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Towards an Asian CSO Response to the WSIS: Critical Engagement in the WSIS Process Bangkok >>> Tokyo >>> Geneva Key Issues & Strategic Agendas.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards an Asian CSO Response to the WSIS: Critical Engagement in the WSIS Process Bangkok >>> Tokyo >>> Geneva Key Issues & Strategic Agendas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards an Asian CSO Response to the WSIS: Critical Engagement in the WSIS Process Bangkok >>> Tokyo >>> Geneva Key Issues & Strategic Agendas

2 Context Framing an Asian response to the WSIS processes, esp. Tokyo meeting Asian Regional Conference: Bangkok, 13- 15 November 2002 Sponsored by Forum Asia (Thailand) with WACC & Bread for All Representatives of 34 organizations from 16 Asian countries

3 Key Issues 1. ACCESS: issue of the “digital/social divide” (North-South; within countries/ societies) Context of globalization, liberalization: what regulations and policies required to ensure national/global access and guarantee effective use of ICTs for all? What is needed to transform ICTs into a means of empowerment?

4 Key Issues 2. DEMOCRATIZATION OF MEDIA Asia in transition: pressures of globalization, liberalization; movements for democratization Measures to reinforce and sustain public media: independent, community-based Ensure accountability of private media

5 Key Issues 3. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Continuing reality of government censorship (& self-censorship under pressure) Concentration of media ownership > restricts diversity and accountability New cyberlaws in the name of “national security” or “dangerous content” threaten open nature of media

6 Key Issues 4. LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY Growth of the global cultural industry raises many questions Threats to diversity of content, symbols, and processes Measures needed to promote local Asian productions and protect indigenous expression and knowledge Question of IPR regimes

7 Key Issues 5. GENDER JUSTICE ICTs are not gender-neutral; Many barriers to women’s access and participation; Rooted in gender inequalities How a more democratic, inclusive, and neutrally-gendered Information Society be shaped? How can ICTs be used to empower women?

8 VISION Our vision of society, is one that is based on justice, equality and human rights. The right to communicate is fundamental to the strengthening of the political, economic, social, and cultural lives of our people. For us this vision is grounded in respect for diversity and plurality. It is a people-centered society and we envision our evolution into a truly communicative, just and peaceful society. The participation of civil society, especially from those communities who are excluded, marginalised and severely deprived, is critical in defining and building such a society.

9 PRINCIPLES Communication rights are fundamental to democracy and human development. The “information society” offers opportunities to strengthen, embed, and endorse these rights. Democratic, transparent and accountable governance is fundamental; the “information society” requires such governance, from the global to the local. Information and knowledge must be readily available for human development and not locked in private hands; this requires a strong and viable public domain.

10 PRINCIPLES Linguistic/cultural diversity, plurality and gender equity must be cornerstones of the “information society”. ICTs can bridge many gaps; they also offer new challenges. They are not an end, but only a possible means. Steps must be taken to ensure affordable access and effective use by all: policies, programs, regulations, public investment to serve human needs

11 PROPOSALS FOR ACTION Strengthen community Ensure access Enhance the creation of appropriate content Invigorate global governance Uphold human rights Extend the public domain Protect and promote cultural and linguistic diversity Ensure public investment in infrastructure

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