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提高句子档次 并列补述常用并列连词 and, 后位补述常用分词短语作 状语, which 引出非限定性定语从句, 以及由 [with + 宾 语 + 宾语补足语 ] 等。 i. 并列补述 He bathed and had dinner, giving everyone the impression.

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Presentation on theme: "提高句子档次 并列补述常用并列连词 and, 后位补述常用分词短语作 状语, which 引出非限定性定语从句, 以及由 [with + 宾 语 + 宾语补足语 ] 等。 i. 并列补述 He bathed and had dinner, giving everyone the impression."— Presentation transcript:


2 提高句子档次 并列补述常用并列连词 and, 后位补述常用分词短语作 状语, which 引出非限定性定语从句, 以及由 [with + 宾 语 + 宾语补足语 ] 等。 i. 并列补述 He bathed and had dinner, giving everyone the impression that there was no danger at all. Satisfied with the result , He decided to go on wit h a new experiment. At 8 o'clock in the morning , we arrived at the 7l2 bus station , where we were warmly welcomed by the drivers and conductors.

3 With Tom staying together with us, we all felt relaxed and at ease. My brother was riding [with] me sitting on the seat [behind]. He died with his work still unfinished

4 倒装结构 Only in this way can we achieve a great success. On the other side, where the playground used to be, now stands another new building --- our library. Never before have I seen such a wonde rful film.

5 对比结构 Five years ago, only 13 percent of the families had private cars, but now the number has gone up to 38 percent. 17. In 1999, only 16 percent of the families could afford to buy houses, while now 35 percent of them have their own flats. 18. The number has changed from 11 percent in 1999 to 28 percent in 2005. In the year 2001, 40% of the people spent their holidays at home, while the number dropped to 9%. last year. The harder you work, the more progress you make. The more books we read, the more learned we become.

6 省略使文章简洁、紧凑 Now the poor houses have been replaced by green trees and the brickyard by tall buildings. They needed the wood for its walls and branches and leaves for its roof.

7 复合结构 We'll try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience. He left the boy standing by the counter. We should keep the classroom clean and tidy. I think it (un)necessary to talk face to face. 2) I find it helpful to study in groups. 3) He made him heard by raising her voice. 4. ) We found him sleeping in the class.

8 强调结构 it was not until recently that the problem was solved It was because he was ill that he didn’t come to school today.

9 感叹句 He is a clever and diligent boy . What a clever and diligent boy he is! How reasonable what the teacher said to the boy sounded!

10 由 what 等引导的从句,此处的 what 相当 于中文的 “ 所 ……” ,有很大的概括力. a. We had to stand there to catch the offender. b. What we had to do was (to) stand there trying to catch the offender. c. What China has achieved in recent years is known through the world. d. China is no longer what it used to be.

11 名词性从句 That the boy knows so many things surprise us. (主语从句) The fact that he is a thief is known to us all( 同 位语从句 ) We are surprised that the little boy knows so many things (宾语从句) It is where you left it. (表语从句) Much to our surprise, the little boy knows so many things.( 运用插入语或固定短语 )

12 It 句型 It is said that he is studying abroad. It seems/appears that he has heard of the bad news. It happened that I met with him in the street the other day. It is known to us all that It’s no wonder that It is true that we must make our greater efforts; otherwise we cannot catch up with the developed countries. It must be pointed out that It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work.

13 其它句式结构 There is no doubt that There is no denying that There is no doubt that It is no wonder that There is no denying the fact that the new management method has greatly increased the production

14 “No matter what / which / who / where / when / whose +从句,+主句 ” No matter what you do, you must do it well. Whatever you do, you must do it well. “ 无论你 做什么,一定要做好 ” No matter where you go, please let me know. Wherever you go, please let me know.“ 你无论 去哪儿,请通知我 ” No matter how difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it

15 提高句子档次的小结: 1. 用分词短语合并句子 用介词短语合并句子 用独立主格结构合并句子 用连接词连接句子 2. 用高级结构和词汇 3. 用定语从句、主语从句、强调句、倒装句 4. 用不同结构和词汇 …

16 书面表达高分策略 细读提示 写全要点 卷面干净 书写认真 层次分明 承上启下 亮点突出 首尾呼应

17 Once upon a time there was a farmer who worked hard in the fields every day. One day, while he was ploughing the field, he heard a bumping sound. He saw a rabbit lying by the trump. He picked it up and found that it was a rat rabbit. He thought to himself, “since it is so easy to get a rabbit like that, why should I work so hard all day long?” He threw his hoe away and lay by the tree every day, dreaming for more rabbits to come. When he finally realized his foolishness and returned to his field, he found that all his crops were dead. This story tells us that we should not wait for unexpected gains by chance and luck. Or, we should not hope to get rewards without hard work. who while bumpingsaw a rabbit lying picked it up threw his hoe away dreaming When

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