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Warm Up Your homework should be on your desk. Work silently. Write a quality procedure and list materials to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Should.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Your homework should be on your desk. Work silently. Write a quality procedure and list materials to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Your homework should be on your desk. Work silently. Write a quality procedure and list materials to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Should have at least 3 materials and at least 5 steps.

2 Take 1

3 2. Ask a question Scientific Method 1. Make an observation 3. Gather Background Information 4. Make a Hypothesis 5. Test the Hypothesis (Experiment) 6. Analyze Data 7. Draw Conclusions 8. Reflect

4 Continue describing and writing ‘quality’ hypotheses about demos… It’s Demo Time! Chicken Liver… I noticed that when you put chicken liver into hydrogen peroxide… Observation? So I asked “what will be the effect of adding heat to the mixture?”

5 Procedure 1.Measure 75 mL of hydrogen peroxide using a graduated cylinder. 2. Pour the hydrogen peroxide into the Erlenmeyer flask. 3. Use the tongs to place a piece of chicken liver in the hydrogen peroxide. 4. Light a wooden stick and then blow it out. 5. Place the wooden stick into the Erlenmeyer flask. 6. Clean up!

6 Hypothesis Take a min to write your own Remember, a quality hypothesis does not have to be right!

7 Finish 7 + 8 May discuss with group

8 Section: Notes Name: _____________________ Date: ______________________ Period: _____________________ Words Ms. H’s definitions My definitions Time for vocab! divide your paper into three sections 1.Experiment 2.Materials 3.Procedure

9 “My definitions” section Write the definition in your own words Draw a picture Write an example Write a sample problem Use it in a sentence Give synonyms and antonyms Any other way you can think of to REMEMBER the word

10 Chemistry The study of matter and its changes

11 Scientific method A set of steps used to ask questions and get answers about the real world

12 Objective Something a person wants to accomplish

13 Hypothesis An educated guess to your question

14 Observation A fact gathered and collected using your five senses and tools

15 Inference an interpretation of your observations

16 Testable Doable Measureable Recognizable Understandable

17 Experiment: a test you do to answer a question

18 Materials: the things you need to test your hypothesis.

19 Procedure: the instructions you need to follow to test your hypothesis.

20 Criteria What we use to evaluate the quality of something

21 Volume How much space something takes up

22 Graduated cylinder Measures volume precisely Measures in milliliters (mL) Read from the bottom of the meniscus

23 Beaker Less precise than a graduated cylinder Holds liquid Measures in mL

24 Erlenmeyer flask Small opening Good for mixing chemicals Measures in mL Less precise than a graduated cylinder

25 Add at least one other vocab word we used this week that you think was important We will continue to add to our unit 1 vocab next week You can put vocab at the back of your binder

26 Homework Complete vocab sheet if not finished Short mini vocab quiz on Monday Enjoy your weekend Congratulations on your first week as chemists

27 Daily Quiz Work silently We will check it when time is called

28 Daily Quiz Answers Give a point for each answer that is in a complete sentence. Top Ten: how’d we do? Prizes!!!

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