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Windows NT Chapter 13 Key Terms By Bill Ward NT Versions NT Workstation n A desktop PC that both accesses a network and works as a stand alone PC NT.

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2 Windows NT Chapter 13 Key Terms By Bill Ward

3 NT Versions NT Workstation n A desktop PC that both accesses a network and works as a stand alone PC NT Server n A computer that contains data, software, and security validation files that are shared simultaneously by workstations on the network.

4 Network Administrator n The network administrator controls network access. The administrator creates and tracks: –User accounts. –User profiles - information about the authorized users. –User groups n The administrator can modify a user profile or group profile to control the types of changes a user can make to his or her environment, including the ability to install or configure software and hardware.

5 Administrator account n Account that grants the administrator rights and permissions to all hardware and software resources, such as the right to add, delete, or change accounts and to change hardware configurations.

6 API (Application Program Interface) n An application program interface is a method that one program calls another program to perform a task. n Most operating environments such as MS- Windows n Most operating environments such as MS- Windows provide an API so that programmers can write applications consistent with the operating environment

7 Domain n Windows NT domain is a group of networked computers that share a centralized directory database of user account information and security.

8 PDC n Every domain has a primary domain controller (PDC), which stores and controls a database of user accounts, group accounts and computer accounts. The data base is called the directory database or the security accounts manager (SAM) database.

9 BDC n One or more read-only backup copies of the directory database can be kept on other computers. Each computer with a backup of the directory database is called a backup domain controller. n The backup domain controller can become the primary domain controller if a problem occurs.

10 Event Viewer n The event viewer tracks events as they are performed by the applications, the OS, services, or processes and by user actions. n One of the most important uses of the Event Viewer is to view the failed event log. Information can be found in this log to help resolve the problem. n Can be accessed by clicking Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, and clicking Event Viewer.

11 HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) n Windows NT modular approach allows different platforms or hardware configurations, including different CPU technologies. –Windows NT can isolate parts of the OS from other parts in a modular fashion. The part of the OS that interacts with the hardware is the HAL. –HAL is the only part of the OS that has to change when platforms change.

12 HCL (Hardware compatibility list) n A list of all computers and peripheral devices that have been tested and are officially supported by Windows NT

13 Registry n There are two ways look at the registry organization: –Logical - looks like a tree with five branches, called keys or subtrees. –Physical - the registry is stored in five files called hives. n HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE n HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG n HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT n HKEY_USERS n HKEY_CURRENT_USER

14 Registry Logical Organized Physical Organized

15 NTHQ (NT Hardware Qualifier) n A utility found on the NT installation CD that examines your system to determine if all hardware present qualifies for NT.

16 WOW (Win 16 on Win 32) n n The Virtual Machine (a.k.a WOW, or Windows on Windows), is a Win16 subsystem that runs under Windows NT, which allows 16-bit applications to run as if they were being executed on a DOS machine, with that machine's and segmented memory model

17 That’s all folks.

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