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Bridging the Gap… First people to the 13 colonies!

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Presentation on theme: "Bridging the Gap… First people to the 13 colonies!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridging the Gap… First people to the 13 colonies!

2 Stop- collaborate and listen OR Grab a packet to jot down info on.

3 The First People here 1. What do you know about the first people to live or inhabit North America? How long ago were they here? How did they get here? From where did they come?

4 First People Here People date back to 70,000 BC Beringia

5 BERINGIA Beringia is a region surrounding Russia as well as Alaska and the US. In historical contexts it also includes the Bering land bridge, an ancient land bridge roughly 1,000 miles wide (north to south) at its greatest extent, which connected Asia with North America at various times during the ice ages. This is how many of the first “Americans” got here. BY FOOT across this ginormous bridge. = the first Americans were ASIANS

6 Migration Routes:

7 The Natives 2. What type of native tribes existed here before US? Can you name any of the groups? How did they eat? How did they travel? How did they survive? What type of shelter did they have?

8 The Natives Eskimos, Plain Indians, Eastern Forest Indians, Longhouse Indians…. Lived in- Huts, Longhouses, Igloos, Wigwams Ate- hunters, gatherers Transportations- foot, animal, canoe Had specific cultural and religious practices

9 Native Adaptations to this new land Inuit, Alaska Built houses partly underground because of cold Used dogs to pull sleds across ice Developed large kayaks for hunting in ocean NW Coastal Indians Relied on salmon and seafood Hunted from canoes Found wood to build totems and other creations for profit Southwest Tribes Not enough rainfall, less resources… Adapted by digging roots, gathering seeds, and trapping animals Ate rabbit and crickets and lizards Great Plains Indians Hunted on foot, relied on buffalo for everything! Eastern Tribes Could not farm all year so they adapted by hunting and gathering

10 Explorers 3. Why did people explore? Can you list some reasons? What brought them here? Can you list some famous explorers? What do you know about them?

11 Explorers 1. Gain a better trade route 2. Missionary Spirit 3. Fames and Riches 4. Patriotism 5. Curiosity and Adventure When we say that Columbus “discovered” America, or that DeSoto “discovered” the Mississippi River, we should mean that they found it, not that they were the first to find it!

12 Effects on the Natives of our explorers… Had to learn to OWN vs. SHARE New diseases: plague, small pox Alcohol New foods New ways of providing- farming became limited as their land was taken away

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