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NCLB Monitoring Overview Part 2 - Documents. Objectives  To provide clearer understanding of the monitoring process  To provide further guidance regarding.

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Presentation on theme: "NCLB Monitoring Overview Part 2 - Documents. Objectives  To provide clearer understanding of the monitoring process  To provide further guidance regarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCLB Monitoring Overview Part 2 - Documents

2 Objectives  To provide clearer understanding of the monitoring process  To provide further guidance regarding the document section of desk monitoring

3 D1 – Lau Plan SAU’s Lau Plan The Lau plan should provide reference to:  Revision date of 2010 or later  Reference to a home-language survey  Reference to WIDA Advanced Placement Test or MODEL  Exit proficiency level of 6 on WIDA Assessment  Reference to an ESL 660 endorsed teacher  Design and implementation of student’s instructional plan

4 D2 - Consultation Consultation notes/minutes with non-public school officials if a non-public school accepts NCLB services?  Documentation of decisions made  Who attended the consultation meeting?  Copies of notes/minutes

5 D3 – Parent notifications Parent notification of their option to request that their child’s student directory information not be released to military recruiters or institutions of higher education without prior written consent.  How was this notice disseminated to parents?  Provide a copy of the notice  Notification should include post secondary schools  Title I high schools only

6 D4 – Professional Qualifications of Teachers Parent notification of their right to request the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher in Title IA schools.  How was this provided to parents?  Handbook  Letter with date and signature  Copy of the notification

7 D5 - HQT If a Title IA school has less than 100% Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT), provide a copy of an actual letter, signed on SAU letterhead sent to parents which notifies them if their child has been assigned or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher (or substitute teacher) who has not met the highly qualified teacher requirements.  Redacted teachers name  Explains student has been taught for 4+ consecutive weeks by a non- HQT teacher  Signed and dated letter on school letterhead

8 D6 – Staff Code of Conduct The written notice to all staff concerning Staff Code of Conduct covering procurement issues including conflict of interest, gratuities and violations. Describe how this was disseminated to staff. EDGAR 80.36 (b)(3)  A policy that defines a "Conflict of Interest" as it relates to purchasing and contracting as an employee & superintendent (Policy Code DJH)  The policy should also include disciplinary actions if conflict is not disclosed  Adoption date of policy  Distribution can be in a teacher handbook, provided a copy through payroll processing, or via staff mailboxes

9 D7 – Time & Effort: Semi-Annual Certification For staff paid in whole by a single funding stream with NCLB federal funds performing a single objective (i.e. Title 1A staff as well as the NCLB Coordinator, Class size reduction teachers, Title IIA stipends, Title III staff) the most recent copy of semi-annual certifications.  Either a single funding stream with a single cost objective or multiple funding streams with a single cost objective  Accounts for 100% of their time or 100% of their stipend time  If a person is doing a semi-annual for a Stipend, the certification should include the words "100% of the stipend time".  Time period not more than 6 months  Time and effort is signed and dated after the work has been performed

10 D8 – Time & Effort: Monthly PAR For all staff paid by multiple funding streams with any NCLB federal funds (i.e. Title IA staff as well as the NCLB Coordinator, Class Size Reduction teachers, Title IIA stipends, Title III staff), the most recent copy of monthly activity report(s). OMB Circular A-87(h)(4)  An after-the-fact distribution of the actual activities/objectives by funding steam  Account for the total activity (100% of time) for which each employee is compensated from all funding streams  Be prepared at least monthly and coincide with one or more pay periods, and  Be signed and dated by the employee after the end of the period  See additional information in NCLB Fiscal Monitoring Powerpoint

11 D9 – Identification for Services A copy of an actual letter/notice to parents/guardians, signed and on SAU letterhead, which informs them that their child has been selected for Title IA services in Targeted Assistance Schools.  Copy of the signed & dated letter  Letter informs parents their child has been identified for Title I services due to assessment results  Services provided to students included in the letter

12 D10 – SAU Parent Involvement Policy A copy of the SAU Parent Involvement Policy or exhibit. Describe how this was disseminated to parents.  Maine School Management KBF-E1 document sample  Activities documenting how the SAU implements the policy in order to meet the intent of the law  Does the document align with items included in Q6a, 6b, 6c?  How was the document disseminated to parents?

13 D11 – School Level Parent Involvement Policy A copy of the School Level Parent Involvement Policy or exhibit. Describe how this was disseminated to parents.  Maine School Management KBF-E2 document sample  Activities documenting how the school implements the policy in order to meet the intent of the law.  Does the document align with items included in Q6a, 6b, 6c?  How was the document disseminated to parents?  Can be a parent friendly brochure with reference to regulations.  Each school has a school specific policy/document.

14 D12 – Parent/School Compact Title IA School written Parent/School Compact. Describe how this was disseminated to parents.  Document should be school specific  Addresses school and parent responsibility to reach & support the student  How was this disseminated to parents?

15 D13 – Academic Progress Communications Academic progress communications to Title IA parents that demonstrate frequent reports are sent to inform them of their child’s academic progress. Describe how these are provided to parents.  Title IA specific progress report  Inform parent of child’s progress within the program

16 D14 – HQT Process & Procedures The SAU’s written document describing the process and procedures for the annual HQT review of teacher records and submission of HQT data to the Maine Educational Data Management System (MEDMS)  Process outlining who is the SAU HQT official  Where are the files stored?  When do “new hires” certify for HQT?  Who reviews teacher reassignments and HQT?  Who reports MEDMS data in the spring?

17 D15 – Non-HQT Teachers If 100% of the SAU’s teachers have not met the HQT requirement for the last two consecutive years, a copy of the SAU’s HQT Action Plan outlining the needs of the non- HQT teachers and how those needs will be met.  The SAU should submit the HQT “Action” plan

18 D16 – Staff Needs Assessment A summary of results of the staff needs assessment for professional development and hiring, as identified by the SAU and school staff.  Summary of needs assessment  Topics of professional development requested by staff

19 D17 – NCLB Report Cards Notice or document provided to parents regarding the posting, availability and general information about the NCLB Report Cards.  Notice should summarize the data contained in the NCLB Report Card  If the NCLB Report Cards are posted to district and school websites, provide the links which parents use to access the reports

20 D18 – McKinney-Vento Dispute Resolution process The SAU’s McKinney-Vento dispute resolution process.  A dispute resolution process for families and youth that clearly indicates:  Who?  What?  When?  How?

21 D19 – Financial: Grant Reimbursement A copy of the most recent reimbursement invoice and expenditure run from the SAU’s accounting system to support the reimbursement for Title IA and at least one other title – IIA, III, or VI.  Most recent reimbursement invoice submitted  A print out of that invoice from Federal Grant Reimbursement System  A print out of a detailed expense report or trial balance of those expenses to support the invoice (i.e. Names of employees, account codes, posting dates, materials and supplies purchased, vendor names etc.)  Both Title 1A and one other Title

22 D20 Financial System Expenditure Reports Financial system expenditure reports for the past fiscal year for Titles IA, IIA, III and VI. Summarize salary/benefit runs by Title by Staff and provide detail runs by Title for all other expenditures.  A detailed run of expenditures for the entire fiscal year being monitored. Details should include employee names, account codes, vendor name, posting dates, etc.  Any charge put on a credit card or purchase order should be followed by the back up receipts of actual purchases.  Purchases for food whether for travel or parent engagement should be accompanied by travel requests, invitations, agenda, registration, etc.

23 For more specific questions Jackie Godbout Title IA Program Consultant 624-6712 Janette Kirk Title IA Program Director 624-6707 Meghan Southworth Title IIA Coordinator 624-6723 Nancy Lamontagne Title IA Management Analyst 624-6822 Nancy Mullins Director ESL/Bilingual Programs 624-6788 Charlene Tucker Director of Assessment and Accountability 624-6827

24 For more specific questions David Fisk Title IC Migrant Education Program Director 624-6722 Chelsey Fortin-Trimble Title VI Program Director 624-6815 Jacinda Goodwin McKinney-Vento State Coordinator 624-6637 Travis Doughty Federal Grants Coordinator/21 st Century/SIG 624-6709

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