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Mathematics is everywhere! We all do maths every day. We are always counting, estimating, weighing, shaping, measuring, timing and calculating. At home.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics is everywhere! We all do maths every day. We are always counting, estimating, weighing, shaping, measuring, timing and calculating. At home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics is everywhere! We all do maths every day. We are always counting, estimating, weighing, shaping, measuring, timing and calculating. At home On time Taking shape In play People Money At work

2 Helping at home! TALK about the maths your child has done at school PLAY games, especially using dice, cards or dominoes Let your child handle MONEY when shopping Encourage them to COOK with you!! Sing songs/rhymes and practise ‘tables’ when travelling in the car

3 Commercial games Snakes and Ladders Ludo Connect 4 Noughts and Crosses Junior Monopoly Frustration Guess Who? Mastermind Battleships Mankala Draughts / Backgammon Top Trumps Uno Darts / Snooker Bingo Pontoon / 7s Newmarket

4 LASCO Maths - annual Challenge event for Primary pupils and Secondary students Transum - provides a mathematics challenge for every day of the year Nrich - thousands of FREE mathematics enrichment materials for ages 5 to 19 years. The resources are designed to develop problem-solving and mathematical thinking skills. BBC Bitesize - useful summary of KS1/KS2 content with interactive activities [also has KS3/KS4 materials] Kangaroo Maths Be a Mathematician (BEAM) - Promoting the teaching and learning of mathematics as interesting, challenging and enjoyable Useful websites

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