty  Machismo  Role that most Hispanic men play; means tough, aggressive, responsible  Women defined as being dominant, superior, and strong; opposed to a loving and nurturing person  Religion  Small number of women seek services at church, but a vast majority rely on God  About 90% of the Hispanic culture are catholic and belief that marriage happens only once  Some Hispanic women believe that their abuse is a challenge from God and they must accept that challenge

6 Policy recommendations include the need to conduct more multicultural research related to domestic violence within the Latino population (Acevedo 2000) and evaluate existent culturally appropriate programs & transnational research to understand different conceptions of domestic abuse and comprehend the distinctive methods that are used to intervene, treat and resolve these issues amongst different countries taking into account and a process to improve services relevant to traditional immigrant Latina women.

7  Acevedo, M. J. (2000). Battered immigrant Mexican women’s perspectives regarding abuse and help-seeking. Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 8(3/4), 243–282.  Barcaglioni, J. (2010, 08 31). Safe harbor. Retrieved from violence-in-the-hispanic-community/  Mejivar, C., & Salcido, O. (2002). Immigrant women and domestic violence common experiences in different countries. Gender & Society, 16(6), 898–920.Molina, O., Lawrence, Azhar-

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