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 Answer on your warm up/exit ticket sheet:  Would the U.S. be better off if government prohibited all immigration and world trade?

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Presentation on theme: " Answer on your warm up/exit ticket sheet:  Would the U.S. be better off if government prohibited all immigration and world trade?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Answer on your warm up/exit ticket sheet:  Would the U.S. be better off if government prohibited all immigration and world trade?


3 China

4  Ming Dynasty controlled China for almost 300 years (1368 – 1644)  Focused on agriculture; limited trade  Built up strong military  Practiced Confucianism  From teachings of Chinese philosopher Confucius.  System of moral, social, political, & philosophical thought.

5  Revolts erupted & Manchu seized control in 1644  Qing Dynasty (“Ching”)  Still limited trade  Respected Chinese culture  Carried over gov’t structure & split gov’t positions equally  BUT, remained separate ethnic identity  Banned marriage between Manchu & Chinese  Tried to outlaw foot binding






11 Foot Binding Video Clip

12 CHINA: NOTES ABOUT TRADE  Portuguese reached China in 1514 & made a poor impression  Europeans viewed as ignorant, dirty, & lacking manners; goods viewed as inferior  Had little to offer in exchange for China’s silk, porcelain, & cotton  China demanded gold or silver

13 CHINA: NOTES ABOUT TRADE  Eventually, Qing opened to trade with Europeans, but under strict conditions  All trade supervised by officials  At end of trading seasons, Europeans had to leave


15  In groups, one member will be designated to be the emperor and the remainder of the group will be divided into two factions during the Ming Dynasty – one representing court officials who favor continued trade with the outside world and the other representing court officials who wish to end that trade.  Each faction should present arguments in support of its position to the emperor. After hearing the arguments, the emperor must decide on a course of action regarding international trade and report his or her decision to the class.  Use pages 111-113 for additional background info on the Ming Dynasty.

16  Answer on your warm up/exit ticket sheet:  How would isolation impact a country’s cultural diversity?

17  Answer on your warm up/exit ticket sheet:  What comes to mind when you think of a “samurai”?

18  As you read, take active notes. Be sure to include any bolded names or terms.  Be sure to answer:  How was Japan’s feudal system structured? How would this help them fend off foreign invaders?  Elaborate on Japan’s relations with the West. Why did they eventually adopt a policy of isolation?  How did foreign influences both help and hurt Korea? Why did they eventually adopt a policy of isolation?  Be ready to share your responses at 9:45!


20 JAPAN: NOTES ABOUT GOVERNMENT  Tokugawa Shoguns took control in 1603  Strict feudal structure RULING WARRIOR CLASS Emperor (figurehead) Shogun (top military rulers) Daimyo (powerful warlords) Ruling Warrior Class Peasants (farmers) Artisans (made armor & swords) Merchants

21  Open to trade at first… BUT…  Saw neighboring countries invaded & taken over  Disliked European influence; Christians persecuted  Eventually banned all foreign trade and travel  Continued policy of isolationism for more than 200 years  Strong military system – able to fend off invasion


23  Choson Dynasty took control in 1392 & formed gov’t based on Confucianism  1500s – invaded by Japan twice  ; receives help from Ming China  1600s – invaded by China

24  Preferred isolation & becomes known as the “hermit kingdom”  Excluded all foreigners except Chinese & a few Japanese.

25  Think, Ink, Share:  Why do you think the Tokugawa shoguns thought Christian missionaries were a threat?  Do you think it was wise for the shoguns to maintain a policy of isolation?  What is your opinion of the class system imposed during the Tokugawa Shogunate?

26  Answer on your warm up/exit ticket sheet?  How did foreign influences both help and hurt countries in East Asia?  How were countries like China & Japan able to maintain policies of isolation for hundreds of years?

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