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A GENDA 1. Kenya ICT Board – An Introduction 2. An Industry View 3. Challenges of PWDs In Accessing ICT 4. Role of Kenya ICT Board 5. Opportunities in.

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Presentation on theme: "A GENDA 1. Kenya ICT Board – An Introduction 2. An Industry View 3. Challenges of PWDs In Accessing ICT 4. Role of Kenya ICT Board 5. Opportunities in."— Presentation transcript:


2 A GENDA 1. Kenya ICT Board – An Introduction 2. An Industry View 3. Challenges of PWDs In Accessing ICT 4. Role of Kenya ICT Board 5. Opportunities in ICT for sustainability E- ACCESSIBILITY WORKSHOP FOR PWDs

3 B ILL GATES E- ACCESSIBILITY WORKSHOP FOR PWDs “Accessible technology eliminates barriers for people with disabilities and enables individuals to optimize their abilities and unlock their potential.”

4 K ENYA ICT BOARD – A BACKGROUND The Kenya ICT Board is a state corporation established through Legal Notice Number 26 of 2nd March 2007, with the mandate of performing the following functions: Promoting both locally and internationally, the opportunities for investments in ICT technology; Facilitating and managing ICT industrial incubation parks and technology parks, together with associated facilities on sites, estates and land; Advising the government on all relevant matters relating to the development, coordination and promotion of ICT industries in the country; Partnering with agents within and outside the country to carry out such functions as it may consider necessary; Transforming and empowering society through the deployment and use of ICTs; Implementing any other activity to promote and develop ICT products and services.


6 AN INDUSTRY VIEW W HAT IS A CCESSIBLE T ECHNOLOGY ? Accessible technology is computer technology which enables individuals to adjust a computer to meet their visual, hearing, dexterity, cognitive, and speech needs. Accessible technology ecosystem encompasses three elements: 1. Accessibility options built into products such as options that change font size and color, magnifiers, etc. 2. Assistive technology products which are specialist hardware and software products such as a screen reader or alternate input devices, e.g. sip & puff systems, etc. 3. Interoperability between assistive technology products, the operating system, and software programs is critical for the assistive technology product to function properly

7 1. A N I NDUSTRY VIEW 1. A N I NDUSTRY VIEW G LOBAL I NCREASE IN ICT U SAGE 900 million PC users 1.6+ billion internet users 1.4 billion land lines 1.5 billion TV sets 4 billion mobile phones 2+ billion text messaging users

8 A N INDUSTRY VIEW W HAT IS AT S TAKE ? 10% of World Population lives with life-long disabilities Vision, hearing, mobility, cognitive 16% - including temporary & age related impairments Disability is a key driver of poverty Disability has a major impact on opportunities: Education Employment Social Cultural

9 AN INDUSTRY VIEW C USTOMERS D EFINED Traditional Disability Blindness Deafness or Hard of Hearing Mobility Language & Speech Learning Temporary Condition Repetitive Stress Injury Eye Fatigue Injury or Surgery Environmental Factors Noise & Lighting Customer Preference Simpler User Interface Color Adjustment Font Size Input Device Mouse vs. Stylus Keyboard vs. Speech

10 C HALLENGES OF PWD S I N A CCESSING ICT Low education levels Absence of assistive technology to help even educated PWDs Absence of clear intervention strategies by GOVT Local disability leadership and other stakeholders to save situation Majority PWDs live in rural and remote parts of the country not covered by available ICT infrastructure Different designs of ICT tools not adaptable for use by PWDs

11 R OLE OF K ENYA ICT B OARD Champion cross sectors coordination among agencies and Local Authorities/County in encouraging the ICT for PWD employment opportunities other than traditionally assigned bottom of pyramid jobs like telephone operators Ensuring improvement of availability and accessibility of ICT infrastructure and facilities to reach PWDs – Facilities for PWDs subsidized especially schools – subsidized bandwidth Organize capacity building for PWDs in local and remote areas – inclusion of special category for Grants (TANDAA) Encourage contribution and support from Public Private Partnerships (PPP) initiatives:- Donation of Computers and other ICT Devices: voice command computer applications, intelligent wheelchairs, aesthetic hearing aids, Screen readers, screen magnifiers, accessible keyboards, mice, touch screens for computing devices

12 R OLE ( CONT ) Facilitate Gov/Public sector to implement service improvements that will ensure public access to ICT solutions are useable by PWDs Promote use of Assistive Technology through spearheading awareness of available services/products and their benefits by providing demonstration and special training with emphasis on rural reach Facilitate Govt /Public sector (for Local authorities/County, GOK, Parastatals, Govt Agencies, Institutions) to develop websites and mobile content that is accessible to PWD – Promote development of skills by Web/Content designers to create PWDs sensitive websites Provision of industry education guidelines and facilitate provision of internationally recognized certification of ICT skill training - Centre of Excellence and collaboration with reputable international institutions for certification Support Institutions of Higher learning with ICT infrastructure subsidy accessible to students to promote use of ICT in collaboration with KENET

13 O PPORTUNITIES IN ICT FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD BY PWD E Commerce opportunities Tech-preneurship Social participation Self education/skilling Equal opportunities initiative participation Advocacy Networking


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