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StudentsAchieve – The Parent Portal. What is StudentsAchieve?  StudentsAchieve is the new gradebook used by all SE Cornerstone schools for Grade 1 –

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Presentation on theme: "StudentsAchieve – The Parent Portal. What is StudentsAchieve?  StudentsAchieve is the new gradebook used by all SE Cornerstone schools for Grade 1 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 StudentsAchieve – The Parent Portal

2 What is StudentsAchieve?  StudentsAchieve is the new gradebook used by all SE Cornerstone schools for Grade 1 – 9 student reporting  StudentsAchieve is designed specifically for outcome based reporting  The Parent Portal provides the parents, guardians, and students a window into the StudentsAchieve gradebook.

3 Why is Parent Access Important?  Parent Portal provides everyone – parents, guardians, students, teachers - with real-time web access to complete mark, course and assignment information.  Parent involvement is proven to be critical to the advancement of a student’s education. South East Cornerstone School Division encourages and values such involvement by parents and guardians.

4 What Will I See? The Parent Portal is a window into the teacher’s gradebook.  Attendance  Assignments – past, current, and future  Student marks –  for individual assessments  overall mark for each outcome  Coming attractions will include...  Samples of student work  Links to resources for learning

5 How Do I Get to the Parent Portal  Access Parent Portal through Home Logic  Access information for all of your children, Grades 1 – 12, though the single Home Logic account  Your school will provide you with registration information for Home Logic and can help if you have forgotten your password.

6 How Do I Get to Home Logic?  Direct link:  From the public website:

7 How Do I Get to Parent Portal from Home Logic?  Please note that the label name, and position of the link may be moved within this list.

8 What Will I See in the Parent Portal?  You’ll arrive at the Achievement Overview screen:

9 Parent Portal Main Sections Achievements Assessments Learning Objectives Legend

10 Achievements

11  Lists of all assessments – past, current, & upcoming. With dates.  Clicking on the name of an assessment brings up its details....

12 Assessment Details  FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS are used to check for student’s understanding and to provide feedback, for both student & teacher, to improve student learning. Will be coloured grey  SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS serve to evaluate student learning. Coloured green (Mastered & Attained), yellow (Beginning), red (Experiencing Difficulty), or white (Insufficient Evidence) One assessment may assess multiple outcomes

13 Learning Objectives  This screen lists all outcomes for all classes for as student, and the assessments, with marks, for all outcomes.  Formative assessments are in grey; Summative assessments are coloured.

14 Legend

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