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Demonstration project (extended) ended in December 2008. 96 children continued to receive Title IV-E guardianship subsidies at the time of demonstration.

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2 Demonstration project (extended) ended in December 2008. 96 children continued to receive Title IV-E guardianship subsidies at the time of demonstration project ended. (December 2008). These children are grandfathered into the current Guardianship Assistance Program.

3 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Special needs criteria All children referred (including siblings) had to be Title IV-E eligible and receiving Title IV-E foster care payment Random selection 2:1 ratio control group: experimental group CURRENT PROJECT Eliminated special needs criteria Primary child meets Title IV-E criteria, siblings can assume Title IV-E eligibility under primary child. No control groups, all eligible children are referred.

4 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Subsidy Limited to cash payment Re-negotiation not allowed No post-guardianship services Prospective guardians Initial background checks acceptable Licensed provider at time of guardianship finalization CURRENT GAP Subsidy Cash payment Nonrecurring costs Educational stability requirement Referral to post-guardianship services Prospective guardians Requires updated background checks Provider must be fully licensed 6 months prior to guardianship finalization

5 Policy Manual Admin. Rules Changes to reflect current federal language (pending) Form revisions/modifications Subsidy agreement Guardianship agreement Amend Title IV-E Plan

6 Medicaid State Medicaid statute requires an amendment Tribal Contracts Negotiations in process regarding changes from demonstration project to new GAP program

7 Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services – Child and Family Services Division ( Sarah Corbally – Program Bureau Chief Jackie Stoeckel – Foster Care Program Manager

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