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Special Education (and other duties as assigned) Alberto Alvarez.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Education (and other duties as assigned) Alberto Alvarez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Education (and other duties as assigned) Alberto Alvarez

2 1. Special Education Coverage IEPs, 504s, etc., General Ed. Teachers: Please plan to attend Know IEP well Accommodations, Performance levels, Goals Your input and expertise is desperately needed “Release” as quickly as parent agrees to IEP plan

3 1. Special Education (cont’d) Schedule Mondays and Wednesdays dedicated to IEPs/mtgs Who is my Sp. Ed. case-carrier? (2 wks.) Expectations: Any academics and/or behavior issues reported 1. case-carrier 2. me

4 AVID 2013-14 Site Team Plan approved Essentials 5, 6, 7, and 11 Focus: Essential 5 (Organizational Skills), Essential 6 (Reading and Writing to Learn), Essential 7 (Inquiry-based Instruction), and Essential 11 (Interdisciplinary Site Team)

5 AVID (cont’d) 3 Schoolwide Strategies FCN: note-taking should be evident in each class daily Socratic Seminars-at least monthly invite colleagues Philosophical Chairs- monthly? Also send invites More Collaborative Support on the way Late Start Wednesdays – more to come

6 Parent Involvement Monthly Parent Nights-Community of Lancers for Academics and Student Success (CLASS) 3 rd Thursday of each month. First mtg. Sept. 19, 2013. Parallel Translations-headsets Goal: Establish & sustain effective, open lines of communication with students’ home Partnership-Cerritos College Adult Education ESL: Navigating the educational system to support student achievement Classroom #422 One semester college-level class

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